That was definitely a bonus I wasn’t expecting. It was bad enough going the last two years knowing he was doing everything with her I should have been doing if I hadn’t been such a pussy. But coming back here with the sole plan of taking another man’s woman away from him wasn’t exactly something that left me feeling good about myself at night, no matter how much of a tool that man is. It’s nice to know I can sleep like a baby on this mission, especially since Birdie let it slip that she’s not at all mourning the loss of Backpack Brad and his hands-free lifestyle.

Grabbing the putter from Bodhi, I walk it over to my bag propped up right off the practice green and slide it in the hole while he tosses the last of the balls in the bucket.

“I can’t believe you actually left Tess to come out here and help me. You sent me a text right when my lesson started with Miss Abigail that said you were in love, moving to the island forever, and you were giving me your formal notice.”

Bodhi holds the handle of the full bucket in his hand, letting it dangle down by his side as I grab a few other clubs from the ground that my second lesson used and put them in my bag.

“That woman is fascinating. I’m not sure if I’m continuing to flirt with her because I’m afraid she’ll light my balls on fire if I stop, or if I truly am attracted to her. I think it’s a mixture of both, and it’s the most fun I’ve had in years.”

I laugh as I shove a bag of tees back into one of the zippered compartments.

“Anyway, I would have loved to continue sitting at the bar, getting hard and fearing for my life at the same time, but I was ordered to leave as soon as Birdie walked in there with a huge smile on her face and one of those donuts you brought in her hands. Nice work, by the way. Birdie even smiled when she told Tess where the donuts came from when Tess asked, instead of immediately vomiting.”

My hand freezes inside my golf bag, and my head slowly turns to face Bodhi as a few more rain drops smack against my cheek.

“Exactly how long ago did you leave Birdie, who I made happy and agreeable with donuts, alone with Tess, who hates my guts and cannot be made happy or agreeable with anything other than the souls of her enemies?” I ask quietly.

I was hoping I’d be able to see Birdie and talk to her again and start building that trust a little more before Tess got involved—always the devil on Birdie’s shoulder.

My heart starts to thump nervously in my chest, but knowing Bodhi has only been out here with me for like ten minutes, there’s no way Tess could have completely ruined what I did in that short amount of time, right?

“Oh, it was ages ago, man. Like, right when your first lesson started with that horny woman wearing a muumuu. As soon as Tess saw the donuts, she told me to get the fuck out of the bar. It was hot. I’ve been sitting out on the deck waiting for you to finish, bored out of my mind.” He shrugs.

Fucking shrugs. Like he didn’t leave a happy Birdie with a belly full of donuts alone for two hours with Tess, where anything could have happened. Yanking my hand out of my bag, I quickly grab the strap and fling it over my shoulder as the raindrops start coming down a little more frequently, and I see the black clouds are almost right on top of us.

“Did either one of them happen to call Birdie’s sister?”

I might be okay if there hasn’t been an emergency Sip and Bitch called.

“I did hear Tess say something about Wren, but I didn’t catch all of it. I was halfway out the door and onto the deck when I literally ran into that Murphy guy heading into the bar. I forgot how great he is.” Bodhi chuckles while my blood runs cold. “He told me to piss off and take a shower because I looked dirty. I remember from that one time I met him that he’s a pretty levelheaded guy. I’m sure he’ll keep Tess from riling Birdie up.”

My wide, panicked eyes stare at him from a few feet away long enough for the rain to start pelting us, water dripping off my hair and into my eyes because I shoved my hat in my bag earlier.

“Oh shit,” Bodhi suddenly mutters, finally realizing what he’s done.

The bucket of balls slips out of his hands, and they all spill to the green by his feet as we both take off running toward the clubhouse, Bodhi flying right by me since I have to run with my damn bag of clubs smacking and banging into the side of my body as I go.