He sat down on the sofa and rubbed his face. This was all one big clusterfuck. The plan had been to take her and contact her piece of shit fiancé to trade her for what he wanted. Instead, the bastard had to play hardball and try to just take her back by force. Now, he was stuck babysitting her here alone until they could get the prick to do what they needed. He reached for his phone that he’d left on the counter when he’d come in and called Olcan.

“What’s the craic?” Olcan said from the other end.

“I was going to ask you the same thing,” Fergus replied.

“He ain’t playing. You want us to pull him in, rearrange his gob?”

“No. If we do that, we’ll lose the girls. I’m going to send him something, see if it helps get him in gear.”


“Dick pics,” Fergus said, ending the call.

He loaded up the pics from last night and found the number he’d been contacting Doyle on. He kept the message short, sweet, and right to the point.

“Lovely little ginger landing strip your girl’s got. Give me what I’ve asked for or the next pic you see of it will be of me pumping it full of grade-A Irish meat.”

That got a response. Only seconds later, a message popped up from Doyle.

“You motherfucking Mick bastard. I’m going to kill you.”

Fergus lowered the phone and took a picture of his dick.

“I’m getting hard for her right now,” he typed, attaching the photo, and hitting send.

There was no response for a moment, but after a few minutes, he got another message.

“I need to see that she’s alive and well.”

Fergus took the phone over to her door and unlocked it. He found her sobbing at the corner of the bed, still looking terrified. He flipped the phone over to video and turned the time and date stamp on.

“Tell your fiancé that you’re still alive.”

She said nothing, just continued sobbing.

“Do it!” he roared at her.

“I’m alive, Ciaron. Please come get me,” she said weakly, breaking down into tears again. Fergus stomped over to her and held the phone out to capture his dick hanging near her cheek and then clicked the camera off. He loaded up the clip and sent it before leaving the room again.

“You’re a dead man, McNally. You and your whole family are worm food,” came the response.

“Touch my family and I’ll do a lot more than just fuck your girl. You won’t recognize her in her casket. Names, locations. 24 hours,” Fergus sent him back.

He called Olcan again.

“I gave him an ultimatum. We get the names and locations of our people in 24 hours or I fuck his girl, then fuck her up.”

“Think he’ll come through?”

“I don’t know but keep your guard up. Make sure everyone knows we have a target on our heads.”

“What happens in twenty-four hours if he doesn’t give us what we’ve asked for? You gonna take out his lass?”

“No. This isn’t her fault. If I can’t get our people back, there is no use sparing him any pain. We’re going to haul him up and work him over, see if we can get what we want that way. I thought we could do this without starting an all-out war between families, but if he wants to play it that way, then we’ll just have to dance with him.”

“One more thing. I had to put Conor down. The auld fella ordered it.”

“Conor? He’s just a kid. What’d you put him down for?”

“He was on the dust and got in debt to Doyle. He’s the one that gave up our location at the warehouse.”

“Fuck me. I’d have never thought that of him.”

“I know. I hated it, but just needed done.”

“Does he know about the cabin? Where I’ve taken her?”

“I don’t think so. I don’t know why he would. It’s always been just a family place, not tied to the clan.”

“Aye. All right. Talk to you soon.”


Fergus hung up and went upstairs to relock the patio doors, this time taking a hammer to nail a board across them so it wasn’t so easy to get them open quietly.CHAPTER EIGHTEENEimear

Eimear was still trying to wrap her mind around what she had seen. Fergus was a bear. She had watched him change from a bear to a man right in front of her eyes. Some vague recollection reminded her that he had told her he was a bear, but she had thought it was just a figure of speech. What she had seen was impossible.

Then, there was just now. He was still so angry and taking videos of her crying and shoving his dick in her face. She realized that she really had no idea what this man or whatever he was might be capable of or what he might do to her. How frightened she had been when they had first taken her was nothing compared to the fear she felt now. She cowered against the bed as she heard him coming in the door again. This time, he had at least gotten dressed.