“Our family,” Grey corrected gently, pressing another kiss on a little patch of skin not covered by the collar of Cort’s T-shirt. “They’re your family now too. They will always be there for you. Always protect you. Even if something happens to me.”

One of Cort’s hands jumped up to wrap around both of Grey’s and squeezed. “Like hell I’m ever gonna let something happen to you.”

Grey let the comment go. This wasn’t what he wanted to think about tonight. He’d gotten his eyesight back and gained a soul mate. They were supposed to be celebrating. There was plenty of time to worry about the dangers that still waited for them.

“Want to head up?”

Cort partially turned in Grey’s arms so he could see his face over his shoulder. “Are you sure? I figured you’d want to spend time with the family. Celebrate.”

“It’s been a long day, and we have celebrated. Now I have a mate I very much need to explore with my eyes.”

A wicked smile spread across Cort’s full lips, and a new twinkle lit his warm chestnut eyes. “Are you planning just a visual exploration?”

“Oh, no. My hands, mouth, and other body parts will very much be involved.”

Grabbing one of Cort’s hands, he led the man across the back patio toward the door leading up to the apartment. There was no need to wish the others good night. He’d been followed by plenty of catcalls when he’d wandered off to find Cort. His brothers knew exactly what his plan was and completely understood.

At the door, he looked back across the yard, taking in the dance of light and shadows across the leaves fluttering in the cool breeze. Stars winked in the sky as high clouds passed lazily by. Crickets and frogs chirped their love songs. In his little slice of the world, everything looked like it was at peace.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, I…I can’t stop myself from just looking sometimes. Like I need to memorize it all or at least stop to appreciate it because I didn’t appreciate it enough before.”

Cort pressed up against him from behind and Grey nearly moaned at the feeling of understanding and compassion that rolled off Cort. This feeling was so intoxicating and addictive. “You take your time. There’s no rush.”

“The last few days, I think I’d kind of made peace with never getting my sight back. I was more willing to start searching for new ways to access my powers. You gave me my confidence again. But now, I feel guilty for getting my sight back when all those other people out there don’t have access to magic and won’t get a second chance. It’s not fair.”

Reaching one arm across Grey’s chest, Cort grabbed the opposite shoulder and squeezed him in a tight embrace. “As someone who has spent some years working with the blind, I can say with certainty that most of them would say don’t feel guilty. Treasure your second chance. Plus, if they knew how you were risking your life, willing to die to protect them, I think they’d be pretty damn glad you got your sight back.”

“You’re too good for me,” Grey murmured, looking over his shoulder at Cort.

His grin turned a little dirty as he grabbed Grey’s hip with his free hand and thrust his hips forward into Grey’s ass. “Then let me show you how bad I can be.”

“Yep. Upstairs. Enough of the stars and trees,” Grey said quickly. He jerked the door open and Cort laughed as he released him, allowing him to run up the stairs.

Grey grabbed the bottom of his shirt and ripped it over his head as he walked through the kitchen into the living room. Turning to face Cort, he let out a slightly wild laugh. “Is it weird that I missed this?” Grey opened his hand and allowed the shirt to fall into a lump in the middle of the floor. He stepped back and toed out of one of his shoes, leaving that in the center of the living room as well before moving and taking off the other to drop it on the far side of the room.

“You missed being messy?”

“Yeah,” Grey sighed. “Not dirty. Just…being able to drop shit wherever and not worry.”

Cort chortled. “And when you trip over it tomorrow?”

“Then I curse and shout and pick myself up. It’ll be so normal.” Grey lowered his hands to his belt and started to slowly work it loose while keeping his eyes locked on Cort’s face. The sexy man’s eyes locked on his hands and he licked his lips. Oh, to see the reaction he caused. It was so much more than feeling the beat of his heart or hearing his breath hitch. The hunger was etched on his face and pulled muscles tight under his skin. It was beautiful.

Grey backpedaled, walking through the bathroom and into the bedroom. He finished removing his belt and unfastening his jeans so he could shove them to his feet. Stepping out of his pants, he finally broke his locked gaze on Cort to hurry to the nightstand to pull out the lube. Light leaked in from the living room, but it wasn’t enough. There were still too many shadows.