An undivided moment of calm caught and held. Breaths fused. Promises issued without voice, and hands began to roam.

It was a slow perusal. The finger he trailed along the neckline of her tank top sought out her collarbone beneath. She traced the taut sinews in his neck and the lines of his whiskered jaw. He stroked the rise of her breast, and she raked her hands through his soft blond hair.

Every touch was a sacrament, every caress a solicitation for more. Through it all, they held an impenetrable stare, eating each other with their eyes, wanting, panting, the need in their bodies growing voracious.

Sliding her palms beneath his shirt and up his torso, she adored the twitching of chest muscles and the heart that beat within. He stripped off her top, and his arms folded around her back, drawing her in close and walking his fingers up and down her spine.

Her entire being shook, mourning the months they missed together and aching to release the tension that had built up during the painful separation.

He pulled his head back to regard her, his chin lifted and eyes drawn to her lips. She couldn’t formulate a thought beyond her desire for this man and the one closing in around her back.

Ricky’s hands slid over her, exploring her flesh where it greeted the satin of her bra. Then he and Martin touched her together, their movements unhurried yet earnest. The skimming of knuckles, the scrape of trimmed nails, the glide of warm palms—every stroke removed a piece of her clothing and sent shimmers of pleasure between her legs.

When she was finally nude, all the heat inside her had knotted into a bundle, her chest barely coping with the heave of her breaths. Her thighs trembled, and her skin burned and shivered. If they didn’t kiss her soon, her nerve endings were going to tear themselves apart.

How the floor beneath her feet vanished, she didn’t know. One moment she was standing between them, and the next she was on the bed, face down on Ricky’s chest with Martin bent over her back.

As Martin angled his face over her shoulder, she held her breath, ready for his kiss. But he bypassed her and slammed his mouth against Ricky’s.

Masculine tongues rolled together, the tips of their lips barely touching as they licked and grunted and rocked their hips with hers between.

They were a union of testosterone and passion housed in muscle and bone. Watching them kiss was a privilege. Witnessing the love they shared in their eye contact was a precious honor, and they were giving her this intentionally, wickedly teasing her and making her wait.

Their kissing was explosive yet intimate as they stared into each other’s eyes and murmured indiscernible words. Then those eyes turned to her.

Ricky grabbed her first, his tongue plunging past her lips. She was already gone, spinning with lust, and overcome by the protective feeling of them surrounding her. Broad frames, flexing legs, grinding hips, rock-hard strength… They wore their hunger in the tense lines of their perfect bodies.

Ricky took her mouth possessively, expertly as Martin licked a tingling path across her shoulder and along her neck, stripping her of all self-control.

Her nerve endings responded to his tongue, and her body answered his devotion with a rush of wet heat between her legs.

With a hand in her hair, Martin tore her mouth away from Ricky’s and joined it with his own. The deep intensity of his kiss detonated into a throbbing fire.

His fingers turned bruising, his lips punishing as he claimed her, destroyed her, and put her back together. He was so wild and consuming she had to tilt her head away to gulp down some air.

Then the heat of his body left her back. His hands grasped her knees, positioning them on either side of Ricky’s hips and forcing her ass upward.

With her chest pressed to Ricky’s, she swiveled her neck, bringing her gaze to Martin’s vibrant green eyes.

There was no warning in his expression before he slammed a hand against her bare backside. The impact drove a yelp from her throat and sweltering sting through her buttocks.

She stared down at Ricky, shocked, wheezing, and insanely turned on.

“So fucking hot.” His brown eyes pulsed around dilated pupils.

“Does he spank you like this?”

“Not enough.”

Martin struck her again. And again. And again. His searing blows landed on every inch of her quivering, red-hot flesh, from her hips to the backs of her thighs.

Then his mouth was there, licking the hurt and blowing tender breaths on the fire he’d ignited.

His lips moved lower, deeper, invading her soaked pussy and teasing her anus. He kissed her thoroughly while Ricky took her mouth, their tongues curling and laving her at both ends.

She whimpered against the stimulation, wobbling on boneless legs as she tried to maintain her straddled position over Ricky.