I was still a bit unsteady on the heels, being more used to sneakers, but I made it work with only the occasional wobble when I first put them on. I felt rock steady by the time I got down the street and started towards the address Logan had given me.

I still couldn't quite believe it was happening. After all these years, we were basically going out on a date. Something we had never really done at the time. Not officially. Not exclusively, anyway.

I didn't know for sure that Logan was single at this point, but I was pretty sure he was. If he wasn’t, Kristen would have known about it and wouldn't have tried to set us up in that clever way. I really had to hand it to her. While she may have been a bit misguided, her heart was in the right place.

When I reached Calista’s, I saw that somehow Logan had gotten here first. For all I knew, he had called from the back of his limo on his way to the quite nice wine bar which just so happened to be a few blocks from my house. Or maybe he just had his driver run all the red lights.

Either way, there he sat, in a suit that didn't look the least bit disheveled. I couldn't see the label so I couldn't quite tell if it was also a Ralph Lauren. For all I knew, he had a closet full of identical, black Ralph Lauren suits, lined up like soldiers, waiting to do their duty of making him look both classy and sexy at the same time. I saw him at what I assumed to be his usual table, looking at the menu, apparently having sobered up considerably.

Taking a breath of courage, I strode over to him, doing my best to walk straight and also to ignore the sudden warmth and tingling in my pussy.

"Anything look good?" I asked, approaching the table.

"Aside from you?" Logan asked, looking me up and down.

"Oh, stop it," I said, blushing.

It wasn't an act. I actually felt my cheeks get warm.

"I speak nothing but the truth," he said, "I don't think I've ever seen you in a dress before. Unless you had to dress up for a band or choir performance at school."

"You don't look so bad yourself," I said, siting down across from him. It hadn’t escaped me that he had admitted to paying attention to what I wore at band concerts. "I don't think I’ve seen you in a suit before either. Very nice."

"I do my best," he said, "my dad recommended the tailor, who is well known for taking high class suits and making them bespoke. But I had actually never heard of him until about a year ago. Like you said, I was more likely to wear khakis than to couture but here we are."

"Both looking sexy," I said.

"I can only speak for my impression but definitely," he said, his eyes wandering down to my breasts.

"I haven't really been to a wine bar before," I said, "not even this one that’s so close to my house. What do you suggest?"

"I was thinking of the ice wine."

"Isn't that expensive?"

"Oh yes, and worth every dime. You'll know what I mean when you taste it," he said.

"I assume we're not going Dutch," I said, teasing.

"Oh no, I'm buying," he confirmed.

"How traditional."

"I asked you out. And made you get dressed up and leave your place on a moment’s notice to boot. It's only fair," Logan said with a shrug.

"And you have buckets of money," I added.

"Well, yes, but I wasn't going to mention that."

"How noble of you," I said, feeling a bit of a sting I couldn’t quite place. "There was a time I could have done it."

"Become a billionaire?"

"Well, no, maybe not a billionaire, but I was voted most likely to succeed and had so many friends it was just silly. I could have done anything. Or at least felt like I could. Now I'm working at a spa for not much more than minimum wage. Watching life pass me by from behind a desk, barely making enough money to scrape by. I guess it's true what they say. High school isn't real life."

"Too true. I've heard the same argument about college too and I think I know what you mean. I was considered a hotshot jock. Girls falling over me. Guys wanting to be me. At least when they weren't trying to kick my ass, I assumed out of envy. But really, what did I have? A pretty face, nice hair and money given to me by my grandpa. Basically everything I have is because of the family I happened to be born into. I didn't really earn any of it and a lot of it I got by pretending to be someone I'm not. Or at least living up to someone else's standards."