Page 8 of Death Dreams

Ryder couldn’t imagine things getting weirder than visiting a psychic, but he had a feeling Cassie and her friends could take weird to a whole different level than he was accustomed to. “Weirder than a psychic telling Remi he has the gift? Do tell.”

Cassie giggled. “Don’t make fun of us and for the love of all that’s holy, don’t tease Remi about going! He worships you, Ryder. I’m not kidding. He’ll die of embarrassment,” she warned. “Okay, so we were all leaving, and Remi bumped into this woman coming in for an appointment with Mystic Mary—yes, that’s what she calls herself. To keep from totally knocking the woman on her ass, Remi grabbed her arms to steady her.” Cassie dropped a handful of bathing suits into the piece of luggage Ryder was packing. “It was so strange, Ryder. It was like they had a…a…connection.”

Frowning, Ryder asked, “What kind of connection?” She’d just told him that Remi was hot for him…and he liked that idea. Remi connecting with another person…well, he didn’t like that idea.

Cassie shrugged. “Don’t know exactly. All I know is that he got this strange expression on his face, like confusion, shock, and fear all rolled up together. One minute, Remi was holding her arms to keep her from falling and the next minute, he was on the floor, passed out cold. It took us forever to wake him,” she explained. “To make matters worse, the whole time we were worried about Remi, the lady who bumped in to him was sitting in a chair, sobbing uncontrollably about her missing sister, while Mystic Mary calmly sat at her table, shuffling her tarot cards. After we finally got Remi awake and on his feet, that bitch looked at him and said, ‘Welcome to your gift, Remington.’” Cassie stomped her foot in frustration. “So, help me, he hasn’t been the same since! I think she messed with his head.”

“He passed out?” Images of Remi at the hospital flashed through Ryder’s head.

“Passed out, dead to the world,” she answered. Planting her hand on her hip, she asked, “Do you think that lady drugged him somehow? Maybe something she had on her body that activated when he touched her? I don’t know. I think I’ve seen that in spy movies. She had to have done something, and I’d bet my inheritance it didn’t have one damn thing to do with Remi’s gift,” she said in disgust. “Whatever it was, it really fucked with Remi. He’s been quiet and…standoffish since we got home.”

“How long were you home before he ended up in the hospital?” Ryder asked. Like Cassie, he knew there had to be a logical explanation for what was happening to Remi; he just didn’t have a clue what it could be. Even if the women had managed to drug him, it would have been worn off by the time he returned home and, more importantly, what would be the purpose of drugging him? None of it added up to a reasonable answer.

“Hmmm…I think we’d been home for a couple of days before he collapsed outside that club.” Cassie zipped up the final piece of luggage and said, “I know the guys he was with, Ryder; they’re good guys. They would not have drugged him.” She stared at her uncle for a few minutes and then said, “I think you should stay here while we’re gone. I’m worried about Remi. Between the passing out and his odd attitude, I don’t feel comfortable leaving him alone. The house is plenty big, Ry. If you don’t want to run into him, you won’t have to. I’m not doing this to play matchmaker…although, I’d like to go on the record as saying I think the two of you hooking up would be gay porn worthy. I’m really worried about him, Ry. Seriously.”

Warmth flooded Ryder’s senses when he considered the prospect of spending the next three weeks alone in the house with Remi. No, it was too damn dangerous. There’d be no way he could keep his hands off the younger man if he was forced to spend every evening with him. Remi was gorgeous and possessed the most adorable, shy smile. He also knew how that shy smile could turn wicked in a split second. “No, Cass,” he argued. “Remi doesn’t need a babysitter. He’ll be fine.”

He would…wouldn’t he?

“What if he passes out again? What if he passes out and stops breathing? What then?”

“Has that happened?” Ryder demanded. “How many more times has this happened?”

Cassie started moving her luggage toward the door of her bedroom. “I’m not going to get into Remi’s business, Ryder. If you want to know about his episodes, ask him yourself. I’ve already told you too much.” Looking back at him, she added, “Grab the luggage. The car service will be here any minute now.”