Like this there was no mistaking the fire burning between them, the sleekness of Rian’s thighs straddling Damon’s lap, and Damon dragged his hands over those ragged scraps of denim, slipped his fingers through the rips in Rian’s jeans, held fast to smooth bare skin as he hauled Rian in closer until they pressed hips to hips, cock to cock, and Rian let out a helpless, erotic little sound as they ground together roughly, hard-dragging pressure throbbing through Damon until he couldn’t help jerking up to thrust against Rian as he tilted his head up to steal that pretty little mouth again.
“Fuck, Ri,” he whispered, before his voice was swallowed as their lips fused, mated, fit together in such a perfect lock that he couldn’t tell his breaths from Rian’s anymore.
Couldn’t tell anything but that he needed this with a desperation that gutted him with its intensity, stealing his thoughts and his everything with the craving to have Rian all to himself.
“Damon,” Rian moaned, moving against him with his tongue a slick dart caressing over Damon’s mouth, teasing at him, and Damon groaned, a full-body shudder racking him as he clutched more desperately at Rian’s thighs.
Before he could second-guess, before he could tell himself this was a bad fucking idea all over again, he fumbled a hand away from Rian and reached down to the side of the seat, catching the release. A hard jerk, and it sent the seat spilling back with choppy motions, jolting them both—but giving space for Damon to roll them together, catching Rian around the waist and holding his slim frame against Damon as Damon tumbled them to the side and through the gap between the front seats to let them into the back of the Jeep.
They hit heavily, landing on the lowered seat in the cargo area and atop the sleeping bag he’d left there, sprawling out with Rian underneath him; Damon winced as his elbows struck painfully even through the layer of padding, but managed to keep from crushing Rian underneath him. Rian blinked up at him with his eyes wide and startled, lips parted and gasping, all that gorgeous hair spraying around him until he looked like an untamed hedge witch in his flowing clothing, this bramble-child who should have his hair full of flowers and butterflies, wildness beneath that civilized exterior.
Damon lingered to just...take him in, shifting his weight to one elbow so he could trace his fingertips down Rian’s fine, fragile jaw. “You’re so goddamned beautiful.”
Rian’s tongue caught between his teeth as he lowered his eyes with an embarrassed sound. “Speak for yourself, Mr. Louis,” he lilted softly, and caught Damon’s hand, turning his head to press his mouth into Damon’s palm. “I should be saying that to you.”
Damon’s heart practically purred with the deep contentment running through him. “Most people don’t say things like that ’bout men like me.”
“I don’t care what most people say,” Rian whispered, and flicked his tongue against Damon’s palm. “It’s how I feel.”
So how do you feel about me, then?
But Damon couldn’t ask—couldn’t break this when that question would turn all razor edges and spikes again. So he only leaned down and caught Rian’s mouth, coaxing it away from Damon’s hand until he could have those lips all to himself, plying them and tasting those words, taking his time until Rian trembled so satisfyingly underneath him, responding to him so pliantly there was no doubt that no matter how Rian might feel about Damon...he at least wanted him with an equal desire.
Yet Damon still needed to hear it, still needed to steal that affirmation from Rian’s hot, flickering tongue, and Damon caught Rian’s upper lip in his teeth, nibbling gently at the little bud of flesh at the center before lashing his tongue against it with a whisper. “ wanna let me in, Ri? You wanna feel me inside you again?”
“Oh, God.” Rian let out a ragged little groan, arching his body against Damon’s, sleekness sliding against him. “Why do you have to be”
“Crass?” Damon teased with a grin.
“...intimate,” Rian admitted, hoarse and velvet-gritty. “You say the most filthy things, and they shoot right through me.”
“Yeah?” Pleasure flushed through Damon, and he stole another nibble of that sweet sugar-candy mouth before drawing back, unable to stop his grin from widening. “Let’s see how it feels when I do a few filthy things to you, too.”
“What are you—oh!”
Rian let out a startled, entirely cute sound as Damon slid down his body; fuck, if they weren’t in a goddamned car out in public he’d rip that flimsy outfit right off Rian, but he satisfied himself with pushing his wrap open and dragging his camisole up over his stomach so Damon could press his mouth over the smooth, slightly curved expanse. He kissed and nipped and bit above and below and around Rian’s navel—and held his hips firmly still even as Rian squirmed and whimpered with every sucking bite, every faint pink mark Damon left on his skin, always working lower and lower toward the waist of his jeans and ever aware of the hardness straining against the denim only inches away from his mouth.