“As you wish. If you don’t want to talk, then you’re useless to me.” Lifting the gun, I press the barrel to his forehead and pull the trigger. His eyes go vacant instantly, and I pull away from him and come to stand.

Turning, I peer over my shoulder, and I find Elena watching me with caution and curiosity, nothing like the worry or fear I expected to see in her eyes. I’m surprised, shocked even. Maybe she is growing more used to this life.

“You killed him?” she whispers. Looking between the dead guy and me. I expect her to be terrified, shaking, or crying, but instead, she just looks surprised.

“Yes.” I place my gun back in my jacket and grab my cell phone from my pocket. “You’re taking this pleasantly well, better than I thought you ever would.”

Her eyes gleam like jewels. “I never thought I would get to see you in action like that. I mean it’s terrifying, but it’s also exciting. How do you know he was after us?”

“When we came down the alleyway, he followed, and he had a gun. Plus, the tattoo on his neck tells me all I need to know. He’s one of your father’s men. Sending someone so sloppy is really an insult.”

Worry festers deep in my gut. If someone could attack us out in the open like this, what could happen at the house? One trip outside the house, and I had to kill a man. It also tells me we’re being watched, and if we’re being watched, it’s only a matter of time before the next attack.

How can I protect Elena when we can’t even leave the house for a simple dinner? There is no other way around it. She won’t be safe until my enemies, and her father are taken care of. I will kill them all to protect her.41ElenaSince the night in the alleyway, Julian has been more vigilant. He keeps me within his sight almost always now and has been working from the library or our bedroom more than the office. While he works, I usually sit next to him and read or watch a movie on my iPad.

Security has been tightened, and more guards are patrolling the house, which I’m guessing has something to do with the attack on out dinner date.

Thankfully, Marie has returned to the mansion, and I have someone to spend time with, the times he does have to step away or leave.

I wish things with my father and Julian would end already. I won’t deny that seeing my husband kill to protect me, excited me more than it should have. I’m pretty sure there is something wrong with me, why else would I be turned on by blood and bullets?

Shoving my lunch around on my plate with my fork, I look up and find Marie staring at me from across the kitchen. She smiles when I catch her staring. “Maybe we can go in the pool for a swim this afternoon?” I suggest.

“I’ll take you,” Julian’s voice booms through the kitchen, startling the hell out of me.

“Hey,” I greet him, catching my breath. “Are you done working?”

“To see you in a bikini? Yes.” He winks, and a smile spreads across my face.

“I can bring your lunch out to the terrace,” Marie offers quietly. She is still afraid of Julian, even though she was very thankful to have her job back.

“Yes, do that,” his voice turns sharp as he talks to Marie, then softens again when he turns his attention back to me. “Come on. Let’s get wet.”

We never make it to the bedroom to get changed because on the way up, Julian’s phone rings.

As soon as he answers, his playful demeanor changes, and instantly, I know something terrible is going to happen.

“What do you mean he is with the Volcoves’? Is that where he has been hiding out this whole time?” Julian’s eyes cut to me, and all the puzzle pieces fall into place.

Oh, god, no… he found my father.

My heart races in my chest, and I feel like it’s somehow getting harder to breathe. He found my father. He found my father, and he’s going to kill him.

“Yes, I agree… don’t go in alone. I’ll get a team together. Wait for my call.” Julian ends the call and stuffs the phone back in his pocket. “I’m sorry. I’ll have to take a raincheck on the pool.” He grinds the words out through his teeth.

His entire demeanor has changed now. Before me stands a man of power, of ruthless violence, and he is going to bring down the world around me.

“You found my father, didn’t you?”

“Yes.” At least he isn’t lying about it. “He’s been staying with the Volcoves’. Do you know who they are?”

I shake my head, no, mainly because the words won’t come.