"Of course you are," Kristen said casually.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You always were something of a nudist. Remember when you talked me into going to the 'clothing optional' beach and-"

"And we were the only ones taking that option!"

It was nice to be able to laugh together again. I hadn't really had a close friend since falling out with Kristen in high school. Sort of like I had never met a guy I had liked as much as Logan.

Like it or not, the Parker siblings seemed to have a strong hold over me.

I started to wonder if befriending Kristen again could get me into trouble, as it would surly lead to Logan. But I told myself that Logan was sure to have been married long ago, so that wouldn't be a factor like it had been before.

Right? I asked myself, my heart pounding and my pussy still dripping wet at the thought of him.

Right, I tried to convince myself.

He wouldn’t be around for me to hate him. Or love him. Or whatever my heart and mind decided to feel at the time, if he was around, which he wouldn’t be.

For sure.


"Sure, I'll come," I said, deciding to leave the question unanswered in my mind and focus on the pressing issue.

Kristen and I had the chance to reunite as friends. I couldn’t let Logan come in between us again. No wonder she had warned me against him and no wonder she was jealous.

I couldn’t even hear from her without becoming obsessed with him.

My high school fling.

My lifetime love.

The guy I was definitely not going to see, just because his sister wanted to rekindle our friendship.Chapter Three - LoganKristen's place hadn't changed much in the past few years. I knew some people who redecorated every few years, but not my little sister. Her motto seemed to be that good enough was just that.

It was something I kind of admired about her. She didn't usually sweat the small stuff. Even the bigger stuff, she tended to take in her stride.

The door was unlocked when I arrived, so I went right on in. Kristen walked into the foyer just then, likely alerted by the sound of the door closing as I came in. She looked beautiful in a pitch black, low-cut, floor length Elizabethan style dress that made her look even more pre-Raphaelite than usual.

"Hey, bro! Or do you prefer 'my lord'? Should I courtesy?"

"Best not in that dress; I might see something I can't unsee."

"What," she asked, putting her hands over her boobs, "you've never seen big, beautiful bosoms before?"

"Well, yeah, of course, but not yours, and besides which, I'm just here to talk money and helping you set up for your party. Not to get an incestuous peep show."

"How does it feel to be super rich?"

"About the same as it did to be regular rich. I'm planning to work just as hard," I said.

"There's that Sottish feudal spirit! I hope being full owner of the sailing company makes you happy. I know grandad wasn't the easiest person to get along with."

"Yeah, just ask dad," I said.

"I know, right? To disown him like that and then try to discredit him in public. Just because he had a different idea of where the company should be going. Terrible."

"Though hopefully not genetic," I said.

"Right," she agreed.

"And to show it, I’ve decided that I’m giving you a bigger share of the company."

That seemed to catch her off guard, as there were no snappy remarks being immediately forthcoming.

"I-if you're screwing with me -"

"Not at all. You've put in as much work as I did and so I didn’t really think it was fair that it all be left to me."

She launched at me like a catapult, taking me in for what we used to call an 'attack hug.'

"Whoa, careful now, you’re getting a bit big for attack hugs, dumpling."

"Why do you call me that, again?" Whiney asked, raising her head from my chest, which was about where she reached on me.

"I can't really remember. You needed me for something else, right? Aside from witty repartee and my generous handing out of money?" I asked.

"Yes, I also need your famous strength," she said.


"I need you to put the center leaf in my kitchen table. For a get-together I’m having."

"Didn't you once backpack across Europe by yourself?" I asked.

"Please. I don't want to wreck my dress. I would have done the leaf first, but I was running late getting home from work and this dress takes the better part of an hour to get into. Especially because most of it involves sucking my gut in and squeezing myself into it, inch by inch."

"We had plenty of time for me to do that the last few days while going over grandpa's estate," I said, suddenly a bit suspicious about the timing of all of this.