“Yeah, I think she's warmed up to me. You know, after she tried to kill me and all,” Onyx said dryly. She hadn't talked to Cole about her conversation with Molly. While she liked the girl, she also sensed some of the comments could be attributed to a long-standing jealousy Molly might not realize she harbored against Anita.

“At least your sense of humor hasn't suffered.”

Onyx smirked. Cole ran his hand over her thigh. “You want to head upstairs?”

There was no denying the carnal undertone to his words. “Definitely.”

The house was quiet. Anita and Kipp were out back working in the garden. She'd lost track of Deacon and Martha. Onyx marked her place in the book and set it on the coffee table.

She patted Oscar on the shoulder as she walked by. He gave her a baleful look before returning to his video game. She'd have to talk to Molly when she got back. If she wasn't interested in Oscar, she had to stop flirting with him. He was head over heels. Anyone could see it in his eyes.

Onyx closed the door behind them and ushered him to the bed.

“I need to talk to you, and I don't want Anita to overhear this.”

Cole had been hoping for less talking and more moaning, but he would never ignore Onyx's concerns. “Okay.”

She leaned over and pressed her lips to his cheek. “First, I needed to do that.” The corners of her mouth turned up in a self-conscious smile, and she ducked her head. Cole reached out to run his finger over her jaw, tipping her chin up so she could look at him.

“What's wrong, Onyx?”

“Molly thinks we're in danger,” she blurted out. “When we went on our run, she told me things about Anita. How jealous she can be. I'm starting to wonder if we're really safe here.”

Cole stood up and paced. “Can you be more specific?”

“Not really. It's more of a bad feeling I got from what Molly said. At first I thought maybe she is just jealous of Anita. Now that I’ve given it some thought, I wonder if she’s right.”

Deep in thought, Cole tapped his finger against the side of his face. Onyx stood up and placed her hand over his, stopping the nervous gesture. “I'm just thinking. The spell I did would keep anyone with bad intentions toward anyone in the group out of the house. But since Anita was here and part of those I was protecting, it won't work against her.”

“What about anyone she brings in?”

“No. She can't just give anyone she wants a magical pass. I'm going to look into another spell maybe to ferret out any bad intentions in the group.”

“Okay, but I don't want to be confined here forever.”

“How are you feeling? I mean, we decided to stay so you could be with other shifters. You never talked to me about any trouble you were having controlling your shifting.” Cole fought hard to keep any hurt from coloring his words. His purpose wasn't to make Onyx feel bad, just learn how he could help her.

She looked down at the floor before answering, “It was only a few times. I didn't think anything of it. I feel good being here. I like everyone, even Anita. I just don't always trust her. I've learned a lot of interesting things about being a shifter from them. I don't know. We can't just stay here forever though, right?”

“No. It would be nice to know if anyone is still after you, though.”

“But no one here can help us with that.”

Cole's finger started tapping again. “I'm sure Anita could if she got in touch with her family. She's the only one who has a direct connection to an elder.”

Onyx shook her head. “Uh-uh. We can't ask her to endanger herself for me. She'd never do it. Besides what if they don't know about me? Then we'd be starting trouble we don't need.”

“So we'll stay here a little longer, see what else we can find out?”

“Agreed.” With that, Onyx backed away from him and whipped off her shirt. Cole's mouth went bone-dry at the sight. Next, she shucked her jeans. Ever so slightly, she turned her head and batted her lashes at him. Her long, lush hair swished around her waist, inviting him to run his hands over her perfect, round, little ass.

He couldn't deny that having Ivan, who was so clearly interested in Onyx, in the house had irritated him, but here she was, all his. His cock throbbed. He closed the distance between them and put his hands around her waist. He turned her, needing to see her face. She parted her lips, and powerless to deny the invitation, he bent down to kiss her. He pulled away and stared at her, utterly spellbound. He might be the one with the magic, but in this moment, she held all the power over him. She backed away gracefully to perch on the high bed. All but stalking her now, he took short measured steps toward her. Their eyes locked. Cole reached out, traced the line of her collarbone, dipped between her breasts, and flicked the front clasp of her bra open. He smiled when he saw how hard her nipples were. She shrugged out of the bra and stretched out on the bed. He hovered over her, running his hand down over her flat, flawless belly. He took a moment to inspect her creamy skin—not a single scar from Anita's attack. Thank God.

