“Would you listen to that fucker now?” Landon hissed. “He’s honestly standing there telling people about the new security—about you having a bodyguard around the clock. That information wasn’t supposed to be released to the public. What’s he doing?”

He not only mentioned the fact that I had a personal bodyguard, but he called Samantha’s business by name. Some might consider it a shout-out for business, but I knew otherwise. Every move my father made was calculated to bank more money for Team Jinx. “Let’s follow Sammie’s advice and get back to the hotel,” I suggested. “He has some plan to put more money in his pocket. Don’t worry; it’s all business where he’s concerned.”

He turned away from the screen to look at me, my father’s words and face forgotten. “Are you scared, Micah? Does the idea of a new threat scare you?”

Frowning, I asked, “Why do you think that?”

“Because you wanted to get back to safety so quickly; it isn’t like you. I’ve seen videos of you after these events. You walk the catwalk and then have to walk the gauntlet of media, answering questions and smiling like you enjoy it. Isn’t making yourself available to them part of the job? If I’m not mistaken, it’s part of your job with at least two of the designers you worked for today—in your contract with them.”

I grinned. “I’m not at all worried about my safety; I have you with me to make sure nothing happens in that category. I’m horny—for you and just you. Last night, you started something and tonight you’re going to finish it.” I waved dismissively toward the television. “The threats are all bullshit—probably something my father made up months ago to snatch up more supporters, which means more money. I seriously doubt there’s a stalker. At the worse, it’s some teenage boy or girl with an overactive imagination and a case of uncontrollable hormones. No biggie.”

I believed every word I said and would be even more disgusted with my father for pulling such an unethical stunt, but since said stunt had brought Landon into my pathway, I couldn’t muster up enough anger to even get pissed off at him. Sending a sideways glance to the man consuming all my thoughts, I tried to convince myself that I could enjoy him while he was here and then be man enough to allow him to walk away when the job finished. Falling in love with him was so damn easy that I’d already allowed one foot to cross the line into a fairytale ending. I needed to be careful to keep my other foot on solid, my-life-sucks land…where it belonged.

His eyes darkened again. I loved when that happened; it made me feel powerful.

“Don’t get too arrogant where the threat is concerned, Micah. I think there’s a good chance that you might be correct, but both of us need to remain vigilant with safety.” He wrapped his hand around my upper arm in that possessive way I’d gotten used to and started leading me toward the nearest elevator. While doing that, he talked into his watch and told my driver where to pick us up at. Once on the elevator, he said, “I agree that the hotel room is the safest place for us to be…and I damn well plan on finishing what I started.”

“Good,” I quipped playfully. Meanwhile, my tummy was doing cartwheels of excitement. With wide, innocent eyes, I turned to him and said, “Safety first; fucking second.”

His husky chuckle sounded sexier than hell and caused my nerve endings to tingle. My cock was already half-mast, and I figured I’d be coming in my pants sometime between right the fuck now and before we arrived at the hotel.

“Oh, beautiful boy,” he purred. “Safety first but fucking won’t be second. There’s so many other fun things I can do to you before claiming that ass.”

“Promises, promises!”

Once we were safely tucked back into the car, which still smelled of sex and I was getting turned on just by the odor, Landon asked, “Doesn’t this freak you out at all? Your…acceptance of something so totally different than what you’ve spent your whole life feeling,” he paused like he struggled for the right word before finally coming up with, “odd.” He took my hand and toyed with the numerous leather bracelets I had wrapped around my wrists. It was the first nonsexual, physical gesture he’d done and it, naturally, made me swoon because apparently, that’s what I did now.


“Most people would struggle with accepting a sudden change in their sexuality, but you’ve taken to it like a duck takes to water. I can’t help but wonder why that is, Micah. I know you don’t like to be questioned and it might not be fair of me to ask, but since this involves both of us, I’d like you to try and explain it to me.”