Cort cleared his throat. “I’ve been wondering about something. That guy who came to the house with the gun—do you think Grey could have removed whatever was enthralling him if he had his powers?”

“Probably,” Clay answered after he stared at Grey for a moment. “I don’t know how he could practice, though.”

“We’re too busy defending ourselves,” Grey replied. “But I’d like to try that. These powers have got to be good for something.”

“Hey, now.” Clay leaned toward Grey. “Your powers are as important as everyone else’s and just as needed.”

“And you saved Wiley by casting a spell,” Baer chimed in.

Grey frowned. “Then that new fucking spell better work.”

“It will. I have a gut feeling that we’re right on the brink of solving this.” Clay stood up and walked to one of the dead trees Lucien hadn’t burned. He placed his hand on it and closed his eyes. As they watched, it perked up and a few leaves sprouted on the branches. “Still life in this one.”

“I need more water to keep practicing,” Calder announced as he stood and swiped up the buckets. “I’ll go and grab some.”

“I’ll walk with you,” Lucien said before following Calder into the trees toward the house.

Baer jumped up and rubbed his hands together. “I’m going to try something different.” With that, he disappeared, and a llama stood in his place. He stretched his long neck to the left and right, then trotted off into the woods.

Clay returned to sit next to Grey. “How are you doing, Grey?”

“Good,” Grey started and paused. “I’ve been learning a lot from Cort and feel a lot more comfortable in my surroundings.”

Clay’s expression tightened with concern. “I’m so damn sorry this happened to you. Been able to work at all?”

“Cort set me up with a dictation program and I’m figuring it all out, but my mind hasn’t really been where it needs to be to write.”

“I can imagine.” Clay raked his fingers through his hair. “Do you have a deadline?”

“Not right now, thank goodness. But my publisher has been asking about the next novel, so I’ve got to get busy soon.” Grey ran his hands down his thighs. “I’m more concerned with what we have going on. Worried about that guy you guys saw at the beach. If he’s the one who compelled that guy into coming here, I need to up my game. I bet Cort’s right and I can reverse the enthrallment somehow.”

“It would make sense.” Cort touched Grey’s leg again. He wanted to keep touching him, so he left his hand there. Grey threw him a small smile and there was something in his expression that sent warmth through Cort.

Calder and Lucien came back into the clearing, both carrying buckets of water. They set them down, then challenged each other to another game. Cort watched them, marveling again over the incredible power they displayed. Clay jumped up and began working to heal the trees.

“Does using their powers deplete them or anything?” Cort asked.

Grey turned his face his way. “What do you mean?”

“You know how using magic is supposed to have some kind of price?”

Chuckling, Grey leaned closer to him. “Been watching a lot of movies?”

“I like movies, thank you very much. But it’s not like that.”

“We get tired. It’s more draining in the beginning, but we’ve all learned to stretch and push ourselves.”

“That’s good. Have you tried reading my mind again?”

Grey shook his head. “I wouldn’t do that to you, but I don’t even pick up random thoughts from you like I do the others. It’s like you’re completely blank.”

“Well, I’m not. Plenty going on up in my head.” Cort tapped his temple.

“So, tell me some of it.”

“Right now, it’s nothing interesting. Just watching your friends do their thing. Though I will say, part of me is just a little jealous. It must be incredible to have these abilities. I was trying to think of what powers I’d like to have, and hearing thoughts would be one. Can’t imagine how much that would help with my work.”

“The reason for our powers isn’t so incredible, though. We’re fighting to close this rift and we’ve all died so many damn times.” Grey tightened his hands into fists, his expression sad.

Cort’s heart stopped. “Wait, what?”

Grey cursed and touched Cort’s hand. “I forgot I hadn’t told you that part. We are reincarnated again and again to keep this from happening and each time, we’ve apparently succeeded in closing the rift, but have died in the process.”

“Oh Grey, that’s awful.” The thought of Grey dying caused everything in Cort to tense up. He realized just how close he’d gotten to the man and after only one kiss. “If you’ve closed the rift in the past, why do the pestilents come back?”

Grey shrugged. “I suppose they start working on a new rift each time. Or reopening the one they had before. All we know is, they keep trying.”