He was growing more and more furious. "This looks like Cadeon's pool house."

Sabine didn't care what it looked like. She just wanted a bed-in a place that didn't smell like this.

Surveying the destruction, he absently said, "Maybe Rok did this?"

"Who's Rok?"

"Cadeon's roommate."

When they heard laughter outside, Rydstrom stormed toward the sound, dragging her along to a terrace that overlooked manicured grounds-as well as an oversize pool that was chock-full with dazzling females. They were all clad in bikinis. Or less. Topless chicken fighting was currently underway.

"Your friends visiting?" she asked archly.

"I don't know half of them. Looks like Valkyries and witches."

Witches? Usually, she'd be on guard around a group of them, but these females were tanked. Out of habit Sabine probed for their powers, not finding anything there she'd get out of bed for.

But Rydstrom's attention had narrowed on one woman-a petite beauty sitting on a chaise longue, smoking a cigar and talking on a cell phone.

She wore a red string bikini, stilettos, and a tiny T-shirt that said, "Heels Tall. . . Bikini Small." Her hair was as black as night, shining in a glossy mane over her shoulders.

Sabine could hear her say, "No, we're not paying for him!" A pause. "Because you sent him to the wrong house! He stripped for the elderly widow next door. From what we understand, she's keeping him and his plastic nightstick." Another pause. "Do I sound like an anatomist? How should I know- Hello? Helloooo?"

"Who is that?" Sabine asked Rydstrom.

"Going to bloody kill her," he muttered.

Before Sabine could ask again, the female caught sight of Rydstrom. "Demon! You're back." She tossed her cigar into the pool, hurrying over to them. "And you poached the sorceress from Team Evil. I knew you could do it!"

When she drew her sunglasses back to rest on her head, she revealed pointed ears-and vacant golden eyes. But Sabine still sensed great power in this female.

To Sabine, she said, "I'm Nïx, the Ever-Knowing, Soothsayer to the Stars." She extended a hand.

Sabine raised hers, ready to fight the notorious Valkyrie. "Rydstrom, what in the hell is this? You know we are enemies."

"Nïx won't do anything. I promise you."

"Won't I?" Nïx asked, her expression deadpan. Then she smiled, flashing small but noticeable fangs. "I'm in no mood to kill the demon king's love today!"

"Kill me, Valkyrie?" Sabine scoffed. "I can make you see things that will turn your brain to soup."

"A-gain," Nïx sighed, unfazed by the threat.

Sabine probed the Valkyrie's mind, finding easy access- With a stifled gasp, Sabine just as rapidly with­drew her probe. Chaos, utter chaos.

"Welcome to my world!" Nïx said with an exaggerated wink. "Now, sorceress, I'm trying to win you over, so let's not quarrel. And let's not speak of you-know-who. I'll even grant you a boon, a foretelling." Nïx briefly gazed at the sky, then back at her. "Your sister will receive your avian-dispatched message in two hours. Though covered in pigeon poo, it will be legible."

The Valkyrie knew about the message! "Is Lanthe worried? Is she safe?"

"She's safe," Nïx said. "As of right now. That's a real­time quote and might not be applicable to the future. Is she worried? Lanthe senses you're safe with the demon-she doesn't believe Rydstrom will harm you in any way."

Sabine experienced so much relief, she almost felt like she owed Nïx.

"Wow. You sorceress-es-eses always had the most enviable garb," Nïx said. "And the makeup!" She ran a forefinger under her eyes and then down her cheek.

In response to the compliment, Sabine said, "I thought you'd be ... bigger."

Rydstrom stepped between them. "Nïx, do you want to explain to me what the-"

"A dorseri!" the Valkyrie suddenly exclaimed. "Yes, yes, of course!"

"What's that?" Rydstrom asked, as if he were used to interruptions like this from the soothsayer.

Nïx nodded sunnily. "That's what we should call a Sorceri and demon halfling!"

Sabine cast Rydstrom a look askance, but he shrugged. "Yes, Nïx that sounds about right, but for right now, I need to know what's happening here."

"We heard that the folks were going to be gone for a bit," she explained. "And by folks, I mean you, Cadeon, and Rok. We don't have a pool at Val Hall, and they don't have one at the Animal House of Witches." She hiked her thumb over her shoulder at the swimming witches. "So we moved in."

"Then move out! And get my house cleaned up."

She gave him a military salute, then snapped her fingers at a pair of witches, sprawled on nearby loungers. "You two. You can do a cleaning spell."

One slurred, "But Nixie, I'm really pre-hungover."

Nix's eyes went wide. "Do it, or the photos go live!"

The witch shook her fist to the sky, crying, "Damn you, Valkyrie! Damn you and your digital ways!"

Nïx turned to the rest of them and called out, "Par­ty's over, because the demon king's lame. I mean home. The demon king's home!"

The crowd grumbled, most of them unsteadily filing out of the pool. A buxom dark haired witch strolled by topless. "Hiya, big guy," she purred. "You remember me? Carrow? Mariketa's best friend." She ran her finger over his chest as she passed.

The only reason Sabine let "Carrow" live was because Rydstrom didn't turn to ogle her from the back.

As soon as the cleaning witches started chanting, power surrounded them. Sounds drifted from the house.

The grounds grew immaculate, the litter vanishing. In minutes, the pair was done. They went for a high-five and missed.

"There, all better now," Nïx said as she turned to Sabine. "Dearling, you look peaked. You should rest."

"Yes, I'll show you to our room." Rydstrom put his hand on Sabine's lower back, "Nïx, I'll be back," he said over his shoulder as he whisked Sabine inside.

Now that the odor was gone and the mess cleaned, Sabine noted other details of the mansion, like the rich wood paneling and high ceilings throughout. Fans lazily circled overhead. The demon had taste.

When they reached a spacious room upstairs, he said, "This is ours." It was so large, it had a sitting area. A balcony overlooked the pool.