Page 42 of Bullets & Bonfires

Terror that Chad somehow wormed his way out of jail, grips me. Whipping my head around, my frantic gaze searches the bar. Through the throng of writhing bodies, no one stands out.

Cold ice knots in my stomach, even if I can’t see Chad. I don’t want to put Emily’s friend in danger. Chad always swore he’d kill any man who touched me.

It was one of his favorite threats.

A familiar scent envelopes me right before a rough voice intrudes. “Excuse us.”

My heart jumps and a relieved breath bursts out of me as I turn around. “Liam.”

Shane taps my shoulder. “You all right with this guy?”

The corners of my mouth twitch. Liam’s busy glowering at Shane. “Yes. Liam, this is Emily’s friend, Shane. Shane this is my boyfriend, Liam.”

They go through the firm-grip, male handshake process and Liam acts civil enough, but as soon as Shane leaves, Liam’s intense gaze shifts my way. There’s no anger though. Only heat and a glimmering possessiveness.

“You’re here.” My breathy voice barely carries above the music.

He clamps his hands over my hips and pulls me against him. “I’m here.”

In the heels, it’s easier to loop my arms around his neck and give him a quick kiss. “I’ve been thinking about you all night.”

He responds by holding me even tighter.

There’s no denying that the way he places his hands on me is his way of informing everyone I’m taken.

After a long day, I stopped by my apartment for something dressier than what I had stashed at Vince’s house.

I enjoy dancing about as much as a good, swift punch to the balls, but I find for Brianna, I’ll do just about anything.

Instant, primitive possessiveness flowed through me the second I spotted my girl on the dance floor.

With another guy.

And more guys checking her out that she seems oblivious to. Of course she attracts a lot of attention, she’s the most beautiful girl in the room.

The way Shane stared at Bree made me want to punch the smug smile right off his face. Somehow, I hung on to the urge by sheer will.

No matter how much I don’t enjoy random guys panting after her, I’m not about to act like a jealous dick after the stuff Bree confided in me about her ex. I trust her and that’s all that matters.

“I’ve been thinking about you too,” I admit. Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her close and we start moving to the music together. “Missed you.”

“Missed you too.”

“So, Emily’s friend?” I work hard to keep my tone neutral.

A slight smirk turns the corners of her mouth up and she arches a brow. “Yes?”

“So much for girls’ night out.”

She rolls her eyes and pokes me in the chest. “For a guy who hates to dance, you’re awfully good at it,” she teases, ignoring my comment.

“Anything to keep that smile on your face.”

She responds by pulling me closer and kissing me softly. “Will you take me home, Liam?” she asks against my lips.

Fuck, yes. I’m ready to toss her over my shoulder and storm out of the bar with her. “I’ll take you anywhere you want.”

She ducks her head and peeks at me through her lashes. “I want to be alone with you.” The husky tone of her voice is a jolt of arousal straight to my groin.

My brain-to-mouth function has trouble forming an intelligent response. “Sounds good.”

She gives me another sweet smile and a kiss on my cheek. “Let me say goodbye to Emily and Aubrey.”

I examine the crowd again. People haven’t stopped coming in the front door since I arrived. I’m off the clock, but can’t help noticing the place is probably over capacity. I doubt the fire marshal’s going to bother coming down here, though. “Do either of them need a ride?” I ask.

“Yes, but not the kind you’re offering.”


“Nothing,” she shouts, snaking through the crowd to the bar.

I don’t want to lose sight of her. Her sparkling white tank top and gold shorts stand out, but I still follow.

When she realizes I’m behind her, she slips her hand into mine. The way she smiles up at me ties me up in knots. Why did I ever try to deny my feelings for this woman?

Vince. Fuck. I really need to call him.

Bree’s elbow pokes me in the side and I realize she’s trying to introduce me to Emily. “Do you need a ride home?” I ask the energetic redhead.

“Nope. My posse’s here with me. Figured this one would ditch out as soon as you showed up,” she laments, nodding at Bree.

So, Bree’s telling her friends about us too? I like that. A lot.

Restless and eager to have Bree all to myself, I grip her hand and lead her to the door. She stays tucked behind me while I push our way through the crowd.

“Did you have a good time?” I ask when we step out of the stifling club.

“I did.” She pulls her hair into a pile on top of her head and fans herself with her hand. The movement arches her back, pressing her breasts against her flimsy, sparkling top. The erection I was sporting in the club comes back with a vengeance.

Her head tilts. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re hot.”

“I know. It was gross in there. I have sweat running down places I don’t want to think about.”

I groan at the visual that gives me, and her eyes widen. “Sorry, too much?”

She doesn’t get it.

I take her hand and hustle her into the shadows by my truck. Using my body, I press her against the side. “All I can think about is getting sweaty with you now.” Her hand’s still in mine, and I guide it to the bulge in my pants.

Her mouth falls open, but before she says anything, I take a long, possessive kiss. My hands sweep her hair off her shoulders and I bend down to kiss her neck.

Under my passionate attack, she melts into me. Low, husky moans fall from her lips.

My hands drop to her legs, tracing my fingers against her smooth skin, to the edge of her shorts. I grip her ass and deepen our kiss. Her hold shifts from my shoulders to my belt and, fuck, do I want to strip her down and bury my cock in her right this second.

I’ve never wanted anyone so much I was willing to risk a public lewdness charge before.

She draws back and our eyes lock. “Let’s go home before we get arrested, Deputy Hollister. I don’t want you getting in trouble.” She gives me a flirty wink.

“It’d be worth it.”

Once we’re in the truck—with the air conditioning on full-blast—I ask Bree about her night.

“It was fun. But you’re right about that place. Can’t say I want to go back any time soon. I like Emily a lot. Aubrey too. She’s the one I met in Sully’s class. I think she has a crush on him. Although, I saw her talking to some older guy tonight and it looked intense.”

Warm contentment fills my chest as I listen to her describe her evening. What the hell am I going to do without her when she goes back to school at the end of the summer?

“Should I let Sully know he has an admirer?” I ask.

“Don’t you dare.”

She’s quiet for a minute. “Were you mad at me?”

“Bree, I came damn close to fucking you in the parking lot. How can you ask that?”

A soft huff of laughter eases out of her. “You looked angry when I was dancing with Shane.”

My hands tighten on the steering wheel, and I sigh.

“I didn’t like it. But no, I wasn’t mad at you,” I answer after slipping the truck into park and shutting the engine off. The headlights stay on so I can search the front yard for any movement. After a few seconds, I shut the lights off and turn to face her.

She leans across the seat and feathers a kiss over my cheek. “Thank you.”

“Stay there.” I round the truck, open her door and lift her up.

“You can’t carry me all the way into the house.”

“Don’t be ri

diculous.” I squeeze her ass. She hitches her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. “I don’t want your heels sinking into the grass and getting dirty,” I explain.

“You’re so sweet.”

“Not really. I want you to leave them on when I fuck you,” I murmur against her ear.

She gasps and throws her head back. Her laughter echoes through the still night. At the bottom of the front porch steps, I set her down and she hurries up the steps.

“Why’re you running, baby girl?” I growl, grabbing her around the waist and bear-hugging her.

“You know why,” she rasps, leaning her head back so I can kiss her again.