With that, she slammed the door behind her. Cole sucked in a breath and ran his fingers through his hair. Why couldn't he have just kept his mouth shut? That damn flight attendant had been in his head ever since they got here. How ridiculous did they look together? He looked at himself in the mirror. For a hundred and something year old wizard, he looked damn good. No one had ever hinted they thought he was much older than the thirty-something he pretended to be. That line about Isobel, despite what she'd said, could it be that Onyx was jealous? That would be absurd. Before they ran into her the other night, he hadn't thought about Isobel in years. Onyx had nothing to fear, but fear and jealousy weren't really rational, were they?

He turned over the chance encounter in his mind again. It wasn't possible that Isobel had deliberately tracked him down, was it? She'd always been more politically connected to the magical community. It wouldn't surprise him if she knew about the werecat situation. He hadn't given much thought to her nasty verbal jabs at his “pet kitten.” Isobel had always been the jealous type. Now he wondered if he should have taken the rhetoric as a threat.

Sirens outside brought him out of his funk, and he looked out the window in alarm. How could he have let Onyx storm off like that? He had to go out and find her. Now. She wasn't safe out there on her own.

Once he snapped out of his panic, he realized as long as he found Onyx soon, she'd be fine. Thinking about Isobel made him curse himself for never telling her the dangers of encountering other magic-makers. Not all of them were like him. Most of them were opportunists. Isobel might not be the only threat. If another magic-maker realized what she was and snagged her for one of their freaky rituals, he'd never forgive himself. The many times they had walked around the city he'd never sensed another magical presence. Then again, that wasn't comforting since he had clearly missed Isobel's magical signature.

His brain was like a runaway train full of scenarios. Then another thought exploded into his head. Someone could take her for reasons that have nothing to do with magic. Bad things happened to pretty tourists all the time. Stupid! How could he have been so stupid to let her leave? No matter how mad she was, she never should have gone out on her own.

Why had he pushed her buttons like that? He knew she had a bad habit of storming off when pissed. Why hadn't he stopped her? Followed her out the door? He knew the answer. Even though she said the words in anger, part of him was afraid of what he would see. Would she go running into Kipp's arms for comfort? Great, now he had helped fulfill his worst fears.

Way to go, jackass.

Fed up with his own inaction, he grabbed the key card for the room and walked out the door. Just as he entered the hallway, he spotted Onyx walking toward him, carrying a grease-stained paper sack and two cups.

“Cole! I'm so sorry.” She hurried the rest of the way down the hall and flung herself at him. The scent of rich, aromatic coffee wafted up from the cups. He grabbed them from her to avoid wearing the drinks. She held the bag up in the air between them, and the sweet scent of fresh cornettos greeted his nose.

“Let's get inside.”

He led her into the room, and set her peace offering down on the table by the balcony.

She gently touched his arm. “I mean it.”

“I'm the one who's sorry. I came close to accusing you of something you would never do. Even if Kipp is attracted to you, it doesn't matter.” He pulled her into his embrace and kissed the top of her head when she snuggled up against him. She rubbed her forehead back and forth across his chest in what started out as a soothing motion and slowly turned into something much, much more.

Onyx felt foolish for her outburst. The childish way she took off annoyed her. But now Cole looked at her with nothing but love, and it melted her insides. He pulled her closer, pressing his lips against hers. The warmth of his crisp, clean scent invaded her senses, both calming and exciting her. The gentle slide of his tongue over her bottom lip made her whimper low in her throat. Teasingly, she then nipped him back. In response, he tipped his pelvis closer, rubbing his erection against her belly. A moan of approval escaped her, and she swiveled her hips against him, encouraging their little erotic dance.

Soft air brushed her skin as his fingers lifted her shirt and trailed over the curve of her hip to the dip of her waist and up her rib cage. He bent lower and pressed his mouth to her neck.