“You're all mine, Onyx. There is nothing I won't do to keep you safe.”

She snaked a hand into his hair. Her nails scraped against his scalp in a gentle, pleasurable sensation. “Show me.”

He kept exploring her satiny skin with long, slow touches, slowly working his way down. Underneath him, she arched her back. He slid a finger between her legs, groaning when he felt her juices coat his finger. When she moaned, he looked up. Her eyes were closed, head thrown back. Her teeth bit into her lower lip to keep her from crying out. As soon as he moved his finger to her clit, her eyes flew open. For a few seconds, they just stared at each other while he continued to stimulate her. He enjoyed the thrill of watching her body flush with pleasure.

“Scoot up onto the bed more,” he coaxed. His fingers never strayed from between her thighs as she dug her heels into the bed and pushed herself up.


“That's it. Spread your legs for me.” A satisfied grin spread across his face as she widened her slender thighs. His gaze strayed to her face. Her deep, green eyes glittered with arousal.

“Cole. I need—”

“Don't worry. I know what you need, and I'm going to give it to you.” He used his fingers to press farther inside her glistening pussy. His cock jumped, wanting to replace his fingers. He leaned down to kiss her slightly parted lips at the same time moving his finger to stroke her clit again.

“Do you like this?”

“Oh God yes. Please don't stop.” Her hoarse voice and heaving breasts confirmed her words. He continued the gentle stroking of her clit until she lifted her hips, trying to get more contact. She arched and moaned, twisting her hips until the tension in her lithe, soft body broke, and she yelped in pleasure. He seized her mouth with his own to silence her cries of pleasure. Just before her body stopped shuddering, he raised himself and sunk his cock into her warm, wet heaven.

Oscar thundered down the stairs. “Onyx, has Molly come back yet?” Oscar's voice was neutral, but his calm demeanor was betrayed by the twitch in his jaw.

Onyx closed her book and looked up. “She hasn't been gone that long.”

“It's almost dinnertime. She's never out past dark by herself.” Oscar began to pace.

“Oh, would you knock it off? She's been under a lot of stress. Some retail therapy will do her good.” Anita's shrill voice came out of the kitchen.

Oscar threw up his hands and went outside to sit on the porch. Kipp swiveled his head back and forth between Onyx, and the direction of the kitchen. Onyx shrugged her shoulders. What was bothering Kipp so much?

“Retail therapy? What are you talking about? You know she's been afraid to use any credit cards that might lead them to us,” he finally asked.

Anita shrugged. “I loaned her some cash.”

Kipp looked as if he had more to say, but he kept quiet. Onyx got up and went into the kitchen. As much as she wanted to distance herself from Anita, she was hungry. “Have you seen Cole?”


; “Not since before your little love fest.”

Onyx felt her cheeks flush. She'd tried so hard to be quiet, but with Cole it was damn near impossible. Nosy Anita probably camped outside their door.

“Come on guys, dinner's ready. Where's lover-warlock, Onyx?” Anita's attempt at humor didn't amuse Onyx, but she flashed a weak smile anyway.

“I'll go grab him.”

“Don't get lost.”

Chapter Twelve

Onyx and Cole sat side-by-side on the old porch swing. It felt good to be outside. Dinner had been strained and uncomfortable. With Molly missing, everyone was on edge. The more calls to her cell phone that went unanswered, the more likely it seemed something bad had happened. Onyx surveyed the quiet street. Everything seemed so peaceful and calm. Shadows fell over the sidewalk as the sun went down. The eerie tranquility felt wrong when she was so conflicted inside.

“Where do you think Molly is?” She kept her voice low just in case Anita was lurking.

“I don't know,” his tone was equally quiet.

