“Hey, good to see you,” I say, and we share a quick handshake.

“I’m taking him to Shelby,” Trent says.

Dawson backs up a step. “Don’t let me stop ya.”

Smart man.

Finally, Trent stops at a white door with a gold star smack in the middle. About time someone acknowledges her properly.

He knocks twice and pushes the door open. “Catch you later.” He doesn’t bother sticking around. Not that I’m complaining.

My gaze lands on Shelby. Hair in a half-up style, long curls spilling over her bare shoulders. Thin straps hold up a black dress with big blue flowers. Tight on top with a skirt that flares out. A wide, shiny blue belt accentuates her waist. Might as well be a sign announcing, “Rooster’s hands go here.”

Her face explodes into a radiant smile the second our eyes meet. Her eyes shining brighter than the damn sun. Something shifts inside my chest. Thaws.

I put that look on her face.

“Logan.” She rushes forward, hitting me square in the chest and wrapping her arms around me. “I’m so happy to see you.”

I squeeze her just as tight and move us out of the doorway, kicking the door shut. “Did I miss your pre-show yoga routine?”

She laughs and hugs me tighter. “Sorry. Next time.”

ShelbyRooster’s actually here. His warm, solid, comforting body. My heart’s all frantic, performing a happy two-step.

After a few seconds, I step back and peer up at him.

“Cindy’s coming back to do my lipstick later.” I blush and glance down. “I wanted to be able to kiss the hell out of you when you got here.”

“Well, get kissing, chickadee.”

I throw my arms around his neck, leaning up to press my lips to his. He meets me halfway, responding with the same intensity.

He groans and draws back, resting his hands on my shoulders to hold me at arm’s length. “Let me look at you.”

I glance down at my dress and wrap my hands up in the puffy skirt, swinging it from side to side. “I hope it looks more rock-country than square dance.”

The corners of his mouth lift. “You look cute and sexy.”

“That works.” I’m nervous and can’t stop moving.

“What’s wrong?” he asks.

“I’m anxious tonight. Don’t know why.”

Actually, except for the shows in New York, I’ve been like this every night since the tour started. None of my yoga, meditation, or pre-show routines helps quell the storm the way Rooster’s presence does. But I can’t admit that. I don’t want to sound like a scared little girl who can’t handle her business.

“It’s a big arena,” he says.

“Yeah, that’s probably part of it.”

“When is Cindy coming back?”

“An hour or so, I think.”

“Plenty of time.” He pulls me into the bathroom and locks the door. This one’s a lot cleaner and neater than the last few have been.

“Time for what?” I really don’t have to ask. His smile is pure seduction, his eyes full of smoldering heat.

A long mirror lines the wall. Rooster turns me to face it, slipping his arms around my waist and leaning down to kiss my neck and shoulder. “Missed you.”

I sigh and rest my head against his chest. “Missed you more than I thought was possible,” I whisper.

He slides his hands down my belly and over my dress, slowly lifting the skirt. Rough hands glide up my thighs.

A smile teases over my lips. I open my eyes and peer up at him. “What are you doing?”

“Helping you relax.”

His fingers skim the waistband of the little shorts I’m wearing under my dress and I jump. “That’s going to get me more worked up.”

“Shh.” Warm breath skates over my shoulder. Beard whiskers tickle my skin. Lips kiss and suck at my neck. His fingers travel lower, and he rumbles with laughter. “Shorts and panties.”

“You can never been too careful covering the goods.”

He hums. “I approve.”

“I wasn’t asking.”

He rumbles with more laughter and slides his hand lower.

“Oh!” I gasp, and my body jolts as he rubs the material directly over my clit.

“These are already wet.” His voice drops to a seductive rasp.

“Second I saw you.” My breathing picks up. “That feels nice.”

“Nice, huh? I can do better than nice.”

My hips jerk as if my body understood his words and wholeheartedly agrees.

“Spread your legs,” he demands.

“You make those words so sexy.”

He kisses my neck up to my earlobe and nips. A shiver of pleasure shoots down my back and I hurry to move my feet apart.

A soft whine spills out of me as he sneaks his fingers under my panties.

“I can’t wait to fuck you later,” he whispers against my ear.

I suck in a sharp breath. “Me too.”

He slides one finger between my lips, teasing. “Gonna eat your pussy first.”

I can’t form any words but I nod eagerly.

“You like that, don’t you?”

“Yes. God, yes. You’re the best I’ve—” I snap my mouth shut. Don’t compare him to anyone else!