He traced the line of her brow with a finger. “Why the frown, krasavitsa? Are you still feeling weak?”

“I was just thinking no one will ever measure up to you.” She tried to make light of it. “Where will I ever find someone who knows how to strangle me and make it feel like the hottest thing in the world?”

He remained serious. “Don’t forget your promise. After thirty days, you will walk away, and never think of me again. Our time, you and me, are in the present, not in the future, and I don’t want to be the reason you hurt. Just live with me. Now. That’s all I ask.”

“So, you’ll forget? Just like that?”

His eyes took on a sad light. “You have me in the palm of your hand. All it will take to crush me is a squeeze of your fingers. That kind of power, a man can never forget.” He kissed her softly. “Now, stop talking. I want to fuck you again, but I’ll go easy this time.”

From the way his eyes darkened with lust, she knew despite what he’d said, he wasn’t going to be gentle.Kat needed a lay-in on Saturday morning to sleep off Friday’s adventure. She woke up shortly before eleven, took a quick shower, and pulled on her bikini and a sundress.

Alfonso intercepted her in the hallway. “How was the excursion, Miss?”

She’d fallen asleep in the car on the way home. Lann had insisted on carrying her to bed. She couldn’t remember much after that, except that he’d been exceptionally tender with her, holding her for a long time before going to his own bed.

“It was wonderful, thank you,” she said with a glow that spread through her body at the memory of sleeping in Lann’s arms.

“Sir has invited you for brunch by the pool, if Miss wishes.”

It was only mid-morning, but she was starving. “That sounds good.”

She found Lann at their usual table, working on his laptop. When he noticed her, he closed the screen. “Good morning, beautiful.”

Her stomach warmed at the compliment. “I passed out.” She stopped next to his chair. “And it wasn’t from drinking champagne.”

He pulled her into his lap. “You were amazing. You always are.” He gave her a chaste kiss. “Hungry?”


“I ordered poached eggs and smoked salmon. Will that do?”

“That sounds delicious.”

Alfonso arrived with their brunch on cue, as usual, but when Kat moved to get up, Lann tightened his hold. She stilled in his arms, looking at him curiously. Pulling her plate closer, he started to feed her. It was sweet. She obediently opened her mouth for every forkful he brought to her lips, but she couldn’t bask in the attention. Despite the intimate act, he seemed distracted, thoughtful.

Only after she’d cleaned everything off her plate did he say, “I have to leave for business next week.”

Disappointment settled in her stomach. “Oh.” It wasn’t as if they had that much time left.

“It’s not something I can refuse,” he said apologetically.

“Of course. When are you leaving?”

He leaned forward and poured coffee into her cup. “Monday. I’ll be back the following Monday.” He added sugar and milk and handed her the cup. “Would you like to stay here or go back to your place?”

She folded her hands around the cup, inhaling the welcome scent of the brew. “If you don’t mind, I’ll stay. I work well here and I’m making good progress.”

He swept her hair over her shoulder and kissed her neck. “Alfonso will look after you. If you need anything, you only have to ask.”

“Thank you. Where are you going?”

“Out of town.”

As Lann closed up as he always did when they broached the subject of his business, she didn’t ask more questions.

“Feel free to invite friends over if you wish,” he said. “I don’t want you to be lonely.”

“Thank you,” she said again, appreciating his consideration, but she had every intention of using the time to make headway with her work.

“Would you like to go for a swim?” he asked, patting her ass.

“All right.”

Why did she get the feeling he was trying to make up for something she couldn’t name?The following week was quiet. Kat buried herself in her work and had a long chat with Charles, who was happy with her progress. The kitchen and cleaning staff weren’t particularly talkative, which suited her fine. She could write and do her research without distractions.

On Thursday, when the museum and library were open, she worked in one of the reading rooms. Marianne was still curious about her relationship with Lann, but Kat refused to elaborate, and Marianne was too polite to push the issue.

By Friday afternoon, she was exhausted, but happy with her efforts. She missed Lann, and when most of the staff left for the weekend, she suddenly felt lonely. He hadn’t called, not that she expected him to. It wasn’t as if she were his girlfriend.