Darting across the room, Grey slapped on the overhead light and Cort flinched at the sudden brightness. “Lights on. I want to see everything. I want to take in every inch of you.”

And for the first time, Cort looked wary. Nervous. Grey could feel little hints of him as if his mate was trying to tamp it down before Grey could even notice.

“What? Too much light?” Grey hesitated, his hand stretching toward the switch. He didn’t want Cort to feel uncomfortable.

“No. I…it’s fine. Don’t.”

Grey was instantly closing the short distance between them, wrapping his arms around Cort’s waist. “No, it’s not. Something is bothering you.”

“Man,” he started and huffed a little laugh. “This is going to take some getting used to. You know everything I’m feeling.”

Grey winced and lowered his eyes to Cort’s chest. “I do, but I don’t usually call everything out. Getting my power back, it all feels new again. I’m still adjusting, but I know better. I’m sorry. You can tell me to shove it, or mind my own business. You do have a right to privacy.”

Taking a step away, Cort cocked his head lower so he could meet Grey’s gaze. “You know I’m nervous, but you don’t know why?”

Grey shook his head. “The emotions are always coming to me, particularly from you, but I’m not actively trying to read your mind. I even seem to have better control over blocking out unwanted thoughts right now.” He lightly touched Cort’s cheek, watching as his chestnut eyes darkened a bit and the pupils dilated. “If you don’t want to talk about it, I respect your decision.”

“No,” Cort turned his head and kissed the pads of Grey’s fingers. “I love that I can be so open with you, but it does take some getting used to. I’m nervous.”

“Why? Sex is great. You’ve made me shout myself hoarse. You’ve made me forget how to breathe. Sex is not new for us.”

“But you seeing everything while it happens is new.”

Unease churned in Grey’s stomach, and he took a small step backward to give Cort a little room. He hadn’t expected this. “I don’t understand. I’ve felt every inch of your body, and you’re beautiful.”

“I think there’s a part of me that’s waiting for you to really look at me and realize that I’m not what you expected or even wanted.”


Cort wasn’t meeting his gaze anymore as he shrugged one shoulder. “I guess I’m afraid that something might change now that you can actually see me.”

“You want to know what I see when I look at you?” Grey stepped up to him and lightly placed his hands on both sides of his head, carefully forcing him to meet Grey’s eyes. “I see a stunningly handsome man with the most intoxicating smile. The sun rises and falls on your smile alone. I see compassion, warmth, humor, loyalty, love, and devotion. I see a man who has dedicated his life to helping others. I see a man who has risked his life for me and my family. A man who has put up with danger and a lot of really weird shit while still wearing a smile on his face because he believed in what he was doing.”

“Grey,” Cort whispered and sucked his bottom lip in to bite it.

“I’m the fucking Soul Weaver, Cort Newton. That means I can look into your eyes and I can see your soul. And when I look at yours, I am humbled. The sheer beauty sends me to my knees. I’ve never encountered anyone so good or loving or compassionate in all of my life. To think that I’m bound to you. I’m the one who should be terrified of not being wanted. I’ve done nothing in my life to deserve someone like you, but there is nothing in this world that could convince me to give you up. So, I just have to find a way to be worthy of you.”

A tear slipped down Cort’s cheek, and Grey quickly wiped it away with his thumb. This man was everything to him. His heart raced in his chest as he could feel Cort’s anxieties give way to a swell of something so big inside of him. It felt like joy, but it was so much more, so much bigger, that Grey could feel his eyes burning with unshed tears. Joy wasn’t a grand enough word to encompass this new emotion.

“I guess this is the danger of dating both a talented writer and the Soul Weaver. I never stood a chance.”

Grey smiled. “I will make sure you know that you’re perfect to me in every way.” Leaning in, he slowly kissed Cort, loving the feel of his lips against his own, the way they parted, and he was welcomed inside. With each touch, Cort handed more of himself over to Grey’s exploring hands and tender kisses. He slid his tongue along Cort’s, tasting him. A moan rolled up Cort’s throat, and sweet pleasure hit Grey. He could spend a lifetime kissing Cort and still not have enough of him.