Life is rarely even that wonderful and the fates had already given me so many gifts. It was selfish to want more, let alone expect it.

"Okay, yeah, I guess you’re right," I said, "our curiosity is satisfied. It might just be best to end things here and part as friends."

"Yeah, friends," Kora said, thought there was something in her voice that contradicted what she was saying.

Not that she secretly hated me. I had heard that enough times over my life to be able to tell the difference. Especially from women. The slight strain in Kora's voice at that moment implied that she would have liked to be more than friends.

Kora went to the door and left, closing it behind her. A few minutes later she came back, looking a little sheepish.

"I-I can't find my way out. This place is a fucking maze."

"You would also have a long walk back to the main road," I pointed out.

"Yeah," Kora said, not seeming to have thought of that.

"I'll show you to the door and call the night chauffeur to drive you home."

"You don't have to."

"I like to take care of my friends," I said, walking past her and out into the hall.

I took Kora back into the living room and found her shoes near where we had been sitting.

"I-I can't - "

Without a word, I took the shoes back and got down on my knees, slipping on one shoe and then the other, gently lifting each foot by the ankle.

"There," I said, straightening up.

"Thanks," she said, not able to look at me.

I reached out to stroke her cheek.

She knocked my hand away.

"No, please."

"Sorry," I said.

I pulled out my cellphone and asked Sarah to bring the white limo around.

"Right," I said, "putting the phone away."

"Nice knowing ya," Kora said, her heart not really in it.

"Yeah," I said, not meaning it at all.

At least not in the context that she meant.

I opened the front door for her and watched as she went down the stairs, seeming unsure. My conscience got the better of me and I went down to help.

Kora did not object and I helped her down the stairs, the limo arriving just as we got to the bottom. Sarah got out and opened the back door. I helped Kora into the back seat, laying her out on the soft leather. Sarah closed the door.

"Is she -"

"She's fine," I said, "just a bit tired. Look after her, okay? Take her right home, up to her door. I mean right up to her door. Don't leave her until she is inside, you get me?"

"Yes sir," Sarah said.

I gave Sarah a hundred dollar bill.

"For your trouble," I said.

Sarah tried to protest but I would have none of it. Then she thanked me.

After that, Sarah got into the driver's side and started the limo. I watched the taillights until they disappeared into the darkness, confused as fuck about how such a great time could have turned so sour so quickly and without warning.Chapter Twelve - KoraI had heard about fugue states before but had never experienced one. There were few things like a grocery store to bring it out. Especially the produce section.

I was trying to pick out the prefect honeydew melon. A mission that, aside from my tryst with Logan, ranked as the most excitement I'd had in months.

"I think you have to smell them."

I turned to see Megan standing beside me. I knew Megan from the spa. She worked as a relief masseuse, a job description which always made me smile.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yup," she said, taking the melon and showing me how.

"I thought that was just cantaloupes," I said.

"Nope. I think they might be related. Anyway, this one is good," Megan said, handing me back the honeydew.

"Thanks," I said, putting it into my basket.

"Hey, you know Kristen Parker, right?" Megan asked.

"Yeah," is all I said, not wanting to go into the complexities of it all.

"I thought so! I'm throwing a surprise party for her birthday tomorrow at her place. You should come."

"How are you getting in?"

"Oh, her brother has a key," Megan said.

"Logan is going to be there?" I asked, my heart sinking.

"Of course! He is her brother, after all."

"Right, of course," I said, trying to save what dignity I had left.

That really wasn't much, after letting Logan take my anal virginity. I couldn't walk straight for a week. Friends had told me about being fucked sideways but I always thought it either referred to the actual position or was meant metaphorically.

I wasn't ashamed that I had let him. I had felt great and I had gotten rid of both of my cherries at once, which had been my goal for a long time now. But what upset me was how much I had loved it and wanted him to do it again.

I hadn’t been ready for that level of desired attachment on my behalf. I had felt dumb for making myself so vulnerable for someone who didn’t want to be in a relationship with me.