“Love you, Mom. I know. I should have said something. We aren’t going to speak of him again. Ever.”

Oh, if only that could be true. I, maybe even more than anybody, knew what my father was capable of. He wouldn’t let this go. He’d never quit until he could declare some sort of victory. Taking my money would never be enough.

Everyone else said their goodbyes…everyone except Landon. He spoke politely to my mom and Sammie, hugged Ari tight, and then frowned at Eli. I was beginning to think he wasn’t even going to say goodbye—just pretend like I wasn’t there, and I hadn’t just made a humiliating mistake in front of our friends and family. Tears threatened to fall as I watched him escort everyone to the door. One by one, they left me. I didn’t want to be alone, nursing a broken leg and heart.

My heart stuttered when Landon carefully closed the door when everyone had left. We were alone. Finally, alone. I was terrified. What if this was all only a manipulation to get me alone so he could tell me to never call him my boyfriend again? Maybe he was about to tell me goodbye? I needed to apologize for running out on him and nearly getting myself killed under his watch, but the words were frozen in my throat. I couldn’t say anything, not a damn word as he walked toward me. He looked serious—scary serious. I needed to do something to lighten the mood. I didn’t want him knowing how badly his leaving would destroy me.

He stopped about three feet away from my bed, crossed his arms over his chest, and stared down at me. I wiggled on the bed, feeling incredibly uncomfortable.

“I’m sure you don’t know all the facts, so I want to catch you up to speed on what happened. They attacked your friend Trevor to force him to tell them where you were. He survived the assault, but he’s devastated that he hadn’t been able to protect you from them. If you’re up to it, I’d like for us to visit him tomorrow. He’s in a room on the ninth floor.”

They attacked Trevor? Innocent Trevor? He would never hurt anybody Trevor? I fucking hated my father—everything about him, I hated.

“Yes, I’d like that very much. This was all my fault. There was nothing he could have done to prevent it. I’m thankful that he survived. Is it…is it bad?”

“It’s not good, but he’s going to make a full recovery. It’s going to take some time. I worry about him since he appears to be completely alone in this world. I don’t like the thoughts of leaving him in this hospital…or anywhere, to be honest.”

“I agree. We’ll try to figure something out. His father might not be a murderer, but he isn’t a whole hell of a lot better.” At least my hate for the people who hurt Trevor and the family who refused to protect him made me feel stronger. When I had more to worry about than myself, my courage grew.

“I’m also sure Samantha and your mother told you that I allowed your father to escape. I hate that it happened that way, but I still wouldn’t change my actions, Micah. You sounded…so damn weak. I felt like I couldn’t have waited another second, much less how long it would have taken to cuff him. If I’d lost you…”

He stopped talking right at the good part, but I couldn’t stop the hope that had started to blossom in my chest.

“I love you, Landon,” I whispered quietly. “You know this, right? I’m in love with you.”

His huge chest drew in a ragged breath. “I love you, too, babe. Damn it, I didn’t mean to fall in love. I know I’m not right for you, but I’ll be damned if I can step aside and allow someone else the chance to take what belongs to me.” He closed the distance between us, eased down on the bed, and cradled me in his arms. “We can make this work, can’t we?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I answered as happiness and love soared through my heart and soul. “It already works. You’re perfect for me and I hope I’m perfect for you.”

He captured my lips in a gentle kiss. “Perfect…that’s the best way to describe you, baby. I was so overwhelmed by all that perfection when I first met you. Now that it belongs to me, I’m really keen on it.” Another kiss.

Using the question he always used on me, I asked, “Who do you belong to?”

I felt his lips curve into a smile. “You; only you.”

“Damn straight.”EpilogueLandonOnly a short month had passed since Micah’s father abducted and tried to kill him, but so much had happened that it felt like much longer. A whirlwind of decisions had been made—most I agreed with and one I definitely did not agree with. Oddly enough, no one seemed to care what I thought about the situation on the decision I didn’t agree on. Apparently, my entire group of family and friends sided with Ari on the twin situation. In my heart, I did as well. The situation just scared the fuck out of me. I had another son? Would he hate me?