Grey hummed a little as he tightened the arm thrown across Cort’s waist. “Not that many and right now, it’s usually just fragments and bursts of emotions. But even if I had full access to my powers, I’d still ask you. I wouldn’t go rummaging around in your brain.”

Moving his head on the pillow, Cort pressed a kiss behind Grey’s ear. “I know. I think I would trust you with all my thoughts if you did have your powers. With you, I don’t want to hide anything. I feel like you already know me so well, and it’s kind of freeing. I like that there’s one person out there who knows me so completely. When it’s just us, I can drop all the walls and fake smiles and worries, and just be.”

“I’m glad. I want you to feel safe and happy with me. I want…” Grey started, but his voice trailed off as he struggled against the feeling that he was revealing too much, asking too much.

“What, honey? I’m not the mind reader between us.”

“Such a smartass,” Grey grumbled.

“Tell me.”

“I want you to stay here with me. Even after the danger is over and there’s no threat to you. I know my life is crazy and I’m a pain in the ass at the best of times, but I don’t want to lose you.”

The bed shook and Cort’s laughter filled the small bedroom. Grey was about to ask what he was laughing about when warm lips captured his mouth in a slow, draining kiss.

“How could you think that I’d ever leave you? Do you think I lie around naked with all my patients? You think the threat on my life has me wanting to kiss you all the time? You’re stuck with me, honey.”


“Oh, yeah. I’m not going anywhere.”

“And you’d be comfortable here? Happy? I mean, after what we were calling it? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable—”

Cort pressed a finger Grey’s lips silencing his stammering words. “Other than calling it a plantation, I don’t have a bad feeling about this place. You and the other Weavers have made this place a loving home. That’s all I see. I meant it when I called it a safe haven. There’s love and joy here. And yeah, some danger. But the danger doesn’t outweigh the chance to pet a lion or hear Wiley shouting about magic or watching Calder and Lucien have fire and water battles.”

Grey’s heart skipped in his chest and his mind soared above the clouds. “Good,” he sighed. “And if you think the apartment is too small, we can talk to the guys. See about moving into the main house. I only chose it because I needed the extra space to help block out their thoughts and emotions, but we could swap rooms. Or the attic space is enormous. Three times the size of the apartment. We could remodel that and make it our own oasis. Or maybe we could talk to Dane about ways we could expand the apartment—”

Cort’s laughter cut him off. God, he loved the sound of this man’s laugh. “Darling, my own apartment is barely one hundred square feet bigger than this one, and it doesn’t come with a sexy-ass man and a pool.”

“That is a very good point.”

Cort pressed another kiss to Grey’s lips and then settled back on the same pillow as Grey. He was close enough that Grey could feel his breath against his cheek. “Now take a nap. I’m glad you managed without me today, but your adventure has worn me out.”

“Not gonna let me out of your sight again, are you?”

“Not for a very long time,” Cort mumbled softly.

Grey released a deep breath in the form of a long sigh, his body starting to relax. “Good.” He had no desire to be parted from Cort ever again.Chapter 20Cort leaned back on Grey’s bed and clicked the page on his e-reader, grinning from ear to ear as he read one of Grey’s books. It was good. Like really fucking good. He liked the main character and found his grumpiness endearing—especially since it reminded him of a certain blind Weaver. The story held action, suspense, and even a hint of romance. He’d already devoured one of the other books. He especially liked the way Grey wove the setting into the books and figured he’d ask later if Grey had been to the cities he’d read about so far.

Late afternoon sunlight came through the windows, warming Cort and making him a little sleepy, so he snuggled farther into the pillows.

Grey was currently learning his new dictation program in the living room of the small apartment, so Cort had left him alone. He’d already showed him how to set it up and get it going.

Meanwhile, Cort was acting like this was a vacation and enjoying some reading time. Might even enjoy some nap time, he thought, as his eyes began to close.