Chapter One

“Relax. Keep holding my hand.”

Onyx kept her eyes closed and squeezed Cole's hand so hard, she feared breaking it.

The plane kept hurtling down the runway, lifting into the air in what seemed like tiny increments. The gradual ascent both terrified and electrified her. Onyx had never flown before, a fact that was obvious to anyone within a five-foot radius of them. She loosened her grip on Cole's hand, embarrassed by her behavior. For God's sake, she was an adult. About to be a world traveler.

Time to woman-up!

Her spine stiffened. The plane dipped and shuddered as they hit turbulence, and she snapped her eyes shut, automatically grasping Cole's hand again. His soft chuckle both comforted and annoyed her.

Without opening her eyes, she muttered, “It's not funny.”

“You're cute.”

She opened one eye and wrinkled her nose at him.

“See? You're adorable.”

Deep breath. It isn't nice to bop your boyfriend on the nose in front of others.

When the plane achieved cruising altitude, the ride mellowed out, and Onyx let out a sigh of relief. Now she could concentrate on the Italian adventure ahead of her. A pang of sadness stabbed her heart. Her mother would be so proud of her. Only after her mother's death last year did Onyx discover how much her mother had always wanted to travel. Onyx pictured her mother's serene, smiling face, the woman who had instilled a love of learning and adventure in her.

Onyx took one more deep breath and opened her eyes. A little wriggle of her jaw helped her ears pop. Curiosity overwhelmed her, and she leaned over to take a look out the window. Sugary, white fluffy clouds. Nothing scary about fluffy clouds. Except flying above them. Onyx groaned and shut her eyes again.

Cole sensed Onyx's fear. It took everything in him not to pull her onto his lap and hold her tight. As usual, she brought out all of his protective instincts. However, he knew she would not appreciate being babied in front of a plane full of people. In the time they had been together, he found himself often struggling to give her independence while also trying to protect her from all threats. The last few months had not been easy on either of them.

“It will be nice to be so far away know, everything,” Onyx said in a hushed tone.

She was right. Not knowing where the Edmunds had disappeared to left Cole unsettled every time she went out on her own.

“We can relax and let our guards down a little,” he agreed, knowing exactly what she referred to.

To give Onyx a fighting chance against any future threats, he began teaching her some spells. Even a little magic might help her protect herself if someone tried to harm her when he wasn't around. Maybe the shifter in her helped the magic come so easily. She adapted quite well to her training.

Onyx leaned over. “Not that I want to bring up unpleasant topics at the start of our trip, but do you think we could stop by my parents' house when we get back?”

Cole turned toward her as much as the small plane seat would allow. “Of course, we can. Is there something specific you want to grab?”

She shrugged. “Just some summer clothes.”

Cole nodded and squeezed her hand as the plane rumbled from turbulence. Twice, he had taken her back to her Catcall Falls so she could collect her belongings from her childhood home. Even though he remained on high alert each time, nothing had happened. Silence ruled the tiny, insulated, little town. With their leaders gone, everyone kept to themselves.

Onyx received a few brief messages from Denny and Bess letting her know they were okay, but never disclosing their whereabouts. Cole got the impression they were constantly on the move, never settling for too long in one spot, lest his parents catch up with them. He didn't blame them, even though he knew it wasn't a long-term solution.

The biggest mystery of them all—where had the Edmunds disappeared to? Cole had put out feelers to his meager magical contacts and gotten back zip. Their hiding place remained a well-kept secret. Most likely they were not on their own. The were community was large, spread out, and very secretive. They sheltered and protected their own, which made it next to impossible to glean information about two higher-ups on the run. Onyx seemed to have put most of it out of her mind. She'd channeled her grief into focusing all her attention on her studies ending up with high grades in all her courses.

Onyx turned and looked at him, a serious expression clouding her face. “If I haven’t said it before, thank you for surprising me with this trip. You know how much it means to me, right?”

“It's your reward for doing so well this semester despite everything you've been through.” Cole leaned over and kissed the side of her head. “Besides, you need a break.” The last year had been nothing but sadness and stress. He wanted her to experience beauty and joy.

Onyx looked at him and quirked her eyebrow. “What's wrong?” She elbowed him gently, a soft smile playing over her lips. The expression on her face was so similar to how she'd looked at him while they were making love this morning, it sent a streak of white-hot lust coursing through his body.

He leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Want to join the mile-high club?”

She burst into giggles. “I think that's a myth, Professor.”

He loved the sexy, teasing way she called him that, even though technically he was not her professor anymore. Nor was he her advisor, as he'd been when they met. They had not publicly declared their relationship to the university, but they took steps to avoid any appearance of impropriety in case they were ever found out. At least he'd gotten her to laugh and taken her mind off her fear of flying—if only for a moment.

