Trevor had been allowed to leave the hospital, under the care of a traveling doctor, and he would be staying with Micah and me until he decided what he wanted to do with his life. Once he’d found out that Micah was walking away from modeling, he’d gladly tossed in the towel, as well. His parents had vowed to take legal action against him, but Sam’s lawyers had knocked them on their asses before they could get off the ground.

It appeared that Cynthia and Samantha were a permanent couple, and Cynthia was moving into the same apartment complex that my son obviously shared with Eli…something I certainly didn’t approve of. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Eli, it was simply that I didn’t believe anyone was good enough for my son—nor did I understand their situation. There had been hints dropped about a college hook-up, which damn well better not have happened, and then falling madly in love on the cruise. To be honest, if I hadn’t fallen head-over-ass in love with Micah in such a short period of time, I wouldn’t have been able to be convinced that they’d fallen back in love during the short cruise. As it was, it would be damn difficult for me to argue against their relationship when I was doing the same thing.

Hmmm, the same thing. I fucking loved Micah. I loved everything about him. Every day that passed caused me to fall deeper and deeper in love with him. He was the perfect mix of bratty and submissive. His eagerness to please me was an aphrodisiac I hadn’t known existed. When no one else was around, he still called me Daddy and it always led to sex—I couldn’t help myself! Some people might think we’re weird or kinky, but we like things just how they are.

My world would be perfect if we weren’t seated on a private jet, on our way to Russia. All of us—except for Trevor, of course. His injuries made it impossible for him to travel so quickly. Russia. The Motherland. Ha…wasn’t that just the fucking knife in the gut. Mother-land…the place where my ex-wife disappeared to. The place she’d taken my other child—the child I had no idea existed until a month ago.

My thoughts were tormented as we soared through the air, getting closer and closer with each passing second. I wanted to love the child that was mine—the child I’d never touched, held, or cradled—but it seemed…strange. Ari was my son. Before Micah, I’d never loved another human the way I loved Arizona. Hell, I wasn’t even certain if my heart held enough room for more love that strong.

Micah reached over and squeezed my thigh, pulling me away from my worries. “You’re awfully tense, babe,” he whispered. “Do I need to take you into the bathroom and blow you? Loosen your nerves up a bit?” He batted his eyelashes at me. “I’d be more than happy to join the mile-high club with you.”

I whipped my head around fast enough to catch Ari and Eli laughing at Micah’s remark. As soon as they saw me, they both saw something outside the window that was incredibly interesting—must be a hell of a cloud out there. Bastards. Of course, they were laughing at me. Micah didn’t have a clue what whispering really was.

I entwined our hands together. “No can do. I’ve already checked the size. I’m not sure we can both fit in there comfortably.”

“Weird. I’ve already looked, too. I feel confident that we both can fit.” His hand squeezed mine. “There’s nothing to worry about. Ari showed me all the research that he’s done on the disease. There’s virtually no risk at all to him. His ass may be sore for a few days, but that’s it.” He looked over his shoulder at Ari and Eli. “Anyway, I think that’s something he’s used to.”

“Please, I don’t need info on my son’s sex life, thank you very much.”

Micah merely shrugged, not at all bothered by my gruffness. Bless his heart, he’d put up with me behaving like a grizzly bear ever since Ari told me, with zero room for negotiation, that he would be traveling to Russia to donate bone marrow to his twin—the twin none of us had known existed. I wanted him to; I didn’t want him to. One minute I was worried sick for the child I loved and the one I didn’t know, and the next I wanted to take Ari away and protect him from anything Maxim Kedrov might have planned.

Maxim Kedrov—the man who’d raised my child. The man who’d stolen my child from me. He’d bankrolled all of Addyson’s lies and cover-ups at the hospital. The bastard who’d tried to kidnap Ari just so he could force him into donating bone marrow. I hated him. What if my hatred for him made me hate my own child?