Apparently Logan's grandpa had been an avid sailor outside of his business and had a dock built on the land behind his house, which I hadn't realized until then, because Logan and I had always been otherwise engaged while we were here, to put it politely.

It overlooked the large lake, which also went to explaining why the house was built where it was. The view was gorgeous as Logan carried me down to the dock towards his boat.

Had Logan told me he had a boat, I would have pictured some sort of rowboat or something. What I saw down on the water, secured to the dock by ropes, was not that. It was a massive, overwhelming three master schooner, the type of which I had only ever seen before in scale models and story books.

“Wow,” I said as we approached.

“It was a college graduation present from grandpa. He let me moor it here and use it when I was home on visits. Now that I live here, I get to use it a whole lot more.”

“It's beautiful.”


Stepping gingerly down from the gangplank onto the deck, he set me down.

“You might want to hold onto something. It can get a bit rough.” he said.

“Okay,” I said.

I did as I was told, grabbing hold of the nearest solid object. I still don't know what it was called. Then Logan went and single-handedly set the sails, moving with smooth, confident certainty that only comes with years of practice.

“It should be okay now,” he said, coming back to me.

“Okay,” I said releasing my grip.

Logan took me by the hand and led me right up to the edge of the deck. We held onto the guard rail and looked out over the vast water, sparkling bluish-green in the afternoon sun. I could understand why he loved sailing so much. It was beautiful and gave a real sense of freedom.

Out on the open water, away from the expectations and pressures of civilization. In the darker times during my childhood, I had often thought about getting away. Not just from my house but from the whole world. Sailing was the first time I had a sense of what that would be like.

“I know,” he said, putting his arms around my waist and kissing me on the cheek.

“Why are you psychic?”

“I just recognize the look,” he said.

“What look?”


I put my arm around his neck and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

“What's that for?”

“For showing me,” I said.

“I have to admit, I had a bit of an agenda when I brought you down here.”

“And what might that be?”

He got down on one knee and I braced myself, expecting him to bury his face in my pussy, which I could already feel was dripping wet for him. Instead he took out a small black box with a hinged lid.

“Kora Molly Evans. I love you more than anyone and -”

“Yes!” I blurted, trying not to cry.

“Really?” he asked, looking surprised. “You’ll marry me? Will you marry me?”

“Yes! Yes!” I repeated, unable to stop.

Logan took me firmly around my waist and kissed me hard, as the tears were starting to flow down my cheeks.

“Hey,” he said softly, wiping away my tears.

“Happy tears, I promise,” I said between sobs, “it's just such a -”

“Relief,” he said.

I lay my head on his shoulder, never wanting him to let me go. He did, of course, but only to slide the ring onto my finger and get out his phone.

“Do you want to tell Kristen or should I?”

“I thought you couldn't get reception when sailing.”

“Oh, not where we were. We were way out on the open ocean. This is different. You should still be able to connect.”

“She's your sister,” I said.

“She'll be yours, too, soon enough.”

I'd never even thought of that part of it. Not only had Kristen and I finally reconciled after years of mistakes and misunderstandings, but we were also about to be family, of a sort. She was already the baby's aunt by blood and now she was going to be my sister, at least by law, too!

“And all of us can go on a trip soon,” he said. “That client my dad and I met with? He liked our plan and we’re expanding. The business is doing well.”

“Great to hear,” I told him, excited about that part of our happy future, but not as much as I was about the wedding.

I dialed quickly, nearly shaking with excitement. It was a while before Kristen picked up. I remembered that it was rush hour for the rest of the world and Kristen didn't use her phone while she was driving.


“Hey, sis,” I almost sang.


“That's right.”

“Why are you on Logan's phone?”

“I also happen to be on Logan's boat,” I nearly bragged.

“Wow, what did he do, propose?”


“No. I was kidding!”


“Oh, my God!”

“I know, right?”

“We really are -”