This time, Lann didn’t make use of his driver, but led her to a black Pagani that was parked in the garage. He took the highway north to the Pacific coast and drove to Valparaiso.

She enjoyed the hour-long drive, looking at the passing landscape while Lann held her hand. He only let go when he needed to change the gears, and she didn’t allow her mind to dwell on the reason why she liked that constant, gentle touch so much.

When they arrived in the city, he took the road to the harbor and parked inside a private garage.

“We’re going on a boat?” she asked as he helped her from the car.

“My beautiful, curious, Katherine.” He took a picnic basket and blanket from the back. Kissing her neck, he whispered, “And so responsive.”

Before she could reply, he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the quay. She looked around, but didn’t see any yachts or speedboats. There were only freight ships and fishing trawlers.

He lifted her hand and pointed her finger to the end of the quay. “There she is.”

Kat looked in the direction he indicated, and then stopped dead. “Oh. My. God.” A seaplane! Lann’s smile was so obviously pleased, she felt like hugging him.

“Have you ever been in one of those?” he asked.


“Then I’m happy to be your first.”

She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. “You’re amazing.”

He laughed when she let him go. It was a foreign sound, uncharacteristic for him. Since she’d moved into his home, she’d only seen him either serious or sensual. For once, he seemed carefree.

“First put my flying skills to the test,” he said, “and then decide if I’m amazing.”

He helped her into the passenger seat of the aircraft, and secured the safety belt before taking the pilot seat. He did the pre-flight check, exchanged a few words with a control tower, and started the engine.

“Ready?” he asked.

She nodded enthusiastically. He steered the plane away from the ships. A little way into the ocean, he picked up speed, and a few seconds later, the plane lifted into the air. She could hardly contain her excitement.

“I love this,” she said over the noise of the engine. “Can you go wilder?”

His expression warmed. “You don’t know how much I wanted you to ask me that.”

She didn’t know what he meant, but flying with him was exhilarating. “This is better than sex.”

He lifted a brow. “I’ll have to change your mind about that.”

She looked at the view of the sea below. They were turning inland. “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.” He squeezed her hand. “It’s good to see you happy.”

“I can’t believe you arranged this. I missed flying.”

“I know, sweetheart. Want to give it a try?”

She stared at him, wide-eyed and grinning. “You’d let me?”

“Take the yoke in front of you.”

She gripped it with both hands.

“That’s it,” he said. “Keep it steady. Watch your instruments. Do you see this one here? Just keep the line level, and we’ll be fine. If you drop below the line and need to go up, pull the stick back. If you need to put the nose down, push down.”

She focused hard on keeping an even line. It wasn’t as easy as it seemed. When she saw him unclip his safety belt, she uttered a cry.

“Lann, you know I don’t like to actually fly the plane myself.” He ignored her with a mischievous grin. “Lann? Lann? Where are you going?”

He bent over her. “Here.”

He kissed her, long and hard. She tried to keep her eyes on the instruments. The steadiness of her hands was seriously affected by his palms on her breasts and his fingers on her nipples.

She pulled away. “Lann, darling, please take back your plane.”

He burst out laughing, making her glance at him in alarm. Lann had never laughed like that.

“What’s so funny?” she asked, nervous and excited at the same time.

“You just called me darling,” he said, looking very pleased.

“I did?” She looked back at the horizon. The wings tipped left and right as she tried to keep the line on the instrument panel level. “Oh God, Lann, please take back your plane.”

With a last kiss on her neck, he settled back in his seat and fastened his safety belt. She sighed in relief when he gripped the wheel in front of him.

“You see?” he said. “It’s not so difficult to be in control. You just flew our plane.”

She stared at him in awe. She was just about to get emotional over the gesture when he dipped the wing. She shrieked with excitement.

“Now, I do aim to please, and I believe you’ve asked me to go wild.”

He made sure she enjoyed the flight, giving her plenty of adrenalin before landing on an inland lake that surrounded a small island.

The pine-tree covered island had a white, sandy shore. Lann secured the plane next to the jetty and helped her down. They seemed to be the only people.