Was it possible that he had changed over the years?

I was a bit suspicious, once bitten and all that, but still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Listen, I have to get going. I have an early shift at work tomorrow,” I suddenly announced, sick of trying to figure this whole thing out, and just wanting the peace and quiet of my own bedroom. “Thanks for inviting me, Kristen. It was nice to meet you, everyone.”

“Hey, you can’t leave without giving me your number,” Logan protested.

I looked at him, considering.

And then I made a decision on impulse, because I didn’t want to regret not doing it.

“I should know better than to do this. But here is my number."

I pulled out a receipt from my purse from a gas station— for gum and a brush, since I had been in a hurry to get here, which was a little embarrassing, but oh well— and scribbled my number down on it. I always carried a pen, just in case. Another habit I picked up from my dear old dad, who was nerdy like that.

"Thanks," he said, seeming surprised.

And I was still surprised at myself too.

Ripping off a piece of the receipt and gesturing to borrow my pen, he wrote out his own number and gave me the tiny paper. Telling myself it was no big deal, when really I knew it was, I folded it and put it in my purse before heading out.

I didn't really have the money for an Uber but I had drank far too much wine to be able to drive home and the bus hours were awful. They wouldn’t get me home for at least an hour, and I was in a hurry to jump under my bedspread and analyze tonight’s events. That was my idea of a fun Friday night.

"Sixth and Pike," I said, as I got in the back of the car that came to pick me up.

My Uber ride pulled away from the curb and I sat back on the faux-leather seat, trying to stop my head from swimming. It wasn't just the alcohol making me dizzy. I pinched myself experimentally. Still awake.

I had really just walked into a dinner party and seen both Kristen and Logan for the first time in years. And it hadn't even gone horribly. Take that, Murphy's Law!

I reached into my pocket and took out his number. After a moment's hesitation to tell that little voice in my head to shut the fuck up, I took out my phone to enter his number into it.

Then I saw that he had already texted me.Did you have to run off for late-night knife-throwing practice?Smiling, I texted back, That was fast!Couldn’t resist.Careful, or you’ll look desperate.I could look like a lot of worse descriptors than that. Where are you?In an Uber. You?Back of a limo.Really?Yeah.Fancy.I guess.I forgot, you're rich, right?Now, yeah, it was my family that was rich before the trust fund kicked in.Living on the diamond studded razor's edge.Exactly.Shit.What?Did your dad die?My grandpa. I went from a millionaire to a billionaire overnight.Serious?As a firing squad.Wow, that is serious. Sorry.About being a billionaire?No, about your grandpa.Right, thanks.Was it penny stocks?Heart attack.No, I meant the billions that you got out of nowhere.Sailing tours and selling sailboats. He owned the company; now I get his shares.Oh, good, much less evil.We like to think so.Is your seat real leather?Oh yes.Lucky. Mine’s not.It's okay. A bit slippery though.Poor baby.And sticky.Sticky?Yeah.I'd never noticed.Only when I'm not wearing pants.I see. Does that come up often?Not so much anymore.They have pills for that, you know.Oh, that's not really a problem.So I noticed. ;PYou saw that, huh?Hard to miss. Was that from me?Of course.One should never assume.Sorry.Don't be."Sixth and Pike," the driver announced from the front seat.

I turned off my phone and got out of the cab.Chapter Six - LoganThe limo dropped me off at my door, its driver going to park in the lot before heading to his quarters. That's what he did every night when he dropped me off. I had the surveillance footage to prove it.

I knew it was paranoid but at least I knew it. It was the people who had no idea that they were paranoid who tended to get into trouble.

I got through the door quickly, closing it with my heel, unzipping my pants before it had clicked shut, releasing my my huge, aching cock. I had been hard since I saw Kora at the table.

There was something about her that just made me want her, even when she wasn't there. The thought of her was enough.

I went over to the leather couch, taking my pants all the way off as I went, my cock standing rigid, sticking out of the fly of my $85 boxer shorts. I lay out on the couch, not having to care who was around to see. One of the few perks of living alone.