Page 9 of A Taboo Desire


"Glad you decided to come, Sally," Steve says, and like the hormonal mess that I am, I feel flattered. Enough to ignore the little voice of reason that reminds me why I should loathe him. He uses women like disposable goods, right? Right. Who cares? That's Cathy's voice. Your stepbrother! Hot! That's Cathy too. In the seconds it takes the Goddess to stand face to face with me, Steve hand slides up to my naked skin and my breathing picks up when I feel the same hand make its decent down.

"Aren't you..." the Goddess says, fake smiling and then halting as her eyes go down to Steve's crotch. That thing must be clearly visible but the bitch doesn't look like she is going to bring up the state the guy she is dating is in. She pretends to be thinking who I just might be—a reminder I'm not in her league. No one will hesitate when it comes to her.

"The daughter of Belle Trisky," I say, smiling back just as pleasantly. I don't offer my hand and neither does she. Steve's hand slides under my dress, and part of me wishes I wasn't wearing panties. The Goddess looks at Steve, a perfectly arched eyebrow raised.

"Steve," I hear myself say, as if listening to an utter stranger, "why don't you show me the bedroom." I didn't really say that, did I? I did. Instinct, not reason. Shameless. Not pride. Perfect delivery.Not a hint of a tremble in my voice. Back straight and chin up, I offer the Goddess a challenging look. She looks like she might explode.

Blinking hard and fast, she stares at me, not believing she’s heard right. She needs seconds to come up with a reply. In a bitch-fight, that’s ages. Too long. The terrace has grown silent except for the music that comes streaming through the open doors.

"Yes, I really should," Steve says. America’s most desirable bachelor.Suddenly the stars seem too bright—that much brighter—and I can't stop the smile that spreads when I realize how far out this all is.

"You... you…" the Goddess says. She’s never looked this ugly, with her brow pulled down in an ugly frown. There are no tears, though; just hurt pride. I guess Steve MacCarty is as much a vanity project to her as she is to him. Oh, I snagged America's most desirable bachelor. Yes, that is something she could brag about. I got dumped in full view of friends and strangers by America's most desirable bachelor. Nay. Doesn't have quite the same ring to it, does it?

"Pig?" I offer helpfully, disintegrating pride talking when I allow Steve to squeeze my ass, juices flowing freely.Andrew laughs, and some of the other guests join in. That's enough to break the silence. Like we are entertainment, some whisper in each other’s ears. I don't have to guess what they are talking about.

"Pig!" the Goddess says. Part of me wishes I could walk out like her. That would be reasonable. Instinct is making me stay.

"I've been called worse," Steve says coolly.

"I'm certain you have," I say, painfully aware his hand is still on my damn ass, squeezing my flesh like I'm his property. Worse still, I like it. "So how about showing me that bedroom?" I say and swallow hard. I really didn't just say that, did I? I did. He looks at me like I'm a member of a different species, and just when I feel my cheeks can burn any worse, he takes my hand and leads me away. God have mercy.

"There is a lot you don't know about me," Steve says, leading me past guests who give us inquiring looks. He ignores them. So do I.

"Like?"I say. My heart thunders when two large red doors appear in view.

"That I sleep naked," Steve says. I can't help but draw my breath at the thought of it. Naked beside him. Nipples tingling and clit throbbing, I bite my lip. The large red doors open automatically and he leads me inside. Someone should step in and rescue me.

"How about you?"Steve says. He turns abruptly and I can sense, not hear, the doors close behind me as ambient lights turn on.

"What?" I say, pulling myself away from the thought of him naked and against me, the envy of every woman on the planet. Oh wait, they aren't going to be his stepsister. I am.

"Naked? Or maybe just panties?" he says, turning me around and against him. He is rock hard and my body responds without hesitation.

"Aren't you bothered that we will be stepsiblings soon?" I say. Smokescreen. I shiver when he slides a hand down and under my dress once again. Unexpectedly he steps back and lifts my chin up. My throat is dry when I want to talk. His eyes pierce mine.

"You'll be mine long before that happens," he says, with that maddening confidence that takes my breath away. Before I can reply, his lips descend. They feel strong and my lips respond before I have a say in it: parting just enough for our tongues to meet—all my repressed needs breaking through. It is a long kiss. Greedy.Neither of us holding back. When we come up for air, I'm panting, and before I can object he undoes the tie holding my dress over my shoulders.

"Wait!" I say, but it is already too late. My dress flutters to the ground and I'm left more naked than dressed. Without losing time, Steve cups my left breast and I moan when his strong lips find my stiff nipple, pleasure shooting through me when he lightly bites down on the flesh. Pressing my thighs together, I submit to his tongue. God!

His face is feral, not human, when he looks up from between my legs. We both know what will happen next, and we both know I want it.

We kiss again, and this time I push myself against him hard, welcoming his thumbs as they hook under my panties.

His eyes never leave mine as he unbuckles, his pants sliding down his legs in the same way my dress slid down my body not that long ago. Looking down, I see his manhood. Blood engorged, he is even bigger than he felt. Too big. A large broad head crowns a long shaft of hard meat that makes my pussy throb.

"Oh God," I cry under my breath when I feel the broad tip press against my private lips. "Wait!" I say, and I'm surprised he does. Confused, not certain what I want to say, words well up that I didn't expect but should have seen coming, "Take me!" Simple.Efficient.Instinct. Pushing hard, he parts my pussy to the point of bursting, pleasure rippling through me. I cry out when the tip slides in, followed by hard inches of more cock than I ever dreamed possible. All of it finds its way deep inside me. Every inch.

Leaning over me, Steve keeps my legs spread wide and kisses me hard. Too hard, but I like it and kiss back just as hard. Lifting my hips up, I welcome the last few inches until he has lodged himself deep inside me, his heavy balls slapping against my skin.

"I'll marry you, Sally Trisky," he says, the taste of his mouth still lingering in mine. My heart stops, reboots, and starts racing. "You know that, right?"

I do, I want to say, but I can't. I'm speechless.

Our tongues never leave each other while he drills me in a steady and fast rhythm that leaves me panting and sighing. Bucking my hips up, I meet each of his thrusts. "I can't believe how big you feel inside of me," I cry, tears wetting my cheeks in the same way that my pussy wets his cock as he nails me. Not lovingly but primitively. Like an animal.

"But—" I object. Speechless.

"What? The wedding is in two weeks, and I plan to marry you in the morning."

Not understanding, feeling dizzy, I just stare at him. Steve MacCarty and his handsome face, and the twinkle in his blue eyes that leaves me breathless. I recall one interview where he vowed to never marry, and here he is—proposing. Me. Naked me. Well, not counting a pair of red high heels. Surrounded by mirrors that show our reflection.

"Fuck me, Steve MacCarty," I cry. I’ve never said that to anyone. "Fuck me as hard as you can!" I mean it. Someone has to quench the fire between my legs, and my whole being wants him to do it.

"Will you marry me, Sally Trisky?"

"Yes, I will," I say hoarsely. Smiling like an idiot, not knowing if I'm coming or going, I surrender to instinct.

His fingers find mine and he feels like an overpowering presence above me, his hard cock laying my spasming pussy to waste. "Urgh," I grunt, the universe exploding in front of my eyes. At the height of my orgasm, I hear the words I want to hear as his seed floods my womb. "I love you, Sally."