“Hey, Marnie.”

Marnie was the nurse I was closest to on the job. Most of the nurses were able to bond with each other. There were a few bad apples in the bunch, but for the most part, I enjoyed spending time with my coworkers. Marnie was the most fun. We had very different lifestyles, but we just clicked with one another. It was her dress that I was wearing yesterday.

“You have to tell me about last night. Was the dress a massive hit?” She got all close to me, so she could whisper. There was no one to hear us, but Marnie lived for the drama, so it was par on course for her.

“It probably won’t be that exciting to you.”

It may have felt like the craziest night for me, but Marnie was always getting into all kinds of adventures. I doubted a night where I ran into an ex and then got called home early to pick up my kid was anything special to her.

“Reagan, I need to hear about what happened at the BDSM club. You rarely go out, and every inch of your skin is covered if you can help it. You gotta tell me the shenanigans you got up to in that little black dress you had on.”

I laughed because Marnie was a riot. She always knew how to make anything exciting. Usually, I was standing here, talking about a night in with my kid, and she would act like I was describing the wildest night of her dreams.

“Yeah, okay. I can tell you what happened. But, trust me, you’re not going to find any of this worthwhile.”

“Let me be the judge of that.”

“Well, the club was really nice. Way better than any of the ones we already have in Aspen. Someone actually came up to me and started flirting.”

“Ooo, was he cute?”

I shook my head. “He wasn’t bad looking, but he ended up being a total jerk.” I didn’t even want to think about that guy. He was a flash in the pan, and I could simply move on. “But I actually ended up running into my ex. Weirdly enough, he is the one who owns the club.”

“No way! What happened? What did you guys say to one another?”

“We actually didn’t say much.” I blushed because of the implication. Marnie audibly gasped as if I just told her state secrets.

“Reagan, you naughty girl! And you told me this wasn’t exciting stuff. So, you guys fucked in the club?”

“You could put it like that way…”

I still couldn’t believe that happened. Of course, the first thing we did upon reuniting was have angry, passionate sex. I wouldn’t expect anything less from Aiden.

“Was he good?”

“Marnie!” I gasped.

Talking about this kind of stuff at work always made me nervous, but it was a good kind of nervous.

“Wait, which ex is this? It can’t be someone you’ve dated since we’ve met, none of those guys had the money to open a club like that. And we met a while ago.”

I met Marnie back in college. So, we’d known one another for some years. I’d seen a few people while the two of us were friends, but none of them lasted. And Marnie was right, none of them had the capital to open a club like Aiden.

Her eyes lit up. “Wait a second. Was it—”

My phone rang and cut her off. I picked it up and saw it was a phone call from my son’s school.

“I’m sorry. I have to take this.” I swiped the screen and put it up to my ear. “Hello?”

“Miss White. We need you to come pick up your son, Bobby. He’s been suspended for the rest of the day.”

“Um, of course. I’ll be right there. Thank you.” I didn’t even need to hear the reason why. They would tell me when I got there, but I already had an inkling as to what happened. My guess was that it was another fight. “I have to go, Marnie. It’s Bobby.”

“Yeah, of course. Go get your son. We can talk about your crazy night later. I always have time for you.”

“Thanks. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

I said goodbye to my friend before going to grab my bag from the locker room. Bobby’s school wasn’t too far away. I got lucky with my work placement. It was smack dab between Bobby’s school and our home. Now, if only I was as lucky with my son.Chapter Seven - ReaganI got to the school in about ten minutes and ran into the office. Bobby was sitting in one of those little chairs, his head down. The sad part about all of this was he always seemed to feel genuinely bad about what he has done. I knew deep down he was a good kid, but something was just not working right now for him.