Crying out, Cort’s eyes flew open wide. “Gonna come.”

“Come for me. Come all over me.”

“Ah!” Cort’s head went back, his body going taut as cum pumped from him, shooting all over Grey.

“Yeah!” Grey yelled, his hips snapping faster. He let go of Cort’s dick and grabbed his thighs for leverage as he fucked deep into the man. Cort was clamped around him like a vise. “So good. Oh man, so good.” He kept up the movement of his hips until his own orgasm slammed into him, a wave of pleasure so intense, he gritted his teeth. A long, low moan tore out of him as he came inside of Cort. It went on and on until he squeezed his eyes shut to ride it out.

“Fuck yeah,” Cort breathed.

When his brain came online, he opened his eyes and stared down at the man who had become his world. They grinned at each other, and Grey couldn’t resist kissing him again. “That was so good.”

“I didn’t think it could get any better, but I was wrong.” Cort stroked Grey’s hair off his face. “Just think, we will be doing this for a long, long time. I almost can’t wait for the next time.”

“If our friends weren’t making a celebratory dinner, I’d be bending over this bed for you in a few minutes.”

“Later,” Cort whispered on a groan. “Promise you’ll do that later.”

“I promise.”

Grey got off the bed and went into the bathroom for a rag. He cleaned himself up and wet another rag with warm water to take to Cort. He walked into the room, loving how Cort’s eyes ate up his naked form. He cleaned Cort off, then held the rag to his hole. “Sore? We were pretty rough.”

“A little, but it was worth it. The rag feels good.”

“You’re leaking. That’s so hot.”

“Everything about you is hot.”

Grey tossed the rag onto the floor and stretched out next to Cort, who immediately rolled into him and wrapped an arm around his chest. He caressed Cort’s head, loving the short hair under his palm.

Cort stroked his fingers over Grey’s ribs. “I suppose we should get up and get dressed. Go in and help with dinner.”

“The goddesses probably whipped up some kind of wild meal. We’ll go in a few moments. I’m enjoying the post-coital hugs you like so much.”

“I do like my hugs. Think they’d understand if we didn’t show up?” Just then, Cort’s stomach growled.

“I think they would, but your stomach wouldn’t.” Grey chuckled and cupped the back of Cort’s neck. He nuzzled his forehead. “Come on. We’ll go eat, clean up and come home for more honeymoon sex.”

“Honeymoon, I like that. Too bad we can’t take a real one.”

“I promise to take you somewhere nice when this is all over.”

Cort’s eyes were suddenly serious. “You have to stay alive. I couldn’t stand losing you now that I’ve found you.”

“I’ll do my best. I have something even bigger to fight for, after all.”

“Saving the world is pretty damn big.”

“But so is having you in my life.” He kissed him softly. “Come on, let’s go get this dinner out of the way so we can come back here. I don’t plan to let you sleep tonight.”

Cort grinned and scrambled out of the bed.Chapter 25“Shorten your stride a little,” Cort whispered, and Grey had to clench his teeth to keep from snapping at his mate. He wasn’t annoyed at Cort but at himself. How could he have forgotten all of this already?

Cort had been whispering small instructions in his ear since they’d left the SUV, trying to help Grey maintain the guise of blindness for as long as possible. It was a hell of a lot harder than he’d been anticipating. He knew that Cort was pulling off weeks of knowledge from working together. There was no question Cort knew exactly what he was talking about. Why couldn’t Grey get this right?

Of course, his mind was on searching for other pestilents, possible threats, and John rather than concentrating on the length of his gait or the way he was holding his head.

“Why do I get the feeling that you’re more nervous than I am?” Cort inquired. There was a tiny hint of humor in his voice, but it was enough to get Grey to relax his shoulders. “You’ve done this before. Met the pestilents. Kicked their ass. Come home safely.”

“Yes, but I’ve never done it while bonded to my mate,” Grey muttered. “Clay’s been lucky that Dane always stays behind at the house. He’s not worried about something happening to his mate during the fight.”

“No, but Dane is left at home terrified that he’s going to lose Clay like he lost his wife.”

Grey’s heart twisted and ached at Cort’s words. Prior to meeting Clay, Dane had been married with a young son, but he’d lost both in a home invasion gone horribly wrong. It was amazing the man had been willing to put his heart out there again.