It had been a few hours since they started to worry that Molly might be missing.

“She seemed to really like Ivan, maybe she ran off with him?”

Cole shook his head. “I haven't known her that long, but—

“You don't think Ivan could have taken her do you?”

“I want to say yes, but my gut says he probably had nothing to do with it.”

“You think her clowder caught up to her? But why not take Anita too?”

Cole shrugged. “Opportunity?”

It was obvious he struggled to come up with a better answer. Something popped into her mind. As she opened her mouth, but before she could get any words out, a van moving slowly down the street caught her attention. Although there were other houses on the street, it was the first moving vehicle she'd seen since they had come out onto the porch.

She raised her arm to point out the vehicle. “Cole?”

A shot rang out, the wood next to her face exploded, and searing pain sliced through her cheek.

“Onyx! Get down!” Cole dove into her, pushing her to the floor and covering her with his body.

The coppery scent of blood filled her nose, but not her blood. Cole's. Onyx howled with rage. Cole was hurt. More shots sounded, and Onyx struggled under the weight of his body. Shouts came from inside and footsteps pounded onto the porch. An engine roared and sped off down the street. Deacon's voice could be heard above all the other noise.

“Onyx! Are you okay? Cole?” Kipp was rattled.

“Cole, Cole.” Onyx wanted to shout, but her voice only came out shrill and unintelligible.

Cole shifted his body off her and smoothed his hand through her hair. “Are you all right?”

Onyx lifted her gaze to meet his. Cole was okay. She reached out and traced her hand over his face. He was okay. Gingerly Cole touched her cheek, and she winced.

“Splinter, hold still.” Cole pulled the slice of wood out of her cheek, and she bit her tongue to stop from screaming. “Thank God, it missed your eye.”

“Good God, Cole you're bleeding.” Anita actually sounded concerned. “You're okay, Onyx?” It seemed like more of a statement than a question, but Onyx answered anyway.


Anita nodded and turned around. Deacon, in jeans and nothing else, was coming back up the stairs out of breath and pissed off. “He got away. Plate was caked in mud.”

Oscar shook his head. “Bastards.”

Onyx reached out to touch Cole's arm. “You're bleeding.”

He inclined his head toward the wound. “It's nothing. Let's get you inside.”

With tenderness, Cole picked her up and cradled her to his chest. Onyx tightened her arms around his neck. “You don't have to carry me, Cole.”

“No, but I want to.”

Kipp, Deacon, and Anita parted to let them through. “Where's Martha? Is she okay?”

A flash of something lit up Anita's eyes. Deacon frowned and jogged back inside the house. They found Martha kneeling behind the sofa. Deacon was on his knees in seconds checking her over. “Are you okay?”

Onyx could see the young woman trembling from across the room. None of them were cut out for this. Now that she knew everyone at the house was safe, she lay her head back on Cole's shoulder and let him carry her upstairs.

Cole kicked open the door to their room and gently set her down on the bed. Through with being treated like the victim while her boyfriend was bleeding profusely, Onyx pounced up and shut the door. She grabbed Cole's hand and led him into the tiny adjoining bathroom.

“Onyx, I'm fine,” he protested.

“No, you're not. You're bleeding.” She firmly pressed on his shoulders until he sat on the closed toilet seat. Careful not to brush against the wound, she slipped his shirt off. The bullet had thankfully only grazed his bicep. They were both awfully lucky.

Once Onyx cleaned it up, she breathed a sigh of relief. Staring down into his eyes made Onyx feel safe again. The buzzing in her ears finally stopped. The searing pain in her cheek kicked in, and her mouth curved into a grimace.

Cole brushed her hair away from her cheek. “Let me clean this. It looks nasty.”

She tried to hold still while Cole cleaned the wound. A warm tingling sensation spread over her cheek, and she knew Cole's magic was working in tandem with the antiseptic.

She leaned down to rest her forehead against Cole's.

“I could have lost you, Cole,” her voice no more than a whisper.

Cole's voice came out equally choked, “I could have lost you.”

