After the short plane ride, we touched down at the airport in Colorado Springs. It was a lot larger than I expected. I grabbed my bags and hurried to find a mode of transportation to get to the hotel. I found out that it was on the outskirts of the city, which was good. Even though it was supposed to be a retreat, it was a comfort to learn we would still be close to a major urban area.

I was able to locate a taxi outside the airport. The driver was friendly and helped me load my bags in the trunk. When I gave him the address to the resort, he asked, “Here on vacation, huh? Well, I hope you enjoy your stay at the Broadmore!”

“Thank you! That's very kind of you!” I replied, which it was.

It was a short drive to the hotel, but the driver talked about local tourist spots and places I should visit during my stay. When we arrived at the main building, he helped me bring my bags inside. I paid him, along with a generous tip. He gave me a big smile and drove off.

I walked inside and looked around the lobby. I couldn't believe I was already here. Liking the place immediately, I waited in line to check-in.

“Hello, I have a reservation, I'm here for the writers' retreat,” I said to the attendant. I waited as they checked my information and got my room ready.

Loving the fancy hotel, I started toying with the idea of having my next book take place there. I could already feel that this trip was definitely going to help me.

Making sure to leave the attendant a tip after he handed me my room key, I turned to pick my bags up off the floor. A man was standing behind me. I didn't know a line had formed and worried that I had taken too long. As I stood upright with my bags, I got a good look at the man. Unable to walk away, I stared hard at his face.

“Oh my gosh, Alex?” I yelled.

I hadn’t seen my mentor since our kiss. He never tried to change my father’s mind or makeup. Even when Dad passed, there was no word from Alex, and he didn’t attend the funeral. When his books stopped being published, I worried that the man I idolized was dead.

He looked away uncomfortably. I knew that it was him. I'd recognize Alex anywhere. Bags in hand, I ran up to Alex and hugged him. He stood there, stiffly in my arms.

“Oh my gosh, I can't believe it's you. I had heard rumors that you were dead, but I'm so excited to see you!” I couldn't keep the joy out of my voice.

I really was so happy to see him. Alex was a familiar face for many years, and his appearance was comforting.

Yet, his next words were not what I expected to hear. “Please get your hands off of me,” he asked coldly. He was trying to be polite because we were in public, but I could see that he wasn't happy to see me at all.

I pulled myself away from him, feeling like I had been slapped. Before I could say anything, he reminded me of that night from long ago.

“You remember what happened the last time we touched. Your father kicked me out and told me to stay away — that hurt. I lost my best friend, my everything. Gary warned me to stay away from you. Even though we are at this retreat together, I'll do my best to honor that promise. You should do the same as well,” he replied coldly.

Alex picked up his suitcase and walked passed me to go check-in.

I was in shock. All I could do was stand there and try not to cry. It hurt to be treated that way. I never expected that kind of reaction from him. It was absolutely heartbreaking, the way he behaved.

Needing to be alone, I picked up my bags and hurried out of the lobby. I held my emotions in the whole trip up to my hotel room. Once I was inside, I threw my luggage down and locked the door. Laying down on the bed, I started to cry. It hurts when someone treats you like that, especially when it's someone you used to be close to.

When the tears were finished, I strengthened my resolve. “I'm not going to let him ruin this for me. I came here to write, not reminisce. I need to just ignore Alex like he's doing to me,” I told myself.

I felt much better after that, so I started to unpack and enjoy my trip once more. I could already feel that my writing was going to make a comeback here.Chapter Four - AlexI'd mostly been in my room for the past few days. I hadn't seen Hazel, but that didn't mean that she wasn't on my mind. The group meetings hadn't started yet, so that gave me plenty of time to avoid everyone until then.