His teeth tugged at his bottom lip, and his face formed a frown. It was clear he would have preferred laying the blame at my feet instead of having to accept responsibility for his own pleasure. The question was—would he be brave enough to cross his own lines or would he hold back?

Finally, he finished his internal battle and snapped, “Do whatever you want. Punish me if you feel like you must, because you don’t scare me. I can take whatever you deem necessary to dish out.”

Nope…wasn’t good enough.

“That’s it. We’re finished,” I countered. “What was about to happen should have been for the pleasure of each of us, not just me. Climb off my lap, angel; this party is over. Let’s get back to the pool before we lose all the good chairs.” Damn, but that killed me to say.

He didn’t budge—just lay there, across my lap with his ass exposed and begging to be spanked. “Just do it already, Eli. I can handle anything you decide to dish out.”

I started shaking my head. “That’s not how this works, angel. You have to want it, and obviously, you don’t. That means it doesn’t happen. End of story. Our game is over.”

He still hadn’t moved, and hope blossomed in my chest.

“I…I thought you weren’t into these…games,” he said quietly. “That’s what you told me, Eli. You told me you weren’t like Seth and Baker but here we are…my ass naked and draped over your lap.”

I considered being completely honest with him, but then quickly decided against it. My lifestyle, very much different than the things Baker and Seth enjoyed in their playroom, was something I would need to set aside if I intended to be with Ari…and I definitely intended to be with Ari if he would have me. With a nonchalant shrug, I answered, “I don’t play the games that Baker and Seth play. The bottom line is that you needed a punishment and spanking seemed a fun way to do it. Having said that, it isn’t fun if we aren’t both enjoying it.” Shit, my omission of the whole truth made me such a fucking hypocrite.

Ari dropped his head and I could tell he was contemplating the situation. If I could see his face, I’d know that he’d have those cute little wrinkles on his forehead and nose—the ones he always got when he tried to figure out a situation that he didn’t understand. After a few seconds, he turned back to look at me, a cute blush staining his cheeks, and mumbled, “Well, I guess it does seem kind of fun.”

“Your dick seems to think so,” I answered, referring to the iron rod trying to burn a hole into my thighs as I kept it trapped there. “But all that stuff going on inside that pretty head of yours needs to be in agreement as well.”

“I…I don’t think I care for pain, Eli. I don’t want to disappoint you, but I’ve been known to faint at the sight of blood.”

I chuckled. “First of all, you could never disappoint me, angel. Never. Secondly, just how hard do you think I plan on spanking you? Blood? Seriously?”

He grumbled something that could have easily been a ‘fuck you’, but I couldn’t help but notice that his ass was wiggling just a bit as he tried to get some kind of friction for his throbbing cock. “You’re twenty years old today. How about twenty firm smacks?”

“Ha-ha. You’re hilarious. How about five soft smacks?” He twisted his head around to look at me again and said, “See? That’s me negotiating. Pretty impressive, huh?”

“Funny. I don’t ever remember mentioning anything about negotiating your discipline,” I retorted. “Now, if the pain turns into something you aren’t comfortable with, your safe word is angel—use it and everything stops.” Fuck, I hoped I wasn’t crossing a line with Ari, compelling him to do something that wouldn’t bring him pleasure. He’d told me countless times he wasn’t into BDSM, so what in the hell was I doing? Just because his body seemed to be saying one thing and his mouth another didn’t give me the right to take something just because I wanted it. After pausing long enough to realize I was being reckless, I gave him two quick playful swats to his ass and then released my hold on him. I moved backward until my shoulders and back rested against the lounge chair and then easily pulled Ari up, settling him between my legs. His back was against my chest and his ass was settled against my straining erection.

I snaked an arm around his waist and nuzzled the back of his neck, placing soft kisses on areas I remembered he found incredibly sensitive. After tugging on his earlobe until a soft moan escaped his lips, I whispered, “Why don’t you take those baggy sweats the rest of the way off, angel. They’re in my way.”