“Touch me Nyx,” he murmured against her ear. His tongue slid across the sensitive spot just below her earlobe. With trembling fingers, she pulled him closer, easing off his shirt and scrabbling with his belt. No matter how many times she saw his naked body, he was always magnificent. Lean, muscled, and all hers. There was nowhere else she'd rather be than wrapped in Cole's arms.

Once they reconnected, they got dressed and went to see more sites. Onyx was anxious about the nearing of the end of their vacation. They ran into Kipp downstairs. Mindful of Cole's feelings, Onyx stopped herself from greeting him with too much enthusiasm.

“I was going to have them ring your room, but my Italian isn't very good.” Kipp smiled sheepishly.

“Sure, what's up?” Onyx forced a casual smile on her face.

“Nothing, I wanted to invite you guys out tonight. A friend of mine from here told me about a great live band playing down on Via di Monte Testaccio.”

Onyx looked between Cole and Kipp. She didn't want to say yes if Cole wasn’t interested. Cole tipped his chin in an affirmative gesture, and she nodded at Kipp. “Sounds like fun. We haven't made it down there yet.”

“Well, it only gets cranking down there Thursday through Sunday, so you haven't missed much. But things don't heat up until after midnight, so you might want to take a nap.” He winked at Onyx, and heat blazed over her cheeks.

“Where do you want to meet?” Cole asked.

“I'll meet you guys here. Say eleven thirty?”

“Okay.” Onyx was excited. She never did anything like this at home. Cutting loose might be fun.

“Oh, and dress to impress.” Kipp flicked his hand at them in a mock salute and took off.

Except for her Senior Prom, Onyx had never been expected to dress to impress. Cole seemed amused by her concern. He patiently waited outside the dressing room while she tried on outfit after outfit. The saleswoman clearly considered her a bumpkin, but Cole charmed her, and she tolerated Onyx. Most of the clothes were skimpier than she was comfortable wearing in public. After a bunch of not-in-a-million-years outfits were rejected, one dress finally seemed right, and she swished the curtain aside to show Cole.

He sucked in a deep breath when he saw her. “That's something.”

Onyx peeked out of the dressing room, looking left and right before she stepped all the way out. “You don't think it's too much?”

“Not at all. You're lovely.”

The slinky, pale gold material shimmered under the store's bright lights. She had never worn a dress without sleeves or with such a deep plunging neckline. To keep it from being indecent, there was a skin-revealing mesh panel at the center of the bust. The back was made up entirely of the same mesh material. A bra would be impossible to wear, but she didn't need it. Cups were built into the dress. The mold and fit were perfect. The skirt dropped well above her knees in a blunt cut that would swing and twirl while she danced.

When she came out of the dressing room again in her regular jeans and T-shirt, Cole held out a pair of black and gold pumps.

“I love those!” She grabbed them and slipped out of her sandals, leaning on Cole's arm to hold herself up while she tried on the heels. They were high—higher than anything she had ever worn before. She took a few tentative steps feeling like Bambi on ice. The clerk rushed over and demonstrated how she should walk in them. Onyx felt like a horse, but the woman smiled and encouraged her. When she turned around, she found Cole watching her with an enigmatic smile playing over his lips.

As always, Onyx was something. The way she shimmied into her new dress made him consider staying in for the night. Her long, black hair

slid like silk over her shoulders. Nervous energy flowed from her in waves. One thing they needed to work on was her self-confidence. For some reason, she had this view of herself as some backward hick. He didn't see her that way at all. Besides being beautiful, she was sweet, articulate, and charming. Rather than unsophisticated, he found her unspoiled by the cynicism that colored most people these days. Her outlook and optimism was refreshing.

On the other hand, Kipp's low whistle when they met him downstairs was irritating. Cole's smile was so tight he thought his face might crack. He shook Kipp's hand just long enough so as not to be rude.

“Hey guys, this is my buddy, Clay. He's been showing me the hot spots while I've been here. Clay, these are my friends, Onyx and Cole.”

