Cadeon roared, "Hell, yeah!"

After a few moments observing Cadeon's joyful slaying and Lanthe's therapy, Rydstrom said, "I think they've got it." He shoved his sword under his belt again, then traced Sabine from the court to her room in the castle, to the balcony overlooking the sea.

Once Rydstrom had steadied her from the teleporta-tion, she said, "You didn't believe Omort about the well and the sacrifice? That I was a part of that plan?"

"Of course not. Just as I don't believe this was all some plot you concocted ahead of time. The last week between us was real."

"Like our marriage?"

Sabine's expression was inscrutable, eyes glowing blue with emotion. He couldn't predict what she would do about his deception, had no idea . . .

To be this close to all he'd ever wanted.

"Did Omort lie?"

He, ran his hand over his mouth. "I-cwena .. ." . "You can't call me that, can you? I'm not your queen. What had you promised that night? What did you say to me so solemnly?"

"That I would exact my revenge on you."

Her brows drew together, and her bottom lip trem­bled.

Rydstrom's heart fell. "Ah, gods, Sabine." She was crushed. She should be. To act as if he'd wed her....

"Demon. I. Am"-she shook her head and swallowed hard-"so proud of you." Her eyes were misty. "You got one over on me."

He parted his lips with astonishment. "You're not... you-" He swept her up in his arms.

"Well, it did anger me at first. But luckily for you, I'm not a tool. When someone decides to sacrifice his life for mine, I can be forgiving."

"I'd do it gladly, Sabine. Always." "Yes, well, I also realized that I can hold this over your head-for eternity. Think of the leverage, demon!" In a feigned innocent tone, she said, "But whatever do you mean we're not instituting a kingdom mini-skirt day? Don't you remember when you deceived me about our marriage vows?"

He cupped her nape. "Do it, hold it over my head. Wear me out on it. Just as long as you stay with me."

"I don't have a choice, since I seem to have acciden­tally fallen in love with you."

That line between his brows deepened. "I love you, too, sorceress. I want to remedy this lack of a marriage right now."

She laid her palms on the sides of his face. "Good, because I need the authority to make some serious changes around here. Oh, and this time, make it in English."


Two months later New Tornin, The Kingdom of Rothkalina

Lke taking candy from a baby!" Rydstrom's wife cried as she swung her bag of stolen loot over her shoulder.

Lanthe answered, "Shooting fish in a barrel!"

Sabine and her sister still hadn't seen Rydstrom sit­ting quietly on his throne in the empty court. Lanthe had created her portal in here-the one place no one was supposed to be today. But Rydstrom had finished up with a construction project early, and had come here merely to relax and enjoy the renovated court until his wife returned from "shopping."

"Your shopping went well?" he said, his voice boom­ing.

Sabine and Lanthe froze midstride, then slowly craned their heads to him.

"I hope you paid for all that."

"Busted," Lanthe muttered. "I'll be in my tower." She scurried out.

Sabine recovered from her surprise and sauntered up to him. "We didn't pay for these with money per se. But we paid back some karma."

"Who did you steal from?"

"This half demon Nïx told us about. A drug lord down in Colombia."

Rydstrom steepled his fingers. "And why would you do this?"

"She said we should 'have at him.' Since I owe her for helping me in a tight spot, I thought I should be accommodating to her. This one time. And we didn't think you'd be mad if we stole from a bad guy."

"I'm not. But I'm furious that you put yourself in danger."

"No one ever saw us! And Lanthe even managed a tiny bit of persuasion, just to make sure we were extra safe."

Rydstrom sighed. "Then let me see what you got." He could never stay cross with her, not when she was so happy here with him and with their new life together.

When she settled on his lap, he wrapped his arms around her, and she proudly showed him a bag of gold coins of an ancient cast.

Of course, this wasn't his little queen's first heist since they'd wed. He knew it wouldn't be her last.

But then, she could get away with anything. All of Lorekind knew that if anyone harmed a hair on her head they'd be dealing with a maddened rage demon out for blood. Sabine took full advantage of that fact.

"This is a respectable take," he said.

"Lanthe and I are exactly like Robin Hood." She nod-

ded winningly with laughing amber eyes. "Except we don't give to the poor."

"You will be now. I'm seizing forty percent of this." When she grumbled, he said, "Or we could use that per­centage for another new road project."

During the days, the sound of hammers, building, and restoration rang out over the kingdom. His people were thriving once more. "Just think, you'll be helping us ease out of medieval times." Into the sixteen hun­dreds. But they were taking it slow. "And we could even name a major thoroughfare after you."

The people certainly wouldn't object to that. They loved their merry and clever queen, who'd helped her king defeat an evil tyrant, and who only wanted a bit of gold.

She nibbled her bottom lip. "And one after Lanthe, too?"

"Of course."

"Do you think I don't know you're managing me?" "I do. But I think you like it." He drew her in closer, savoring the smell of her hair. "By the way, Puck came by just after you'd left this morning."

The boy had been fostered with Durinda and her new husband, but Sabine got to see Puck whenever she liked because he and his new family had returned to Rothkalina-many refugees had, as well as families from other factions of the Lore. "Puck was sad you weren't here, so I showed him the presents you're hav­ing sent to Durinda's."

A full drum set and a year's supply of sugary candies. The demoness was going to love that.

Since Rydstrom and Sabine had officially moved back into the renovated castle, they'd continually had guests. Old friends and trusted allies visited often. Even Mia and Zoe, Rydstrom's younger sisters, were coming to stay with them in the spring.

"And Cadeon dropped by the work site today," Ryd­strom said. "I invited him and Holly to dinner."