Onyx wanted to jump up and run off the plane the minute it landed. She restrained herself, but only because she bonked her head the minute she stood up.

“Ow!” She winced and reached up to gingerly rub her scalp.

Cole leaned over and kissed her head. “You need ice?”

“No. Maybe some more kisses, though.”

“I can do

that,” he said in a low, smooth voice that made her want to purr.

He stepped out and started pulling their bags out of the overhead compartment. When they were sure they had everything, they waited for a break in the flow of traffic and headed off the plane. Their flight attendant nodded at them.

“I hope you and your daughter have a lovely vacation, sir.”

Onyx must have heard wrong. She looked behind her to see if the woman had addressed someone else.

Next to her, Cole tensed and flashed the woman a tight smile.

Onyx grabbed his hand and glared at the woman. “He's my boyfriend, you old bat.”

Cole tugged on her hand. He ducked under the tiny plane door and pulled her into the tunnel that would lead them into the airport.

Onyx snuck a glance over her shoulder, but the flight attendant had disappeared. Rude.

“Can you believe that woman?”

Cole laughed. “It's not a big deal. Don't let it ruin our trip.”

No, it wouldn't ruin her trip. Nothing could ruin their trip. Onyx was determined to enjoy herself. She didn't care what anyone thought about their relationship, but she suspected the age difference bothered Cole. Therefore, the slight bothered her. She forced the unpleasantness away, and let the feeling of being a world away wash over her. She was out of Catcall Falls! Out of her home state, and her home country. The sensation of being so far away from home was exhilarating.

“Are you okay?” Cole's voice broke into her thoughts.

“I'm wonderful! I'm with you, far away from home. I couldn't be happier.”

Her breath caught as Cole's lips curved into a tender smile. She lifted her hand to caress his cheek. The rough stubble prickled her hand, but she loved the scruffy perfection it gave his face.

“Thank you for bringing me here.”

Determined to do things right, Cole had hired a car to take them to their hotel. Onyx appreciated the slow acclimation into the busy city. A far cry from the prosaic little town she'd grown up in, the frenzied traffic intimidated her. The way the driver treated the center line of the road as more of a loose guideline freaked her out. The red traffic lights also seemed to be optional to the many zooming taxi drivers. She couldn't imagine attempting to drive in this chaos.

Chapter Two

“Cole! This place is gorgeous!” Onyx scanned the hotel room and ran to the balcony overlooking the city. She threw open the doors and stepped outside. The location of their hotel meant they could walk out the front door right into the heart of the city. She couldn't ask for a more perfect setting.

The thump of bags made her turn around. Cole tipped the bellboy, speaking to him in fluid Italian. Onyx had listened to a few instructional Italian lessons in anticipation of their trip. But none of it had stuck, so most of the conversation sailed over her head. The man looked pleased and nodded at them while he backed out the door.

She studied Cole standing at the door. Suddenly the view was the last thing on her mind. Still feeling gritty from the long trip, she tipped her head toward the open door she hadn't yet inspected. A hot shower, or her hot man? No reason she couldn't have both.

Using her best seductive voice, she called his name. He turned in response, but before he could answer, there was a knock at the door. Room service was surprisingly quick here. The girl who brought their order was tiny and nervous. Before she got both feet in the door, she managed to tip one of the cups on her tray all over Cole's shirt. He jumped back in reaction to the hot liquid spreading down his chest. The girl began speaking in rapid-fire Italian, and Onyx didn't need to understand the language to realize she was apologizing profusely.

Gracious as always, Cole shrugged it off, reassured the young lady, and closed the door. As soon as the lock clicked, he stripped off his shirt, flicking moisture off his chest. Werecat hormones had nothing to do with the reaction his naked torso elicited from Onyx. Over the past few months, she had discovered that CR-1 was, in fact, a type of hormonal birth control. Using it allowed her to know the difference between her animal instincts and human desires. She had an overwhelming reaction to the man she loved. A tingling feeling spread through her as she watched a half-naked Cole move through their hotel room. Still distracted by the wet shirt, he didn't notice her advancing on him until she reached out to brush her fingertips over his bicep.

“My, my, Professor, you're all dirty,” she put a little extra purr into her voice. “Want to get dirtier?” She bumped him with her hip to punctuate her words, not that Cole was dense. He knew what she wanted.

He reached out, wrapped his hand around her arm then pulled her close. Molten sensation rushed through her body. She reached out and ran her tongue over the hard muscles of his chest.

“Mmmm, hot chocolate.”

