“Your family is Irish, right?” I asked.


“Same thing,” I said.

“Not really, but continue,” he said, audibly sipping from something.

“I was just wondering if it was true about alcohol tolerance being inherited,” I said, laying down on my bed, feet still on the floor.

“Oh, probably. I think so. At least partly,” he said.

“How many sheets?” I asked.


“To the wind,” I clarified.

“Oh, at least five,” he said, “maybe four and a half. It is a bit hard to tell at this point, to be honest.”




“Always,” he said.

“Where are your hands right now?” I asked, slipping my own down my belly towards the waistband of my panties.

“Why?” Logan asked.

“Just curious,” I said, gently touching myself through my panties.

“One on the glass, one on the phone. Why, where are yours?”

“That would be telling,” I teased.

“I think I can guess,” he said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Is it somewhere warm, soft and lovely?” he asked.

“Warmer,” I said, slipping my hand inside my panties.

“I’m not surprised,” he said, unintentionally making me giggle.

“Thickish?” he asked, making me laugh again.

“Apparently,” I said when I had calmed down.

I got back to gently stroking my warm pussy, finding it hard to focus while in the middle of laughing.

“Feel good?” he asked, actually seeming to care.

“Fuck yeah,” I blurted out, saying what I felt.

“Fingers in or out?” he asked.

“Guess,” I gasped.

“Out?” he asked.

“Good guess,” I said, moaning.

“Working your clit?” he asked.

“Why are you, psychic?” I asked, confused, but not enough to stop what I was doing to my aching lower regions.

"I'm not, just experienced and observant," he said, not sounding arrogant at all.

"Well spotted," I gasped, rotating my finger quickly on my clit in a clockwise motion.

"I am a man of few talents, but those that there are, I have in spades," he said.

I would have said something clever, a witty barb to put Dorothy Parker to shame, but I was a bit too busy having a body shaking orgasm. I panted hard, desperately trying to regain my equilibrium.

There was just something about his voice that drove me absolutely insane. I had heard that while men were mostly visual, for women, it was largely based on sound. Particularly a man's voice. I could see what they meant.

"You done?" he asked, when I stopping panting.

"Yep," I said, breathlessly.

"Feel good?" he asked.

"Very good," I said, returning to myself.

"Excellent. Listen, I know this is customarily done prior to orgasm, but would you like to go for a drink with me?"

Of all the unexpected things that had happened that day, this definitely won the prize for the most unexpected of them all. My breath caught, sounding something like a gasp. I hoped he hadn't noticed.

I really didn't know what to make of that. The whole situation was just so odd. My brain, the logical part of it anyway, was screaming at me to say no. To tell him to fuck off and that I would see him in hell. Just because it was logical didn't mean it was nice, though. There were other chemical reactions going on up there. Like the ones that made both my pussy and my chest feel tight.

My heart rate was increasing by several beats a minute.

My skin was actually getting warm to the touch.

My own sense of touch was getting much more sensitive.

As much as I hated him for what he did, I couldn't deny that he did things to me, at least on a chemical level, that no one else ever had. At least not to that degree.

I wanted to fuck him so bad I could taste it. I would just have to keep myself from punching him first.

"You sure you should be driving?" I asked.

"I have a driver," he said, without a hint of pretense.

"Of course," I said, "of course you do. Where do you want to meet?"

"There is a quite nice wine bar a few blocks from your place," he said.

"How do you know where I live? You didn't hire a private investigator, did you?"

"Nothing so drastic," he said, casually.

"Then how?"

"You're in the book and I know this city like the back of my hand," he said.

"Oh," I said, feeling relieved, as well as a little silly. "I’m assuming you mean Calista. I’m down to go there.”

I was down to go anywhere with him.

But that much would remain unspoken.Chapter Nine - KoraIt took a while to get dressed, mostly trying to decide what to wear. I had thought about dressing modestly, as was my way. Jeans and a hoodie or something like that. Showing Logan I really didn't care what he thought of me.

But I was then overtaken by a strike of naughtiness and decided to go with something a little bit sexy. It took some searching, but I finally found the short, black dress and matching high heels that I had last worn to a party I had been invited to in the past.