A tiny smile starts to curve the corner of her mouth as she brings her head up to fully look at me, that smile making my heart thump erratically in my chest and my palms start to sweat.

“Birdie,” I whisper, starting to reach out to touch her and then quickly dropping my hand, feeling like I still don’t have the right until she accepts my apology. “I’m so sor—”

Birdie immediately closes the few feet of distance between us and smacks her palm against my mouth, cutting me off as the smile on her face turns upside down and she’s back to glaring at me, the storm in her eyes starting to swirl back up again.

“I swear to God if you apologize to me again, I will bring my knee up against your balls so hard they will fly up into your throat and choke you,” she growls, making me swallow thickly with her hand still covering my mouth and shift my feet to rearrange my junk.

And not because of the scary image of her kneeing me in the groin so hard I taste my own testicles, but because now I’m looking at the skin of her throat, remembering how she held my hand there, forcing me to grip her harder while I fucked her, wanting me to….

Shaking those thoughts out of my head, I wrap my fingers around her hand and slowly pull it away from my mouth, wanting to lace my fingers through hers, but she yanks it out of my hold and puts her hands on her hips.

“You deserved a nice comfortable bed, and romantic words, and soft caresses,” I start, getting nervous the longer I stare into her angry eyes as they look up at me, my words beginning to come out faster and a little more hysterical. “You are beautiful and perfect and my person, and you deserved so much more than a quick and dirty fuck on a public golf course inside a maintenance shed against a disgusting wall. I mean, for shit’s sake, Birdie, I didn’t even take the time to get you naked! What kind of an animal doesn’t get the woman of his dreams naked so he can appreciate every inch of her body? I didn’t even get to see your boobs!”

My hands are tossed up in the air with an annoyed scoff, and I’m so busy losing my shit and berating myself that I momentarily forget who I’m talking to and who Birdie is as a person, and I don’t have time to brace myself.

With her own annoyed huff, Birdie suddenly grabs the neck of her tank top, her fingers grabbing onto the cups of her bra along with it, yanking everything down until her full, round, perfect tits and rosy-pink nipples are out in the open on display.

“Fuuucking Jesus… Christ,” I can barely spit out, my dick as hard as steel as I stare at her naked chest for the five seconds she holds her tank top down before pulling the cotton material back up and covering herself.

“There. Now you saw my boobs. Can we be done with your little freak-out now?” she asks, resting her hands on her hips defiantly again. “Stop pissing me off. Your apology makes me feel like you regret what we did, and I don’t regret one second of what happened in this room, okay? If I wanted you to slow down or I wanted us to move somewhere more comfortable, I have a voice, and I know how to use it. Every mark you left on my skin with your mouth, every twinge I feel on my body where you gripped me, and wanted me, and couldn’t take one more second of not…”

She pauses, and I realize both of us are panting a little with every word she says, and I’m suddenly remembering the guttural, aching need in her voice when I was taking her against the wall, and every time I heard her say “more… harder… Palmer, Palmer, Palmer…”

Birdie swallows a few times, licks her lips, and looks up at me again.

I watch her take a deep breath, and then she closes the distance between us. With my hands clenched into fists down at my sides, I watch her slide her palms up my abs, over my chest, and rest them on my shoulders. Not being able to take it anymore, my hands jerk out and grip her hips tightly as she leans in closer and slides her body against mine, pushing up on her toes, pressing her cheek to mine, and smashing those perfect tits into my chest as she leans forward more until her lips hover right next to my ear, making my fucking body shiver.

Goddamn this woman and what she does to me.

“Please, Palmer,” she whispers, her warm breath skating against my ear, my dick jumping inside my shorts, wanting to rut against her as soon as she says my name. “Don’t ever apologize to me again about what happened in here. In case you forgot, I came screaming your name against that disgusting wall, inside this maintenance shed, on this public golf course.”