The other guy winked at me, letting me know neither of them were really angry with my decision. I never doubted it—they were too afraid of Eli and Seth to give me any trouble!

I heard the roar of his motorcycle before I could see him. Uh…yeah…he had a motherfucking hot motorcycle that I hadn’t known about. Riding behind him, my arms wrapped tightly around his hard muscles, was definitely in my top five things to do. By the time he punched in the security code and pulled into the driveway, I was standing up and bouncing on the toes of my brand-new biker boots…with my brand-new leather pants tucked inside them. I had felt the need to purchase an entire new motorcycle wardrobe as soon as he’d shown me his rumbling beauty. From the way Eli’s eyes glassed over when he saw me, I knew I’d made the right decision.

“You look gorgeous, angel,” he said as he walked, or I should say, stalked toward me. “I’m fond of that leather on your body. Really fond of it.” He looked at my bodyguards and said, “Get lost, guys. Have a good night. Thanks for keeping him safe for us.”

As soon as they walked back inside to get their gear, Eli said, “Turn around and show me that ass.”

I graciously turned around and gave my ass a shake…or two…or three. Eli was an ass man and I wanted my man to be happy. See? I was a team player!

He was beside me in a second, grabbing a handful and squeezing. “Fuck, Ari. This is a damn good look for you. Of course, I know of a better look on you. Let’s go inside and have a quickie before we head over to my place.” He grabbed my arm and started tugging.

“Nope. Not now,” I answered. “I want to be at your place before the sun goes down. I have this fantasy of us spending the first night of officially living together on your patio, with a pitcher of margaritas, and the special outfit I bought for the occasion.” I flashed him a naughty smile. “Now, let’s hop on that hog and get there.” I couldn’t have controlled my excitement if my life had depended on it.

I’d grabbed Eli to tug him, but he didn’t budge. “What?”

“Two things,” he said, holding up two fingers. “First, my bike’s not a Harley, so it isn’t a hog. It’s way cooler than that. He’s a Vintage Indian 8-Valve, the best they ever made. Second,” he leaned closer, “what kind of special outfit did you purchase?”

“It may or may not involve bunny ears and a fuzzy lavender cotton-tail,” I answered.

“Oh, hell. You’re gonna be the death of me! Let me grab my bag and the cat and we’ll be flying down the road in mere seconds. Dayummmm! A cotton tail? You aren’t kidding me, are you?”

“Two things,” I answered, mimicking his earlier move by holding up two fingers. “First, I would never joke about cotton-tails. They are too important and I’ve tried it out, so I know how good I look. Second, I already dropped off your bags and my fur-baby when I went over to give the final approval on the glass wall surrounding the deck.” We’d had to have a much taller wall installed around the upper deck area because I was convinced Havoc would jump over and plunge to her death. She’s not the smartest kitty in the world. Pretty, but not overly smart.

“We’re ready then? This is actually it? You’re moving in with me?” Eli asked.

“Hell, yeah, I am!” Thankfully, with Eli being so busy with work and keeping me satisfied, he hadn’t had an opportunity to be involved with any of the moving…which made my surprise all the better. When I told my dad, he naturally complained that we were moving too fast, which was ridiculous because we’d been in love with each other for years—Dad just didn’t know it. Speaking of which…

As I climbed onto the non-hog, I asked, “Did my dad sound weird to you on the phone when we called to tell him about me moving in with you? Sure, he gave the typical dad response, but he sounded, I don’t know, distracted. Do you think everything’s okay?” A horrible thought jumped into my head. “Oh, shit, Eli. What if the kidnappers had him? He may have been trying to give me a signal or something. When did he check in last?”

Eli chuckled as he buckled the strap to the helmet beneath my chin. “The kidnappers do not have your dad. He’s checking in regularly. His assignment is turning out to be…stressful.”

With a snort, I countered, “Whatever. My dad definitely has experience dealing with spoiled brats. He did raise me, you know.”

He climbed on and I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head against his hard wall of back muscle.