The look Clay gave Onyx before reaching out gingerly to shake her hand left Cole wanting to stuff his fist in the guy's throat. But he shook the kid's outstretched hand instead. Onyx wrapped her arms around him so she wouldn't stumble in the high heels. He enjoyed her warm body snuggled up close to his and held her tight as they made their way through the narrow, crowded streets.

“These cobblestones are ankle breakers,” she said in a breathy voice that told him she was paying fierce attention to each step.

Cole made a sound of agreement and silently wished they had just stayed in their hotel room. He would have much rather enjoyed having her parade around in the heels and nothing else for the rest of the night.

“Are you okay?”

Cole looked over at Onyx. “I'm fine, darling.”

“You seemed far away.”

“Nope. Right here.”

She breathed a sigh of relief and disentangled herself from him when they reached their destination. Onyx slipped her hand in his, and he gave it a gentle squeeze.

The club Kipp and his friend chose was loud, but Cole suspected that was true of all of them. The building used its small space economically. The decor done in elegant black and white with sweeping, curved walls, and lots of polished steel gave it a modern flair. The tables and chairs were few, but what they had were sturdy and inviting. The guys met up with a larger group. Everyone introduced themselves and said hello. Cole ordered a round of champagne for the table, determined to be jovial and sociable.

He sensed Onyx's eagerness to try out the dance floor and encouraged her to go. “I'm not much of a dancer,” he shouted over the throbbing music.

After their earlier fight, telling her to go dance with Kipp would let her know he trusted her. Within minutes, he gazed out at the sea of gyrating bodies spotting Kipp and Onyx in the crowd. Trust was overrated. He did not enjoy the sight of them moving together in time to the music.

“You're quite enamored of your little pet, Cole.” The delicate voice came from his left, and he whirled around.

“Isobel? What on earth are you doing here?”

His old lover slid into the chair next to him. “Taking a page from your book, trying out a younger model.” She jutted her chin in the direction of a muscular blond gentleman in his early twenties at the bar.

“Good for you.”

Together, they watched the crowd, an uncomfortable silence settling over the table.

Unable to hold in the burning question a moment longer, Cole blurted it out. “How is it that I haven't seen you in forty years, and now I've seen you twice since we've been in Rome?”

Isobel lifted her shoulders in an elegant imitation of a shrug. Irritating as hell. Even forty years later, she still managed to pique his anger.

“You stepped into my territory, Cole.”

“It was not my intention to encroach,” he said and managed to keep his voice even.

“I know. She's quite lovely. Why isn't she mated?” Isobel was always good at changing the subject. Cole groaned and ignored the question.

“Her shifter friend there seems quite taken with her, as well. You won't keep her for long, you know.”

“Thank you, Isobel.”

She reared back in mock offense. “Tsk, tsk, Cole. I'm not telling you anything you don't know. Have your fun, but she'll go back to her own kind. You will too.” Isobel reached out and traced a finger down his arm. Cole jerked his body out of her reach. He watched the corners of her mouth turn down then she pushed her chair back and stood.

“Time to collect my prize.” She glided out onto the floor, dodging hands and hips until she reached her young man. Heaven help the poor bastard.

The club was exhilarating. If only Cole would join her, things would be perfect. She searched for him in the crowd. The lights were blinding. Writhing bodies moved in and out of her way. She was dancing in a large group with Kipp, Clay, and his friends.

A guy danced up and greeted her in awkward Italian. Onyx shook her head. “You got room for one more?” He tried again.

“Keep moving, she's taken.” Kipp moved around her, slipping his hands over her hips, and the other guy danced off.

Onyx quirked an eyebrow at him.

“He's a pick-up artist.”

“You're good at keeping the unwanted advances away.”

Kipp smiled down at her. “I've got my work cut out for me tonight.”

They danced together easily. Kipp kept a respectable distance, which Onyx appreciated. He twirled her around the floor.

Onyx caught a glimpse of ice-blonde hair. A woman with stiff, elegant posture stood out in this crowd. Isobel. What the fuck is she doing here?

