Grey took the kiss deeper, licking into his mouth over and over. His lips felt so soft, his tongue so wet, and his rigid dick rubbed on Cort’s hip. All of these sensations swept over Cort, desire a living thing in his gut.

When Grey pulled away, Cort nearly followed him but got control over himself. He stood completely still, stunned by the lust still tearing through him as much as he was by the kiss. That had not been a simple one. He stared at Grey, noting that he was breathing just as hard as Cort. He hadn’t realized Grey was attracted to him, too, but that kiss had just proved it.

“Calm now?” Grey asked with a small smile.

“I’m something now, but calm sure as hell isn’t it.”

Grey’s smile turned into a smug grin. “That was hot.”

“That was amazing. Do it again,” Cort whispered.

Instead, Grey ran his fingers over Cort’s face, tracing his cheekbones with his thumbs, then running those thumbs over his lips. “I wish I could see you.”

Cort pulled him closer. “You can feel me.” He took Grey’s hand and placed it on his hip.

“So damn sexy,” Grey breathed. “You make my head spin.”

Cort tugged him back into another kiss, and this one ravaged. They nipped and licked at each other’s mouths, their tongues twining together over and over. Grey sucked Cort’s lower lip into his mouth, and Cort groaned and pushed his tongue in deeper. The desire boiling in his gut spread throughout his body, and he thrust his fingers into Grey’s hair, feeling the soft strands under his fingertips. He plundered Grey’s mouth, fucking him with his tongue, and when Grey shuddered against him, joy sprang, fully formed inside him.

This was like no other kiss he’d ever had.

He felt connected to Grey in some unfathomable way. Like threads of him had intertwined with Grey on some deep level he couldn’t understand. They kissed until Cort’s lips were puffy and raw and he knew Grey’s were the same.

When they finally broke apart, Grey stared at him as if he could see him. Cort shut his eyes and breathed in the fresh outdoor scent of Grey. “What are we doing here?” he asked, his voice low and rough, and yeah, maybe even a little shaky.

“Getting to know each other. With our tongues.” Grey laughed. “You feel better now?”

“Yeah, I’m calm. Horny now, but calmer. Sorry about that.”

“There’s no need to apologize. It’s a lot to take in. I was pretty freaked out the first time I saw Baer shift—it’s wild to witness. I’ll admit, there was a lot of drinking happening in those first weeks as we tried to wrap our minds around it all.”

“I wish you could have seen the water tentacles Calder created.”

Grey snorted. “Reminds me of an old underwater movie I saw. Abyss.”

“It was just like that!” Cort studied him, taking in the puffy lips from their kisses, the red cast to his skin from Cort’s stubble. “Thanks for bringing me back down.”

“No problem.” Grey grinned. “I enjoyed it. A lot. In fact, I want to do it again. Though bringing you down wasn’t my intention. Not completely.”

Cort glanced at his crotch. “Trust me, not everything is down.”

Lust blazed in Grey’s steely-gray eyes and his nostrils flared. “I wish I could see it.”

Cort took his hand and placed it over his hard cock. “Feel it.”

Grey cupped his dick, desire still swirling in his gaze. “Feels nice. Really, really nice.”

Holding his breath, Cort closed his eyes. He didn’t know what he was doing with Grey, what they were coming to mean to each other, but what he felt was so strong. Made him feel alive. Grey took his hand away, and Cort instantly missed his touch. He opened his eyes and stared at the gorgeous man in front of him and he wanted him.

Wanted him more than he’d ever wanted anyone in his life.

He took a step back from Grey, taking in his red, puffy lips and the desire in his gray gaze. “I don’t know what this means. Don’t know that I should be kissing you like that, but—”

“There’s something between us,” Grey broke in. “I’d like to explore it more. Maybe take a little time to think about it?”

“Okay. I will.” Cort touched Grey’s cheek. “Thanks for calming me down.”

“Anytime, Cort. Anytime.”

Cort turned and left the apartment. He had a lot to think about.Chapter 11Cort stumbled from the family room into the kitchen, scrubbing a hand over his face. He didn’t get nearly enough sleep the night before. Not that he’d really expected to get sleep. Weavers? Pestilents? Magic? Goddesses?

Oh, and then there were the kisses. The perfect, mind-blowing, stop-the-world kisses he’d had with Grey.

Oddly enough, his brain was struggling the most with the kisses. He didn’t know whether he was in denial over the magic or if the thought of kissing Grey was that unbelievable.