He lifted one corner of his mouth. “You're a naughty little kitten.”

“Is that a problem, Professor?” She laced her fingers through his and tugged him toward the bathroom. “Let's get you clean.”

“Not so fast, kitten.” Cole pulled her backward, pressing her back against him. He slid his arms around her waist, and she tilted her head back. He took the invitation and bent down to kiss her neck.

She arched her back and pressed her bottom against him. In response, Cole reached down and started fiddling with her pants. Now she had him right where she wanted him. She wriggled out of his grasp and headed to the bathroom. Before he caught up with her, she had a moment to marvel at the spacious bathroom with its large glass-enclosed shower. He grabbed her around the waist and walked her backward until the cold edge of the sink pressed against the backs of her thighs.

“Gotcha,” he whispered. In a controlled move, he gripped her hips and spun her around to face the mirror. This time she couldn't get away. With determination, he stripped her out of her pants and eased her shirt over her head. He swept her hair to one side and leaned forward, pressing her tight against the vanity. His mouth was just inches from the delicate spot where her neck met her shoulder. Hot, moist breath skittered over her skin. A delicious shiver ran through her body in reaction to his touch.

Onyx leaned back, the steel comfort of Cole's hard, warm body embracing her. With reverence, he pressed his lips to her skin. She tilted her head further to the side to give him access to her throat and shoulder. Whisper-soft kisses trailed over her bare skin. In response, her nipples tightened, longing for his touch.

“Cole,” she said, his name a sigh on her lips.

He released his hold on her hair, the strands cascading down, tickling the top of her arm and ribs. He slid his hands from her hips, up over her arms, to her shoulders. He tipped her chin up so she was staring at their reflection in front of her. The smoldering look in his eyes made her knees weak. His hands drifted down to cup her breasts, with the lightest of touches he rolled and pinched her nipples between his thumb and index finger. She closed her eyes and threw her head back.

“No, I want you to watch.”

Confused, she opened her eyes. Reflected back at her was the erotic sight of his tanned arms against her pale skin. A low moan escaped her throat. The corners of his mouth tipped up in a wicked grin. He traced his fingers down over her hips, tickling her belly with his soft touch. His lips found the curve of her neck, and he pressed gentle, yet burning kisses into her skin. She reached one hand back and slid her fingers into his thick, dark hair keeping him close.

“More.” She sighed.

A devious chuckle in response. “Can you handle more, kitten?”

She sighed, beyond words at this point. Warm, sensual kisses stirred her skin. She twisted her fingers in his hair, letting him know that yes, she could handle more. He nipped her shoulder, and she moaned. Shivers of delight raced down her back from only his touch. His fingers tweaked her nipples, alternating between gentle, playful caresses and sharp tugs.

She continued viewing him in the mirror. Watched as his hand inched down to her mound. A twinge of excitement rushed through her. Her clit ached for his touch. Behind her, his kne

e nudged her thighs apart. He reached down to part the folds of her pussy, caressing her outer lips then delving inside. The sensations so delightful, she couldn't help but close her eyes. When her knees buckled, Cole's strong arm around her waist held her up. His groin pressed against her backside, and she rubbed herself against him. He responded by fingering her clit in a slow up and down motion that left her breathless.


He brought one hand to her hip and pulled her toward him while his other hand continued to pleasure her. To give him better access, she inched her feet apart. Her legs trembled, and she arched her back, needing him inside of her. He continued to stroke her, each touch so pleasurable her knees shook. Each brush of his fingers brought her closer to the edge. She looked up to find him watching her in the mirror. They locked eyes.

“You're so beautiful.” He kissed the smooth column of her neck.

She pressed back against him harder, arching her back. Crisp hairs tickled her behind as she wriggled and teased. Her breath caught in her throat as Cole reached between them and positioned himself. He placed both hands on her hips, sinking into her bringing intense pleasure. Their eyes met in the mirror once again. The intensity of being so connected rocked her to her core. He was hard and warm deep inside. He began to ease in and out, back and forth. Onyx let go, placing her hands onto the cool marble of the vanity, pressing herself back, meeting Cole thrust for thrust.

“Harder,” she ground out.

Their flesh slapped together as he wedged himself deeper inside.

“Yes. Don't stop, Cole. I'm so close.” Her voice came out in breathy little sobs.

His hips continued pounding into her, giving her everything she needed. Her inner muscles clenched tight around him. Heat shot through her, scalding her from the inside out. She tossed her head from side to side. Her orgasm roared and exploded. He paused while she continued to pulse and shudder around him. Aftershocks of pleasure floated through her body. Cole wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his forehead on her shoulder.