“I’m not into the BDSM stuff like Seth and Baker, so that’s nothing you have to worry about,” I assured him and, because there was enough truth to the statement, my eyes didn’t give me away. However, once my tongue start flapping, it wouldn’t seem to stop. “I mean, don’t get me wrong. You do deserve a spanking for lying about your age. You could have gotten me into a lot of trouble, Ari. That shit’s not fair and you have to know that. Second, everybody gets a birthday spanking, whether they are into spankings or not.” I stood up and made a move in his direction, half-expecting him to cower in a corner to race toward the balcony doors, so he could make a dive into the deep blue sea in an attempt to escape me.

He didn’t scamper away, though. His cheeks flushed a deeper red and his chest rose and fell at a quicker pace than a few seconds earlier. His teeth nibbled at his bottom lip, making the damn beauties even puffier and more kissable than they already were. The lip nibble—it got to me every damn time, and Ari was an expert lip nibbler. It was one of the first things that had made me notice him. He’d been in the library, intently studying what I’d mistakenly thought to be a textbook for one of his upper-level classes. His face had been crinkled into a frown and he’d been working that bottom lip with enough emphasis that I’d gotten rock-hard just from a minute-long glance. Being the arrogant motherfucker I was, I’d swaggered straight over to him and made my move. As I’d walked in his direction, a plan had formed in my head—I’d fuck him senseless and walk away. Perfect plan. Solid plan. Perfect, solid plan that had worked for me since early high school days. It was my go-to plan.

Arizona Honeycutt had been the first time the plan hadn’t worked. When he’d looked up at me, those bright jade eyes wide with surprise, I’d found myself lost in their depths. Oh, and he had the longest motherfucking eyelashes I’d ever seen on a man. I remember thinking they looked like damn angel wings. From that moment right up until I’d been forced to leave him, I’d given him the nickname Angel. He hadn’t known why, and that fact had nearly driven him mad with frustration. I guess being super smart made one think they needed to know and understand everything. Just to aggravate, I’d never told him. Hell, I’d always thought we’d have plenty of time.

When I’d noticed it wasn’t a textbook he was reading, but something called Social Interaction for Dummies, I’d fallen in love. Boom. Just like that. People say it isn’t possible—that insta-love doesn’t really exist. I say nay, nay—not true. It does exist, and I was living proof of it. Between his picture-perfect body, pouty lips, long eyelashes, and that damn Social Interaction for Dummies…I’d been hooked—the hook so deep in my mouth that I’d never be able to wiggle my way off his fishing line.

He hiked his chin upward, met my eyes, and said, “You aren’t spanking me, Eli, so get that ridiculous thought out of your head.”

I grinned. “Sure, I am but not right now,” I conceded. “Right now, we’re going to get your teeth brushed and your body a good hot shower—you kinda reek of puke right now. After that, we’re going to get some beach clothes on and head down to the breakfast buffet. You need something in your stomach as quickly as possible and a trip to the upper deck will help us see if your motion sickness bracelets and ear stickies are going to work.” I tugged the blanket. “I really hope they work because I’d hate for you to have to take the pills. I remember how any pills, baby aspirin included, can make you a bit loopy.” When he scrambled to reach for the blanket, I tossed it across the room and out of his reach.

I watched, probably with more enjoyment than I should have, as his eyes widened in shock when he noticed he wore nothing but his itsy-bitsy rainbow briefs…that failed miserably at hiding his morning wood. With his ire raising at such a rapid pace, now might not be the time to mention that I could clearly see the head of his cock sticking out of the waistband. Hell, what did he expect? They were tiny briefs.

“Who undressed me?” he snarled as he made a futile effort to cover his junk with both hands.

“The guy who brought the motion sickness medicine up,” I answered casually. “Up with you, angel. You really need that shower and toothbrush.”

His eyes were wide as saucers. “You…you…you let a complete stranger undress me? Seriously, Eli? What kind of fucking bodyguard do you claim to be?” He rolled his eyes as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Clearly you only got a job with the agency because your sister owns the company!” His eyes whipped around the room, probably looking for a robe so he could hide his pretty little ass from my hungry gaze. Ha! Good luck with that shit; I’d placed those out of his reach.