She planted her feet on the floor. Kipp noticed she stopped moving, and his gaze followed hers. The look on her face must have been fierce because Kipp backed away.

“You okay?”

“I'm fine.”

“Who's the babe talking to Cole?”

Onyx let out a growl, ignored Kipp's question, and attempted to push her way off the dance floor. Every way she turned, she kept getting boxed in. Dancers got in her way, or guys tried to grab her. By the time she found Cole again, Isobel was gone. Cole stood up and made his way into the crowd. When he reached her, he stood in front of her with his arms folded across his midsection. A small smile flickered over his sensuous lips. She instantly forgot her irritation at seeing Isobel.

With great care, she closed the distance between them, her hips swaying to the beat of the music. She reached up to twine her arms around his neck, and he moved his hand over the mesh panel between her breasts. He bent his head to her, sliding his hands around her back. His lips found hers, hot and demanding. She parted her lips, and he slid his tongue inside. For a moment, she forgot where they were, lost in the taste and touch of Cole.

A moan worked its way out of her throat. She pulled away, twisting her fingers in his shirt. The club had been fun, but now she wanted his hands on her naked skin. She spotted Kipp dancing with a new girl she didn't immediately recognize. Not her problem. She lifted her hand in a partial wave and led Cole from the floor out into the cool night. The erotic magic that had surrounded them a few minutes ago snapped.

“Was that Isobel I saw you talking to earlier?”

Cole's lips turned down. “Yes. She was here with a boy toy.”

“Copycat.” Onyx snickered.

A smile lifted the corners of Cole's sexy mouth, but he didn't say anything. They walked the rest of the way in silence. The minute they stepped into the hotel room, Cole yanked her against his body in one swift motion. Onyx gasped in surprise.

“You have no idea what watching you out on that dance floor did to me.”

A big grin spilled across her face, and she slid her hand down the front of his pants. “I have an idea.”

When he didn't stop her, she started peeling his clothes away. He grabbed her wrist and twirled her over to the bed. He sat down on the edge.

“Dance for me.”

Oh, she liked this. She worked the dress over her head and tossed it on the chair in the corner. She slipped her hands under the thin waistband of the tiny gold thong she wore and teased it from her body.

“Leave the shoes on, kitten.”


er Six

The rest of their trip flew by fast. Like good tourists, they indulged in some shopping. When Onyx thought she wouldn't be able to walk another step, they sat with the other tourists on the Spanish steps and surveyed the city. Once she got a second wind, they meandered to the Pantheon. Onyx found herself in awe of the well-preserved condition of the ancient building. Like the uncool tourist she'd tried hard not to look like, she craned her neck to stare at the oculus, swaying slightly on her feet.

“It's impressive, isn't it?” Cole whispered.

“Impressive doesn't really cover it.”

“It was built as a temple to all the gods of ancient Rome.”

“I can almost feel the power of it.”

Cole wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his chest.

The last place Cole wanted her to see before leaving was the Trevi fountain. The largest fountain in Rome featured Neptune, the God of the Sea, riding a chariot pulled by two sea horses. The sheer beauty and size of the fountain took her breath away.

Cole placed a coin in her hand and positioned her with her back to the fountain.

“Toss it in over your shoulder.”

She flicked the coin backward, giggling when she heard the splash.

“Was I supposed to make a wish?”

He took her hand and started leading her through the maze of streets back to their hotel. “No, the legend is that if you toss a coin in the fountain, you will return to Rome. I know we didn't get to do everything on your list, so I don't want to take any chances we wouldn't be back.”

Onyx couldn't help but chuckle at Cole's thoroughness. “Thank you.”

For their last meet up with Kipp, Onyx slipped into a pair of worn, comfortable jeans. She wrapped a wide, black leather belt around her waist. One of her favorite purchases from their earlier shopping excursion. She completed the outfit with a green tank top and black sandals. They met Kipp at a small cafe near their hotel the day of their flight. He was already seated when they arrived. An anxious look played across his face as he patiently waited for them to take their seats.