A lump formed in Grey’s throat at Clay’s words, and he had to try twice to get the words out. “I never thought about it like that. I just acted.”

“I know, because like the rest of us, you’ll do whatever you can to protect your family.”

“Clay,” his voice broke. “They died…”

Clay pulled him into a crushing hug, and Grey pressed his face into his brother’s shoulder, letting his tears soak into his T-shirt. “I know it hurts to think about how shit went down, but we’ve got to believe that it’s going to be different this time. I’ve got Dane now, and I’m not going to let anything stop me from having centuries with that man. I know Baer feels the same way about Wiley.” Clay cupped the back of his hand and rubbed. “We’re going to win this time.”

Drawing in a shuddering breath, Grey nodded as he got a better handle on his ragged emotions. It was good to know that Clay didn’t blame him, didn’t actually think that he was capable of betrayal, but it would be a while before the ache from the past lives faded completely.

“And you need to listen to that cute boyfriend of yours,” Clay said, relaxing his hold on Grey a little. “What happened to the last Circle was not your fault. You can’t carry that burden on your shoulders. It wasn’t you. The goddesses are probably right to not tell us about the past. We need to make our own decisions and our own mistakes.”

Grey lifted his head, trying so hard to smile but only managing a partial one. “So, you think my boyfriend is cute?”

Clay chuckled and slid his arm around Grey’s shoulders. He turned them slightly and Clay had a feeling that they were now facing Cort. “Yeah, I mean, he’s no Dane, but he’s pretty damn cute.”

“I always knew he was fucking adorable, but nobody listens to the blind guy.”

“Mmmhmm, we all know how wise you are,” Cort said in a warm voice that managed to pour over all the tears of his heart. Clay released him while Cort wrapped his arms around Grey’s waist. In that moment, Grey felt loved, cared for, cherished. He wasn’t sure if he deserved it, but he was going to work damn hard to make sure he did.

Cort leaned in close and brushed a kiss across Grey’s temple. “You gonna listen to me now?”

Grey huffed a laugh and hugged him. “Yeah, I’m calm and sensible now. You’re right. I’m a fool.”

“No, honey. You just care more than you can handle sometimes. That’s why I’m here. To keep you level. Help you find your way when you get lost.”

“Don’t leave me.” Those three whispered words were out of his mouth before he could catch them. He never wanted anyone to feel obligated or trapped with him. He’d never even let himself depend on another person, but now that he had Cort, he couldn’t imagine living without him. Even if he got his damn eyesight back.

Sadly, he was starting to hope that he didn’t get his sight again if it meant that he got to keep Cort. He didn’t want to open his eyes one day and discover that Cort wasn’t his soul mate. There was no way anyone would ever fit him the way that Cort did. No one would ever know what was in his heart and mind the same way Cort did. The man in his arms was the one he wanted to spend centuries with. No one else.

Cort hummed and slowly kissed down his jaw. “Never leaving you. Smart, sexy man who can write the best novels. You’re never getting rid of me. I need you to keep me supplied with books and sex.”

Grinning, Grey started to turn his head to capture Cort’s mouth in a deep kiss when Clay cleared his throat, reminding him that they weren’t totally alone.

“Grey, would you mind coming back inside? Baer’s worried you’re upset with him not telling you. Wiley is pissed at me and Baer for not spilling, and he’s worried about you. Lucien and Calder are just the new guys who have no idea what the fuck is going on. Dane’s mad at me, too.”

A snort escaped Grey and he smiled. “Yeah. Let’s go back in.” He would spend time cuddling with Cort later. He needed it, but right now, the Circle needed to be healed more.

With his lover’s help, Grey walked to the house, where Grey was immediately pulled into a brutal hug while Baer’s cologne wafted around him.

“It’s okay, Baer. I get why you didn’t say anything. We’re okay,” Grey said when he could finally draw a breath into his lungs.

From there, he was sort of passed around the room for hugs, thumps on the back, and brotherly shoulder squeezes. The goddesses had already left, apparently saying something about their missing Weaver. He was relieved when he could drop onto the sofa with Cort holding his hand. Each hug and touch came with a flash of pain, confusion, and sadness from the other person, adding to his own jumbled emotions. But with Cort, the hum of other feelings became muffled a little so that Grey could breathe again, and the threat of a new headache receded.