"Oh my God, I'm so glad I ran into you," she says and there's a little bit of red lipstick on her teeth.

"Isn't everyone?" I tease walking backwards.

She laughs and swats my arm. "I see you still have that whole cocky attitude going."

I drop the act. "So you're back in town?"

"Yeah, but only for a few weeks. Can we chat up after you play? There's something I really need to talk to you about. Something huge actually."

"How'd you know I was playing?"

She points a finger at the table. "I just saw you sign up."

"Alright, I'll catch up with you later." I wave good-bye, wondering what she could possibly want.


Damn Micha. He's killing me with his touches and longing gazes and now he's going to sing. I've always had a soft spot for his voice. We'd sit on his bed and he'd strum his guitar while I sketched. Those were some of the perfect moments in my life.

"Ella, what's the matter with you?" Lila asks with an accusation. "You look a little flushed."

I sip my latte and realign the holder in the center of the table, so I can't see my reflection in the stainless steel. "It's just a little hot in here. That's all."

"Yeah, sure it is." She won't stop looking at me, like she's trying to crack open my head.

As Micha steps onto the stage not too far from our table, my heart starts to chant unspeakable words.

Sitting on a stool with his guitar on his lap he puts his lips up to the microphone, nibbling on his lip ring. "This one's called 'What No One Ever Sees'."

He strums a chord with his eyes locked on me,

"I see it in your beautiful eyes, like a spot on the sun.

The things you want to hide, buried deep inside you.

Blinded by your light.

It almost hurts to look at, almost hurts to breathe.

Never can you look at the things no one ever sees

Shaded by your light.

Please take me inside you, please take me in.

Never will I whisper, never will I give in.

Even when I'm dying, your heart will always win.

Shielded to the sightless, isolated from the naive.

Breaking you in pieces, that can only ever grieve.

Veiled by your light.

Passionate for the world, yet overlooked by most.

Your soul flickers in you, desperate to shine for the world

But blinded by your darkness.

Please take me inside you, please take me in.

Never will I whisper, never will I give in.

Even when I'm dying, your heart will always win."

With one lasting note, he ends the song. The crowd applauds and my eyes dart away from his penetrating gaze, and to the door. I want to run away like the room is on fire.

"Holy crap," Lila breathes, fanning herself. "You were right. That was HOT."

"I can play the drums." Ethan taps his fingers on the table, and makes drum noises. "And I'm pretty good."

"Don't let him fool ya." Renee sips her coffee and a smirk curls at her lips. "He can play the drums on Rock Band and that's it."

Ethan shoots Renee a dirty look. "Would you quit it? It's not funny anymore."

Lila looks at me for an explanation.

"This is how they are," I explain with a heavy sigh. "They fight like cats and dogs."

Lila props her elbows onto the table and rests her chin on her hands. "El, doesn't your brother play drums?"

"Yeah, Dean did," I say. "A little bit, anyway."

"Now Dean's hot," Renee remarks, aiming to get under my skin.

Micha collects his guitar and clears the stage for the next singer, a girl with pink dreads who looks like she has a grudge against the world. A tall girl with long legs meets Micha at the corner of the stage. Her wavy black hair flows down her back, her grey eyes are striking, and her smile is bright. Her name is Naomi and she's the daughter of the owner of the coffeehouse, who Micha played with a few times.

She says something to Micha and he laughs. A flicker of envy burns in me, but I suppress it quickly. She leads him off the stage and Micha's hand roams toward her back. He flashes me one last glance, before he ducks behind stage. I can't read him at all and that frightens me more than when I can.

Lila drinks her soy latte and peeks at me over the brim of her cup. "I don't care what you say. That boy is in love with you."

I stay silent, tearing up a napkin until it's shaped like a heart. "He might be, but not the kind of love you're talking about."

"So, Ella," Ethan interrupts and I swear he does it intentionally. If he did, I'm thankful for it. "How's the city life?"

"Stupendous." I ruffle up the napkin and toss it into the empty scone basket.

"That doesn't sound very convincing." Ethan drapes an arm on the back of Lila's chair and places his foot on his knee. "Don't you like it there?"

I force myself to cheer up and sit up straight. "Actually, it's pretty nice. There's a lot to do and the school is great."

"You're acting weird." Ethan eyes me, rubbing his chin. "Something's got you all wound up."

"I'm completely okay," I say in denial. "Although, the excessive questions are a bit much."

Lila peers over at me as she licks froth from her lips. "He's right. You look upset or something." She feels my forehead. "You're not getting sick, are you?"

Micha returns to the table and the coffeehouse has cleared out a bit. He grabs a vacant chair, pulls it up to the table, turning it backwards, and then sits down in it.

"So what are we up to for the rest of the night?" Ethan asks while Micha checks his messages on his phone.

"I got to take this pretty lady over here to get her car fixed by you." Micha nods his head at Lila.

Ethan looks pleased. "Wow, I'm honored to be the one to fix it."

Micha slides his phone into his pocket. "We have to swing by Ella's house and pick it up, so meet us at the shop in like a half-an-hour."

"Absolutely." Ethan waves the waitress over to give us the check.

"What do you think?" Micha asks me. "Does it sound like a plan?"

I shrug, distracted by where he went with that girl. "Yeah, sure."

Everyone takes their coffee's to-go and we head for the door. I leave mine behind, along with something else, but I'm not sure what.

Perhaps a piece of my new identity.


Micha and I don't speak the entire drive home. It freaks Lila out a little and I worry that the more time she spends here with me, the less time she's going to want to spend with me on campus. When we pull into the driveway that routes the side of my house, there is a painful reminder of another reason I didn't want to come back waiting for me near the garage.