“Go ahead, then, take your pick.”

She hesitantly steps away from me, watching me like I might grab her at any moment to drag her away. When I motion for her to go, she eagerly walks into the library and starts looking through the shelves. She looks like a small child on Christmas morning, and I won’t lie, I enjoy seeing her like this. Her smile is much better than her sullen face.

I fully expect her to search the shelves top to bottom to find a romance, thriller, or maybe even a mystery novel. What I didn’t expect her to do is stop and browse through my old textbooks. College wasn’t something I really needed, but I wanted to do even against my father’s wishes. During the day, I took online classes, and at night, I spilled blood. It was the perfect balance.

Watching her curiously, I wait to see what she is up to.

“This one,” she announces and pulls out one of the thickest books on the shelf. Advanced Mathematics. She can’t be serious? This must be a joke.

Arching a brow, I ask, “Are you sure you want to read that? Or did you pick that particular book to hit me with over the head in my sleep?”

“What? No! I do really want this… and maybe a pencil… and some paper?” She bats her eyes even more, and all I can think is this shower better fucking be worth it.

“Fine, but if you try and stab me with the pencil or make me regret giving you any of these items, I’ll—”

“Punish me? I know, and I won’t. I swear.” I give her a stern look at the interruption. Maybe it’s her manners that need whipping into shape. Either way, I still walk over to the massive desk in the center of the room, knowing there are some loose pieces of paper and pencils in here somewhere.

I find both items with ease and almost laugh at Elena, who seems to struggle with carrying the massive textbook. Together we walk out of the library and down the hall and into the bedroom. Inside, Elena places the book on the table in front of the chaise lounge. She looks excited, elated even, but before she gets the chance to dig into a shit ton of math problems, she has to pay up.

“It’s time for my payment.” I grin as I loosen my tie from around my neck and start to unbutton my shirt. Elena nods and stands, the smile wiped clear from her now pale face.

Oh, I’m going to enjoy this thoroughly.9ElenaIt’s time for my payment.

I have to remind myself that it’s just a shower and that he’s seen me naked before. Plus, I’m marrying him next week, and then, he will expect more than showers from me. This is going to happen regardless. I might as well get it over with. Grabbing the hem of my shirt, I pull it up and over my head.

As soon as the cool air touches my skin, I shiver. Julian’s penetrating gaze is on me, and I feel like a lamb being led to the slaughterhouse.

Nonetheless, I flick the button on my jeans and shove them down my legs, trying not to tremble as I do. Kicking out of them, my panties go next, and then my bra. Lifting my eyes from the floor, I see a hunger like I’ve never seen before on his face. I almost gasp at the intense look but stifle it at the last minute.

He drinks me in and starts to undress. Chewing the inside of my cheek, I look anywhere but at him. Yes, eventually, we’re going to have sex, but I’m still not accustomed to anyone seeing me naked or me seeing anyone else naked.

“Afraid to look? Worried you might see something you like?”

Determined to do this without backing down, I lift my gaze and stare right at him. I look at him the way he looked at me, taking in his well-built physique, the hard lines and ridges, and down to the deep muscled V that leads to his thick penis. His thighs look like tree trunks, his overall body image makes me shiver. He seems even bigger without clothes on, and I’m not sure how that’s possible.

“You look… nice.” I gulp barely getting the words out.

“Nice?” He chuckles. “I’ve been called a lot of things in my life, but nice isn’t one of them.” I believe it. I’m not dumb enough to believe he’s a good man, or that he’s kind.

“I mean, your body is nice,” I rephrase.

He doesn’t say anything just gives me a strange look and starts for the bathroom. I follow behind him quietly. He opens the glass door, and turns the showerhead on, stepping under it before it can get hot. I wait a few moments until the water is warm enough before I join him.