When the mattress dipped again, she trembled with anticipation. Liquid slid between her globes. The coldness made her jerk. Immediately Lann’s finger was there, warm, reassuring, working the liquid down and… she gasped, tensing a little when he circled her dark entrance. Then he flattened a palm on her ass cheek, stroking until she relaxed again. Something cold and hard replaced his finger. Instinctively, she clenched her muscles, but he caressed her lower back with calming movements until her body softened once more. He squeezed her shoulder in silent warning, and then applied gentle pressure until the object slipped through the tight ring of muscles. The sensation wasn’t painful or uncomfortable. It felt strangely full.

Keeping one hand on her lower back, he parted her folds and tested her wetness. He massaged gently, up and down, the pad of his finger teasing her clit. The pleasure built slowly. He followed the rhythm of the music, working her up at the crescendos and bringing her back down at the decrescendos of the symphony.

When the piano broke over the fourth movement, he slipped his fingers inside. With the toy, she felt stretched, and she would’ve come for him if he hadn’t stopped moving. Desperate for release, she lifted her hips in search of more friction, but he softly pressed her back down.

Obediently, she stayed put. He was going to do this at his pace. He was in control. The mattress shifted. He gripped her wrists behind her back, bending her arms at the elbows. His cock nudged her entrance. With one, powerful thrust, he took her to the hilt. She cried out from the pleasure. His cock was thick, and with the toy inside her, the feeling was overwhelming. She couldn’t hear her own moans, but she knew they were loud as he pumped into her to the beat of the music until she was begging for release.

The music phased out. No. She knew what was going to follow. He stilled. Her heart was beating so furiously the throbbing echoed painfully between her ribs. Gripping her shoulders, he massaged them gently. Preparing her. For what? The contact disappeared. Her thoughts were coming in fragmented shards. All that remained was sensation. She existed in a dark world of feeling only.

Something soft and cool wrapped around her neck. The music picked up again. Crescendo. An unspoken whisper, come to me. Something on her clit. A vibrator? Yes. The feeling drove her insane. Not enough. Too much. His cock in her pussy, driving her up, up, wild. Her screams. A tightening around her neck. No air. No breath. Oh God.

He fucked her mindless. White spots exploded behind her eyes. The pressure on the plug in her ass and the toy on her clit increased as the vibrator sped up, all while his cock was still buried deep inside. A tightening. She was going to pass out. It was a thousand times more intense than the time at the lake, and this time she was constrained. An urge to fight took over, but she couldn’t move under his body. Panic hit. Just as she started losing consciousness, blackness pulling at the edges of her obscured vision, the pressure around her neck released. Air again.

Gulps of breath that burned her throat. An intense awareness of her senses. The vision behind her blindfold went white. An orgasm that ripped her apart. It wouldn’t end. Make it stop. Did she say that out loud? Lann jamming into her, his cock growing even thicker. His hot semen running down her legs. The spasms wouldn’t stop. Ripples over her body, contracting her pelvis, her nipples. Stretching her body. Driving her over an edge she couldn’t come back from.

Please, make it stop. Could she even speak? Soundless panting. Kisses on her face, shoulders, and back. The toy in her ass disappeared. Her arms were free. Lifted. Fingers rubbed over her wrists. Her body was flipped over. The music softened, and then slowed. Big hands massaged her body. Slow strokes over her tired muscles. A warm tongue pressed against her folds, not moving, but simply soothing. Something slipping from her throat. Arms folded around her.

Silence. He pulled the earphones free, and then the blindfold. Light.

He pressed the pads of his fingers gently on her eyes. “Don’t open them just yet.” His voice, deep and familiar, washed over her. “Give them time to adjust.”

When his touch disappeared, she opened her eyes slowly, and stared into Lann’s face. He was cradling her in his arms. His expression was tender, but his eyes looked wild with his pupils dilated. Cupping her face, he kissed her tenderly.

Slowly, her equilibrium stabilized. “What have you done to me?” she asked in a croaky voice.

He kissed her throat. “Which part?”

She pushed away from him, touching her neck. “Did you strangle me?”

He dropped his hands to his sides. “Yes.”