My head slowly turns away from Tess to look back at Birdie, a deep blush covering her cheeks as she glares across the room at her friend, her lips clamped shut, not denying the sarcastic accusation at all.

She…. Birdie…. Holy shit, she touched herself thinking about me? I can’t…. Nope. Think of something else. Think of something else! 16 x 97 is… I don’t fucking know. Fuck this fucking shit. Math is hard, and so is my dick!

“Why are you here?” is all Birdie says.

All she fucking says, like we don’t need to sit down right now and have a very lengthy discussion about how long this touching lasted, if there was soft music playing, candles lit, any specific fantasies she thought about me that I can do my best to recreate. Also, I think it’s best she just show me exactly how the touching happened, so I can get a proper visual.

“Same reason you are—to get nasty in a maintenance shed.” Tess shrugs as Bodhi pops his head in from behind her.

“’Sup, guys.” He smiles and nods, resting his chin on Tess’s shoulder.

“Anyway, since you guys took the one we were heading for, we had to use the storm shelter on the 17th hole,” Tess continues while my brain is on the verge of exploding along with my balls. “It’s creepy with no windows, and it smells like armpit in there.”

“That was probably me. I am ripe.” Bodhi chuckles, chin still on her shoulder.

“I’m surprised you did it out here,” Tess muses, making me feel like a selfish, disgusting pig again for about ten seconds as she glances around the small, dirty room until she continues talking when her eyes get back to Birdie’s with a mischievous glint in them. “I thought your first-time fantasy was always him screwing you from behind against the desk in your office afterhours. Look at you being adventurous out in nature!”

Math, math, math, numbers, numbers, grandma taking a bath…

With an annoyed grunt, Birdie uncrosses her arms and stalks around me to stand right in front of Tess, grabbing the door from the wall and starting to pull it closed.

“Okay, good talk. Go away and take your smelly boyfriend with you,” Birdie says, pushing her palm against Tess’s forehead like she’s an annoying little sister as she shoves her out of the doorway.

Tess and Bodhi both laugh as they stumble back, and Birdie slams the door right in their faces before whirling around to face me.

“She gets super horny thinking about you going down on her, FYI. You’re welcome!” Tess’s muffled shout comes from the other side of the door as she and Bodhi walk away.

I chuckle a little even though my spank bank is now officially full and no longer accepting any new entries. Birdie’s cheeks are still flushed with embarrassment, and now she’s biting her bottom lip nervously, staring down at her feet, and refusing to meet my eyes. Finally feeling like I can breathe a little since my earlier panic attack, I take a step closer to her, still too nervous to touch her, what with all those diddling and desk screwing thoughts running rampant through my brain right now.

After hearing Tess leak a little dirty insight into Birdie’s head, my dick is pulsing, wanting to make whatever fantasy she has ever had about the two of us come true right now. Just knowing she ever thought about us like that for even one second is almost too much for me to take. I never imagined in a million years she would feel like this. I thought I’d have to spend a lot of time easing her away from being just friends and into something more, give her time to see me in a different way. It’s a dream come true, and I’m afraid to move or speak or ruin it all over again by not being slow and taking my time with her.

“Yes, I often masturbate to thoughts of you, and I have so many fantasies I could probably write a shit-ton of erotica and make more money than I do at SIG. Whatever. Let’s not make a big thing about it,” Birdie rambles with an adorable sigh and a shrug, finally looking up at me through her long, dark lashes.

I need to say something before these Birdie masturbation thoughts turn me into a caveman again.

“I started calling you sweet cheeks the night we played cornhole, because every time you bent over to get your bags in that short romper thing you were wearing, I got a tiny little peek at the curve of your sweet, perfect ass cheeks I just wanted to sink my teeth into, and I jerked off so hard that night I think I passed out for a few minutes, and I definitely forgot my own name for a while,” I say in one breath right after Birdie finishes, not wanting her to feel like she’s been the only one going crazy.