Onyx had an overwhelming need to wrap Cole in her arms, and never let go. She kissed the juncture between his neck and shoulder, and he sighed. A primal urge came over her. The need to mark Cole, claim him as hers. She opened her mouth and rested her teeth against his skin, lightly grazing him. Her tongue darted out to taste his flesh. Cole's arms tightened around her waist, and he pulled her down. The desire to mark him as hers, so strong she trembled. She nipped at his skin. He moaned, and she sucked at his flesh. It was probably a reaction to their near death experience, but she couldn't stop. His warmth tasted so good against her tongue.

God I love you.

She released her hold on him with a slick pop of her lips. “I love you too, Cole.”

Firm hands pressed her back a step, but she kept her hands on his shoulders for balance.

“Onyx, I didn't say that out loud.”

Chapter Thirteen

Sharp pounding against the door of their bedroom interrupted their conversation. They continued to stare at each other in disbelief.

“Downstairs in five. No time for nookie,” Anita's shrill voice brooked no argument. Cole sighed and nudged Onyx. With great reluctance, she let him go.

Cole! Cole, can you hear me?

No response. Could it be only she could hear him?

Onyx stood in the bathroom doorway and watched Cole move around the room. He was hers. She'd die before she let anything happen to him. Apparently, now they were closer than ever. Could it be from nipping his skin? She ran her tongue over her sharp incisors. She'd always shared a telepathic bond with other shifters while in her fur, but never before with Cole. He wasn't a shifter, but he was magical in his own right.

Cole slipped on a fresh shirt. Onyx bent over the sink to splash some cool water over her face. Her body still shook from the shooting. Did the adrenaline rush cause her to hear his thoughts?

“How nice of you to join us,” Anita's sarcastic tone set Onyx on edge the minute they came downstairs. To keep the peace, she kept her mouth shut. Only biting her lip so hard it hurt, stopped her from saying anything that would fan the flames.

Onyx looked around the room. Molly still wasn't here. She fought the urge to run from the house. A heaviness permeated the air, and something told her this meeting was going to be unpleasant. Now that the sun had set, the corners of the room were bathed in shadows. Onyx crossed the room to flip on the reading la

mp by the window. Standing by the window with the light bright at her back left her feeling exposed. She dropped the curtains and returned to the group.

Once she had everyone's full attention, Anita cleared her throat. “This was left on the back porch.” She tossed a blood-stained scarf on the coffee table. Martha gasped and started crying.

Deacon narrowed his eyes at Anita. “Have some tact, Anita.” Deacon shook his head and wrapped his arms around Martha.

Oscar jumped off the couch and grabbed the scarf, bringing it to his nose. Confused at first, Onyx took a closer look at the garment. She held out her hand to Oscar. Reluctantly, he let her take the scarf.

“This is mine. Molly borrowed it,” she whispered.

“Give the girl a prize.”

The edges of her vision went fuzzy for a moment. Onyx wanted to rip her claws through Anita's smug little—

Cole's hand squeezed hers, infusing his warmth and strength into her. The rage retreated.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

So he could hear her too. This was going to come in handy.

Anita watched Onyx with a puzzled expression. The wind had momentarily gone out of her sails for some reason.

Kipp finally jumped in to move things along. “Who sent it?”

Anita shook herself and looked at Kipp. “I don't know. I think someone left it during the shooting. Someone slipped it out back while we were occupied out front.” The others nodded. “We have a bigger problem though. We were all fine until she got here.” Anita pointed an accusatory finger at Onyx.

“What!?” Onyx started to stand, and Cole pulled her back down on the couch. Not now kitten, let's see how this plays out.

Onyx reluctantly reclaimed her spot next to Cole.

“Anita, what are you saying?” Kipp got up and stood in front of Onyx. The protective gesture wasn't lost on Anita, who threw her hands up in the air.

“This! This is exactly what I'm talking about. We didn't have bullets flying at us. Strange were-Lynxes didn't show up on our doorstep. We didn't go missing. Molly was wearing her scarf. They were probably trying to grab Onyx.”