“It’s fine. You were right. He did nothing but waste my time, and it turns out I was a lot more devastated about Hawaii than I was about him cheating on me, and I actually keep forgetting about him and that he cheated on me until someone brings it up.”

Jesus, Birdie, shut up! Why are you telling him all this, and why does he suddenly look so happy?

“Good to know.” Palmer smiles with a slow nod.

He gives my arm a gentle squeeze before dropping his hand, and when I almost lunge at him to climb him like a tree, I know I need to wake the hell up and get out of here, because there’s something about that mischievous smile on his face that makes me nervous.

Thankfully, Palmer starts walking away first, since I guess my damn feet forgot how to work again. Shoving his hands in the pockets of his shorts, that irritating smirk is still on his face as he starts slowly walking backward away from me.

“This is going to be great!” he gushes with a big smile. “Now that I know your social life is nonexistent, we’ll have so much time for activities!”

He’s too far away now to hear my growl, but since the dumbass continued to walk backward, he walked his juicy ass right into Miss Abigail’s open, grabby hands.

Palmer lets out another yelp and jumps a little, his head whipping back to glare at me when I laugh loudly, reach into the cooler, and grab a donut.

“I believe that was literally karma biting you in the ass,” I tell him, taking a big bite out of the donut while adding in a little curtsey. I turn and head into the pro shop to find Tess and call to order an emergency Sip and Bitch.CHAPTER 10Palmer

“A wedge between us.”“You don’t look as traumatized as I thought you would after fighting off a horny rich woman’s advances for the last two hours.” Bodhi laughs as he helps me pick up all the golf balls littered around the putting green and put them in a bucket.

“I don’t think I’m going to be able to sit down for at least a week,” I groan, one of my poor ass cheeks still stinging from the goodbye pinch Miss Abigail gave it a few minutes ago. “That woman has a very strong grip.”

I can’t help but laugh through the pain, knowing Birdie just scored herself another point. She knew exactly what she was doing, scheduling me with Miss Abigail and how I’d spend more time swatting her roving hands away than teaching her how to golf. Miss Abigail also took it upon herself to accompany me on the lesson scheduled after her, bribing the tourist who wanted a few tips on getting out of sand traps by handing him a wad of cash so he could treat his wife to dinner. I had to deal with not one but two hours of ass abuse, where every time I bent over or walked away from Miss Abigail, I started sweating and clenching my cheeks.

Feeling a drop of rain on the top of my hand as I grab a ball by the cup and chuck it into the bucket, I literally thank the heavens above that I won’t have to spend the rest of the day constantly looking over my shoulder as Miss Abigail bribes lesson after lesson that was scheduled for me. An afternoon summer storm has started to roll in, the dark clouds blanketing miles and miles of sky just off the coast. With the sun now hidden and everything looking dim and gray, along with a strong cool breeze that has kicked up, the course has pretty much cleared except for a small handful of die-hards who will continue golfing until the first lightning strike, when one of the starters at SIG will have to drive a cart out to them on whatever hole they’re playing and tell them to get the hell off the course. An empty golf course means an empty clubhouse, which means I can get started on using that time Birdie is giving me to my advantage and head inside to find her before she even thinks of ducking out early to avoid me.

“It’s hard to be traumatized by much of anything when Birdie has agreed to a truce to give me time to come clean with her,” I remind Bodhi, having given him a quick rundown of my last interaction with Birdie as soon as he came out here to help me when he saw the storm coming in. “Time to show her she can still trust me, and time to show her I’m still me and I’m not going to let her down again… before I drop the bomb.”

“And having Backpack Brad out of the picture certainly does help,” Bodhi adds, picking up my putter from the green to point it at me, a slow smile spreading across my face.