The first week, she didn’t leave his home, except for her runs, although he was out often to take care of business. What his business was, he never said. Like everything else in his life, this remained a mystery.

Marianne Sullivan almost swallowed her false teeth when Kat called to let her know she didn’t have to pick her up the following Thursday. She couldn’t get around an explanation without lying, so she simply told Marianne the truth—that Lann had asked her for dinner and she’d never left.

“I was wondering when you didn’t call after your meeting with him,” Marianne said, “but I didn’t want to pry. So, he asked you to stay behind to have dinner with him?”

“Sorry I didn’t call before,” Kat said. “I just didn’t know what to say.”

“Do you know what you’re doing?”

“Please don’t mention this to Charles. I know he’ll worry and tell my parents. I prefer to break the news to them myself.”

Marianne spoke after a short pause. “Is this relationship affecting your studies?”

“I’ve never worked better. I’m making wonderful progress. I’ll show you on Thursday.”

“All right, then. I suppose you’re a big girl. As long as you know what you’re doing.”

She didn’t explain that her arrangement with Lann was temporary, and that it would end in another few weeks’ time. There was no way of justifying that kind of arrangement to Marianne.On Friday morning, a week after her arrival, Kat walked into the library and took her place by her desk. Martina was already in. They exchanged a quick greeting. Kat had done plenty of electronic research the week before, and wanted to go through her notes and type up what was relevant before the end of the day.

Lann was still in his office, as it was his habit to do some work in the morning before he came downstairs to examine the books. Her lover was an early morning person. He woke up before sunrise, and by the time the first daylight entered her room, he’d already taken her once or twice. Her body heated at the thought. He’d leave her to sleep while he swam a few laps in the pool, took a shower, had his breakfast outside, and went upstairs to work before joining her mid-morning in the library.

She blew out a wistful sigh. She liked the pattern their days had adopted. The only thing she missed was socializing. Aside from the staff, they never saw anyone. Lann didn’t invite friends over. Surely, a man in his position and with his power had to have plenty of acquaintances.

“You’re daydreaming,” Martina said.

Kat looked up to see the librarian staring at her from over the computer they used for cataloguing books.

Smiling, Kat said, “And here I was just thinking how productive I am.”

“If you don’t mind my asking, what’s going on between you and Lann?”

“Actually, I do mind,” Kat said, not unfriendly.

“It’s just that he’s never told us why you’re here or what role you’re playing in his life—if we can expect to see a lot more of you or not.”

Lann often touched Kat or used terms of endearment. Sometimes he had his hands all over her, and he didn’t care who was watching. Martina had seen him caressing Kat plenty of times. She obviously knew they were having a physical relationship. However, Martina was Lann’s employee. It wasn’t Kat’s place to tell her they had a thirty-day contract. Maybe Lann would never say anything, and Martina would assume that their relationship didn’t work out.

“Why don’t you ask Lann about that?” Kat suggested gently.

“Is that because you don’t know how to define what you’ve got with him or because he made you promise not to tell?”

Kat uttered an uncomfortable laugh. “Why the curiosity all of a sudden?”

“I just wanted to say you’re the first woman he’s ever invited here.”


Kat ducked her head behind a book. How many women had Lann invited to wherever he’d lived before? She didn’t have time to think about it because the subject of their discussion walked through the door wearing dark jeans and a linen shirt. His hair was tied in a ponytail.

“Morning, Martina.”

He shot the brunette a reserved smile, then walked to Kat’s desk and kissed her. His tongue parted her lips, stealing her breath and her reason. When Lann finally released her, her cheeks turned warm under Martina’s stare.

“Never be shy about your affection,” he whispered in her ear before saying, “I hope your work is up to date, because I’m taking you out today.”

Kat beamed at him. “Really?” The prospect of having him to herself for a whole day was just as exciting as getting out for a change.

He eyed her jeans, sandals, and tank top. “That’ll do just fine.” Offering her a hand, he said, “Let’s go.”

“Where to?”

“Surprise.” On the way out, he called to Martina, “See you on Monday.”