“Your dad is doing fine. Jinx is just a handful. Hopefully he’ll be home in a couple more weeks. You ready, angel?”

I let one arm drop lower so my hand could cup his junk as we drove. It was kinda my thing. “I’m always ready when I’m with you.”*****EliHaving Ari’s arms wrapped around me as we pulled into our parking garage was a dream come true. His heat pressed against me as he snuggled as close as humanly possible. My heart felt so damn happy. All my dreams were coming true and reality was even better than my fantasies. As soon as Landon returned home, I planned on asking for his blessing to ask Ari to marry me. Without the prospect of someone trying to kidnap the man I love, my life would be nothing short of perfection.

Kidnapping—that was a hell of a cloud to have hanging over someone, though.

We’d all searched for anything in Landon or Ari’s background that might be linked to the to abduction attempts but nothing had surfaced yet. There had been a few questionable assholes on Landon’s list, but we’d cleared them fairly quickly. After that, we had nothing. Absolutely nothing.

But none of us would have any peace until the threat was removed.

One thing was for certain—when I found them, I’d kill them. When I was finished, Ari would never have to worry about them again. Damn fuckers…Ari was mine.

My body must have tensed in fury just from thinking about it because Ari’s arms tightened around me and he gave my crotch a friendly pat and cuddle. The worry that had clouded my mind started to disappear just from a simple touch from him. The power and control he held over me would scare some people, but it made me feel warm and fuzzy…all fucking over. Yeah, I might be the Dom, but I was properly whipped when it came to my man.

I cut the engine, dropped the kickstand, and climbed off the bike. With one tug, I had Ari in my arms and tossed over my shoulder. He yelped in surprise, but I ignored him and focused on getting the security code punched in for the penthouse elevator. He spent a few seconds wiggling and squirming, a few more seconds removing his helmet and dropping it to the floor, and then he crammed both his hands down my jeans and squeezed my ass cheeks.

Grinning from ear to ear, I knew what was coming next. He’d started hinting around a couple days ago that he might want to fuck me. I was good with that. I didn’t usually bottom, but I’d do anything for Ari. Just as I expected, his finger made a path down my crease and nudged at my hole. I gave his ass a hard slap, causing another yelp.

“Ouch!” he yelled, then giggled. “Wait, I liked it. Never mind. Continue with what you’re doing and I’ll continue with what I’m doing.”

When the elevator doors slid open, he spent a few more minutes making out with me and acting silly before I finally placed his feet on the floor. I grabbed up his helmet. “Your helmet, angel.”

“Why do I have to wear a helmet, but you don’t?” he pouted.

“Because I said so.” We stepped off the elevator, ready to begin our new life together, but instead of stuff fairy tales were made of, I had to tuck Ari behind me and pull a gun. Three men stood outside my door and a person wouldn’t have to have any training to see they were heavily armed. Their suits, expensive and tailor made to fit each of them, didn’t properly hide the bulge of their weapons. Keeping my gun aimed at them, I took two steps backward, pushing Ari back onto the elevator. “Ari, activate your watch, take the elevator down, and disappear. I’ll handle this.”

He activated his watch but that was it…just as I suspected. I was going to spank his ass until he couldn’t sit down for a week!

“I most certainly will not go downstairs and leave you up here with these…these…bullies!”

Bullies? Shit, I really needed to teach him how to threaten someone better when this was over.

“I believe you boys are trespassing,” I said. “The safest thing for you to do is walk right out on that balcony and jump over the ledge. I don’t take kindly to people that try to hurt my man…and you people have done it twice now.” The situation was a bit odd—none of them had reached for their weapons.

The smaller of the three stepped forward and said, “It’s nice to finally meet you in person, Mr. Wallace. You’ve made my men appear quite…incompetent. If you aren’t happy with your current position, I’d love to have you in my organization.”

He had a Russian accent. Not good.

“Fuck you.”

Instead of striking back at me or continuing to play at whatever game he’d been attempting with his eerily polite conversation, a sad expression crossed his face. His men, on the other hand, looked at me like they would welcome the opportunity to rip me into pieces and feed my body parts to animals. They were welcome to try.