I snap the trunk closed and hoist it into my arms.

“I can ask Trent to bring the hand cart down,” she offers.

I’m insulted she thinks I can’t carry her coffin-sized trunk of dresses and shoes. “The one with the flamingo stickers all over it? Pass.”

“My stickers are adorable.” She pouts as she slips the straps of her backpack on.

“You’re adorable.” Can’t take my damn eyes off her.

“Hey,” I wait until she lifts her gaze, “come here.”

She stops in front of me and peers up. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Kiss me.” Holding the trunk out of her way, I lean over and steal a quick kiss. “That’s better.”

“Was that okay?” Her nervous gaze darts to the shaggy olive green couch and back.

I laugh so hard the trunk slides from my grip and I catch it with my knee. “Anytime you feel like jumping on my cock, say the word.” I tilt my head toward the door. “Let’s go.”

Thank fuck I paid attention when Trent brought me down here. Shelby turns left instead of right. Clearly, she has no clue where she’s going.

“All these places look the same after a while,” she says when I question her.

“I know. But you should pay better attention. I can’t have you getting lost when you’re someplace unfamiliar.”

She squints at me.

Yeah, that sounded harsher than I meant. “Not trying to be bossy.”

“And yet, you’re so good at it.”Shelby

Tonight, the wrongness of leaving the tour doesn’t chase me from the arena. My show kicked ass. I’m entitled to have a night with my boyfriend.

The hotel Rooster chose is the fanciest place I’ve ever been. The valet allows Rooster to leave his bike right in front and opens the door to the hotel for us. Several uniformed employees offer respectful low-toned greetings.

“Where’d you find this place?” I whisper once we’re alone in the mirrored elevator.

“The magic of the Internet?” He shrugs. “We don’t have much time together. I wanted to take you someplace nice.”

My pulse pounds harder. I open my mouth but the words in my heart stick in my throat. “You’ve never really told me what you do,” I say instead.

The elevator chimes and the doors open. Our floor has thick carpet that mutes our steps. We’re not far from the elevator when Rooster stops and slides the key card into the panel on the door.

“To afford a place like this,” I continue.

“I’m a simple man, Shelby. If I was by myself, I’d probably camp outside or check into the first place I saw.”

I shudder at the word camping. “Humans evolved for a reason, ya know. Sleeping outside is like flippin’ off all our ancestors who busted their butts to learn how to build houses and stuff.”

He roars with laughter. “You like nature. I’ve taken you to a few bonfires.”

“Yeah, bonfires near a dwelling with indoor plumbing.”

He chuckles and hooks his arm over my shoulders. The room’s even nicer than I expected. A wall of windows looks out over the harbor, and I’m instantly drawn to it. Rooster flicks on the lamps, and in the glass I follow his reflection as he pulls out his phone, and taps out a message or two.


He glances up and flicks his phone off. “Sorry, I wanted to send that video to your mom before I forgot.”


My heart pounds for different reasons. First, that he’s so sweet he remembered to film me singing with Dawson, knowing that my mom would want to see the clip. Second, now she’ll know Rooster’s visiting me on the road and I can—

My phone buzzes in my pocket.

Expect a call from her any second.

“Guess she got the video,” I mumble.

He chuckles and drops into one of the chairs to unlace his boots.

“Hey, Momma,” I answer. What are the odds she’ll be happy I’m with a man who’s worried about sending her videos? Every other boyfriend I’ve had acted like I hatched from an egg.

“Why is Rooster still on tour with you?”

“Hello, to you too.” While the room’s all kinds of fancy—from the plush carpet to the television that raises out of a platform at the end of the bed—it doesn’t offer enough privacy for this phone call.

I wander down the line of windows until I’m in the opposite corner from Rooster.

“Don’t sass me,” she says.

I turn so I’m facing the wall and lower my voice. “He wasn’t far from this show and came to visit me, that’s all.”

“Shelby.” She sighs. “We talked about this.”

“No, you talked. I listened.” I lower my voice. “Then I followed my heart.”

“Hearts are foolish. Listen to your head like I taught you.”

“Well, my head’s thinking, my momma oughtta be a little more grateful someone even thought to take a video and remembered to send it without me even asking.” Each word shoots out of my mouth like a bullet.

She’s silent. Holy hell, did I finally win an argument with my mother?