“Shoot, that’s creepy,” Dawson mutters. “All right.” He claps his hands together. “Here’s what’s gonna happen. Bane’s stickin’ with ya tonight and until Greg figures something else out. You’re not to go anywhere without him. Understood?”

His tone leaves me feeling like a naughty puppy who peed on the carpet. “Thank you, Dawson.” I peek up at Bane. His severe expression softens. “Thank you, Bane.”

Dawson glances around my dressing room. “Where’s Logan?”


“You tell him ’bout this?”

“I just opened it. But I don’t want him to worry.” I shrug. “I’ve gotten stuff like that before.”

“If it was me, I’d wanna know.” Dawson holds up his hands. “Not sticking my nose in your personal business. Just sayin’.”

“Thanks, Dawson.”

He slaps Bane’s shoulder. “Stay on her.”

“You got it.”

Bane parks himself on the couch facing the door after Dawson leaves.


Cindy goes back to work on my hair.

My phone chirps and for the first time ever, I hesitate to pick it up. That letter rattled me more than I want to admit. Or maybe I’m uncomfortable having Bane watch my every move.

I flick the screen on to find a text from Rooster.

Rooster: I miss you.

Me: Miss you too.

Rooster: Love you. Be awesome tonight, chickadee.

A few seconds later, a selfie of Rooster pulling a sad face appears on my screen.

I finally smile.

“Did you tell him?” Cindy asks.

I set my phone in my lap facedown.

Fear swoops into my belly again. A few seconds of texting with Rooster and I forgot all about the creepy letter. What can I do, though? If I tell him, he’ll want to race right out here and beat someone up. While that might make me feel better, I can’t make him drop everything and come hold my hand every time some psycho sends me a note.

“Nah I told you, it’s probably harmless. No need to make him worry.”

Wow, that almost sounded believable.Chapter Forty-FiveRooster

It’s late when I return to the Virginia clubhouse. Parking lot’s full of brothers and the usual assortment of visitors—hanger-ons, club girls, and prospects.

Jigsaw’s heavy boots crunch over the gravel. He slaps my shoulder. “How’d it go?”


“Take a detour? What took so long?”

I give him a hard look meant to shut him up and hook my arm around his neck, pulling him in close. “Met up with Z and Rock. Heads-up about what’s going on here,” I say against his ear.

“I missed ya, bro, but no need to slobber on me.” He shoves me away but gives me a quick nod to acknowledge what I said.

Music and loud voices from the clubhouse pour into the night.

“All the stuff came,” Jigsaw says. “I didn’t want to mess with it, but it’s locked up at the house.”


As I step into the clubhouse, someone lets out a ‘cock-a-doodle-doo’, alerting the whole place that I’ve returned.

“Welcome back, brother!” Ice shouts.

The brothers and even a few of the girls surrounding him lift their arms in the air and cheer.

I walk up to Ice and slap his outstretched hand. “Missed me that much, huh?”

“Don’t worry. Anya said Jigsaw held things together.”

I wasn’t worried but okay.

Anya pops up at Ice’s side. “Do you think we can be ready to open the online store by Friday?”

Sure fucking hope so. Shelby’s supposed to roll into town late Thursday night or early Friday morning. After her shows and couple days off, I’m planning to follow her out of here. “Sholdn’t be a problem.”

“What’s the hurry?” Ice asks.

“I set up that interview.” Anya pouts. “I need you to take me there Thursday morning.”

“No can do.” Ice shakes his head and doesn’t offer any more of an explanation for his refusal.

Her bottom lip quivers and the corners of her mouth turn down. Is she going to cry? I don’t wanna see this.

“Please?” she whines. “I’m worried they’re gonna be dicks.”

“I really can’t.” Ice turns to me. “You mind taking her? She’s got this thing with the radio station.”

“The DJs are really crude and gross,” Anya explains. “But their audience is basically who I’m trying to target.”

“Yeah.” I glance at Jigsaw. Speak up anytime, bro. “One of us can do it.”

Never mind that it’s not what I signed up for on this trip and Ice has an entire clubhouse of other brothers he could ask.

She claps her hands together. “Thank you. I’ll feel better having you there.”

“No problem.”

“Thanks, Rooster.” Ice pats my back and moves on to talk to someone else. Jigsaw catches Shonda’s eye and swaggers her way. Lord help the woman.

I’m really not in the mood to party, especially since I need to have all this stuff set up before the weekend.

I take Anya aside.

“Are you sticking around tonight?” I ask her.

She bats her eyelashes a few times and answers in a breathy voice. “I can if you want me to.”

Yeah, no.

“I could use your help with some of the website sign-ups,” I clarify so there are no misunderstandings about my expectations.