I dared not look to see if his cock was getting hard. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to resist if it was. His cock was so beautiful that I just wanted it. It was a desire beyond all reason.

When no one was looking, I snuck off to the bathroom. Locking the door and turning on the tap to drown out my moans, I yanked down my panties and rubbed my poor, aching pussy, using many of the techniques I was learning in my training course.

Biting my lip to keep myself from screaming, I slipped a finger inside my tight pussy and worked my sensitive little clit, remembering when Logan had fucked me. Taking both my pussy and ass virginity on the same night.

Though that wasn't quite how it happened. He had fucked me, yes, but I had basically begged him to. He didn't take my virginity as much as I had given it to him.

I came hard, covering my hand with my mouth to keep from screaming. It honestly surprised me how vocal I could get when I came. I'd never really touched myself before I'd met Logan. He just made me so horny it was the only way for me to get release.

How I was going to get though the rest of the party with him so close by, I had no idea. I wondered if it was early enough for me to go home. I didn't want to hurt Kristen by leaving early, but it wasn’t really that early. I had been here for a long time by now, and others had already started to go.

I slipped back out of the bathroom into the hall, taking a deep, cleansing breath and tried to center myself, considering another drink. I didn't usually like to numb myself with alcohol but I was willing to make an exception. I wondered if the Hippie girl had any of those pastels with her.


I looked up and saw Logan leaning against the wall roguishly. My first instinct was to punch him in the face. On principle as much as anything. It simply wasn't fair that one guy should get to be so sexy. My strike would be a blow for justice.

My second impulse was to jump his bones and fuck him until I screamed. That might have caused a bit of a sensation, but I wasn't really thinking about that at the time.

"What?" I asked, playing the innocent.

"Do you think it might be karma?" he asked.

"What might be?"

"That I might be being punished for something awful I did in a former life. You think I might have been Jack the Ripper or something?"

"Why would you think that?" I asked, actually curious.

"Because wherever I go, there you are."

"It is really so bad?" I asked, not able to keep from being hurt.

"Depends on your perspective. In someways no. It really isn't so bad. In other ways, it’s like a sledgehammer to the balls every time I see you."

"A-are you hard?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of my common sense.

"Yes," he whispered, getting right up next to my ear, putting his hand on his bulge to prove he wasn't lying.

"How soon can the limo get here?" I asked, feeling a mixture of raw lust and embarrassment at how much I was showing it.

"He's here now," Logan said, taking my hand from his cock and putting it in his.

I let him lead me out of Kristen's apartment and then out into the night. I would text her and tell her happy birthday but that something came up.

I sure wouldn’t tell her how literally I meant it.Chapter Thirteen - LoganSarah piloted the huge car expertly down the dark narrow road. That was part of why I had hired her to be my night driver. That and her discretion when it came to particular issues of morality.

She didn't judge, just did as I asked and with great aplomb and efficiency. I was sitting in the back with Kora. We had managed to stay to our own sides of the long back seat for most of the ride but when we got to the last stretch, known locally as the tree cathedral, something snapped and we couldn't keep our hands off each other.

We stroked and squeezed and kissed, doing everything it was possible to do to each other with our clothes staying intact. Her tits were a particular target of mine, Kora's hand remaining firmly on my hard cock, giving me gentle squeezes through my suit pants.

"Looks like it's true," she said.

"What?" I asked.

"We just can't seem to help meeting up and fucking," she said.

"Nope," I agreed.

The limo pulled up to the bottom of the huge, marble steps. We kept right on kissing and groping as we made our way to them, Sarah driving on to the garage. We paused momentarily for Kora to take off her shoes, before launching herself back at me, jamming her tongue into my mouth.