“That’s all I wanted to know. It’s good to meet you, Grey.”

Cort ended the call and went to the door to greet Wiley, who bustled into the room in jeans and a Wolverine T-shirt.

“The goddesses are here. It’s bonding time!”

Nerves hit Grey for a moment before he realized this was what he wanted. He wanted Cort one hundred percent. He looked at Cort to find the man watching him with his heart in his eyes and couldn’t keep from rising out of his chair to kiss him. “You ready for this?”

“Beyond ready. Let’s do this.”

“I feel like we should be wearing suits or something.” Grey glanced at his jeans and black T-shirt.

“You look fine to me.” Cort kissed him again.

“Aw, come on you two,” Wiley nudged, his face wreathed in smiles. “It doesn’t have to be fancy. It’s the bonding ceremony that’s important.”

Grey took Cort’s hand and they followed Wiley down the stairs, Grey noticing that Wiley was counting under his breath. Obsessive-compulsive disorder had dogged Wiley most of his life, but this was the only time it tended to be visible to the outside world.

They walked through the yard and into the main house to find the goddesses gathered, in fancy, flowing white dresses. It was the first time he’d seen them in such finery and again, he felt underdressed. All the Weavers were there along with Dane. Anticipation made his heart tighten. He was about to be bonded to Cort for life, and he couldn’t wait.

Jo’s smile was so big, it could be on a billboard. “All my Weavers have soul mates. This is more than I could have hoped for.”

Flo frowned. “Stop bragging, Josephina.”

Willie walked up and began wrapping the scarf around Grey’s and Cort’s arms. “I’m so happy for you both. Since it worked with the others, we’ll do the simple handfasting ceremony again. Are you ready?”

“Yes,” Cort and Grey answered together.

With that, the three goddesses all touched the scarf and began to chant in a beautiful language. Light formed around them all, and a feeling of belonging swept through Grey, nearly staggering him. But he held firm, his gaze locked on Cort’s. Did he feel the same connection? The warmth in his eyes and the way they widened told him that Cort did.

His mate’s emotions flooded him. Joy, excitement, and…love. They may not have spoken the words, but the man’s feelings were plain, and the same emotions swamped Grey. This man was to be his partner in life, his other half. His soul mate.

Tears pricked his eyes, and he didn’t care if he came off sappy. This was a moment for sap and he held on to Cort’s hands, feeling the smooth skin and few calluses. He couldn’t have picked a better soul mate for himself. Awe filled him as he thought of the years they could possibly have together. The battle with the pestilents went to the back of his mind, but it was there, and he realized that life was precious, and this relationship meant everything to him. Cort needed to know how he felt.

I love you, he mouthed silently.

Cort’s gaze softened and he mouthed, I love you.

Everyone around them was quiet as the goddesses chanted and when they drew to a stop, Willie sighed happily. “It’s done. You are bonded for life.”

Cort unwrapped the scarf, handed it to Jo, and pulled Grey in for a tight hug. Grey wrapped his arms around Cort, loving the feel of his body against him, and really loving the stream of happy emotion pouring from the man.

Everyone started clapping. They came forward to shake their hands and hug them.

“Now both my Weavers are bonded,” Jo announced.

“You’re bragging again.” Flo scowled at her. “It’s only a matter of time until everyone and their soul mates are here.”

“I can feel my bond with Grey,” Cort said with awe in his voice. “Is that my power?”

“Nah, we could all feel the bond in addition to the powers,” Dane answered. “Mine showed up right away because I needed to heal Baer.”

“Mine showed up later that night.” Wiley leaned over to pick up Queenie, who immediately wiggled to get free. “Well, you shouldn’t have wanted me to hold you.”

“This feels wild.” Cort touched Grey’s cheek. “I can sense your emotions.”

“Can you sense anyone else’s in the room?” Grey asked.

Cort shook his head. “No, only yours and they’re…uh…kind of private. Kind of really private.” He winked.

Grey felt heat creeping up his neck because yeah, he’d been thinking about how much he looked forward to consummating what he saw as their wedding. For him, that had been a true one. He felt he had a husband now and couldn’t wait to get his husband naked again.

“This calls for another celebratory dinner!” Willie announced as she trotted off toward the kitchen.”

“Um,” Grey started. “We’ll return for it in an hour.”