Deep down, it would be worth it. Where Elena was concerned, it was always worth it. She was opening my eyes to things. Before her, I saw everything in black and white, and though parts of my life would always be seen that way, the parts with her in it were slowly becoming colored.

Walking back to the table, I find Elena sipping her lemonade. She smiles when she sees me and shifts in her seat.

“Are you cold? We can go inside and eat?”

“No, no. I want to eat outside.”

Grabbing her plate, I take the top off the trays and find little sandwiches, bowls of fruit, crackers and cheese, and vegetables with dip. I fill Elena’s plate and give it back to her, trying not to let the information I just discovered cloud this time with her.

“Is everything okay?” she asks, popping a grape into her mouth.

“Everything is fine,” I reply a little gruffer than I intended to.

Elena flinches at my tone, and I take a gulp of lemonade to stop myself from apologizing. We eat mostly in silence, and when it looks like Elena can’t eat another morsel of food, I get up from my seat and offer her my hand.

I don’t have much more time to spend with her before I leave, so I’ll make up for my sour mood with something more.

Guiding us up the stairs, Elena digs her heels into the floor when we reach the top step. It’s obvious she doesn’t want to go back into the bedroom, and I can’t really blame her, but we’re not married yet, and I don’t quite trust her to stay put.

“What other rooms are on this floor?” she asks, peering up at me curiously.

“Most are guest bedrooms. There is a bathroom, the library which you already know about, and my office.”

Her eyes light up when I say my office.

“Can I see it? Your office?”

“I guess, but it’s nothing special.”

Her curiosity is almost laughable. I’ve never met someone who asks so many questions. Normally, I would be annoyed, but with her, it’s refreshing.

Walking a few more feet down the hall, I stop at the door to my office, retrieve a key from my pocket, and unlock the it. The door creaks as I push it open, and Elena releases my hand, walking inside all on her own.

A smile curves at her lips, and her bare feet slap against the tile. Her fingers run along the edge of my desk, and over the armchair, Markus usually lounges in.

“This is where you are when you’re working?”

“As of lately, yes, but sometimes I have to go places, and handle business.” And by handle business, I mean murder and hurt people.

She nods, and her eyes fall onto the huge window overlooking the front yard. Walking into the room, I come to stand beside her.

“This is the best view in the entire house,” she says.

“I thought you loved the terrace the most?” I poke fun at her.

“I do, maybe someday, you’ll let me walk the entire estate.”

“Maybe, but it won’t be without me by your side.”

I let her stare out the window a little while longer, and then we leave the room. I lock the door behind me and pocket the key.

“Why do you lock the door if it’s just an office?”

“Because I trust no one.”

Back in the bedroom, Elena’s mood seems to change. She becomes shy, and I’m puzzled by the sudden change in her demeanor. Was it something I said? Tugging at the string on her bikini, she saunters toward me, her shapely hips swaying with the movement.

The fabric slides down her chest, leaving her perky breasts on display. A growl builds in my throat, and I clench my hands into fists to stop myself from dragging her panties down her legs and fucking her senseless.

White teeth sink into her bottom lip, and fuck, she looks hot and naive, and so fucking sweet. I want to dirty her up, crack her open, and see what makes her tick.

Her damp, dark locks cascade down her back in soft ringlets, her smooth skin is creamy and begging to be licked. She’s a damn goddess, a queen.

“I want you.” She bats her eyes softly.

“Is that right?”

She nods. “Yes. I want…” Her fingers slide into the bottoms of her bathing suit, and I swallow my tongue. There isn’t any way in hell, she is asking me what I think she is. The bottoms hit the floor, and though there is no sound, the mere action is like a bomb being dropped on top of me.

“I want to have sex.”

Shoving from my seated position, I feel the need to get up and move because if I don’t, I won’t hesitate to take her up on her offer.

“Why wait until after the wedding, I mean… I don’t care if you don’t care. We’ve already done… stuff.”